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  • Thema: Piwik Analytics 0.6.3 veröffentlicht


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    Piwik Analytics 0.6.3 veröffentlicht
    am: 23. Juni 2010, 08:53:35
    Piwik, die Alternative zu Google Analytics, hat das Update auf die Version 0.6.3 herausgegeben.

    We have just released Piwik 0.6.3, a maitenance release with a some exciting new features.

    • NEW! Goal Plugin is now stable and enabled by default
      We have finished the work on the Goal plugin backend and User Interface. You can now create several Goals by website (eg. ‘Read my page About’ matching url ‘/about/’).

      For each Goal, you will get reports of how the Goal conversions are performing over the last few days or months, but also across your segments: countries, server time, keywords, search engine, website, campaign keyword, etc.
      The Goal overview dashboard gives you a quick overview of all your Goals and you can view detailed reports for each goal.
      Advanced users can also specify a value for each Goal (eg. the Goal ‘Newsletter subscribe’ is worth $1). For Ecommerce items or items with a dynamic price, you can also set the exact price by using the Javascript API function trackGoal().
      You can check out the full user documentation about Tracking Goals in Piwik,
    • Piwik Archiving script on Windows, scaling Piwik on Windows just did get a lot easier as Piwik now  comes with a PowerShell script that you can use to perform the archiving  process.
      Check out the updated How to setup Piwik for larger websites which now includes instructions for Windows users.
    • The Visitor Generator, a new Plugin that replaces the former   generateVisits.php has been added to the core (but plugin is disabled by default) and allows the superuser   to generate fake visit data. This is useful if you want to see in more details how Piwik works without real data, and very useful for developers working and testing Piwik.
    For Piwik users updating to 0.6.3

    • Known bug: on the Piwik dashboard in 0.6.3, you might see a “Widget not found”.
      Please remove this widget and add the same widget “Visits> Last Visits graph” again after the Piwik update.
    • User affected by “Piwik 1 is available” message: Users affected are running PHP 5.2.0 (and above) with either  safe_mode  enabled or open_basedir set, and using the curl extension. You can patch your existing Piwik installation manually since the “one-click” update would fail in this case. We recommend  that affected 0.6.2 users replace piwik/core/Http.php with the new version.
      Note: You may have to wait up to 8 hrs for the cached version number  to update.
    List of tickets closed in this milestone

    • #774       Finish the Goal Tracking plugin
    • #1152     Deprecate redundant use of plugin getName()
    • #1351     Check and translate errors/exceptions displayed on screen or returned in API calls
    • #1371     generateVisits.php – idSite parameter never in request, defaulting to idSite = 1
    • #1372     Failing requests are not handled properly (jsoncallback, Content-Type, HTTP code)
    • #1374     VisitorGenerator plugin
    • #1386     Update to Zend Framework 1.10.5
    • #1389     Sparklines in Visitors>Overview>Bounce rates does not work (regression)
    • #1390     Use UNSIGNED INT for ip
    • #1391     Update script typos
    • #1392     remove seekport search engine
    • #1393     sendHttpRequest() erroneously returning “1″
    • #1394     changes to search engine
    • #1399     Browsers by Family: pie chart too small; bar chart labels overlap
    • #1402     Unnecessary code in Login/Controller logme()
    • #1408     New Search engine:
    • #1410     E_STRICT – Declaration of Piwik_Archive_Array::loadMetadata() incompatible
    • #1412     Fatal error: Class ‘Piwik_Common’ not found in … core/Piwik.php on line 0
    • #1413     UserAgentParser: Safari 4.1 and 5 released
    • #1414     Update to jQuery UI 1.8.2
    • #1415     Handle misconfigured config directory and file permissions
    • #1416     IIS: web.config only allows installation in /piwik subdir
    • #1418     UserAgentParser: handling malformed user agents
    • #1420     Actions -> Pages hangs (Loading…)
    • #1421     Handling/Detecting eval() disabled by suhosin
    • #1426     Google Earth 5.2 – embedded webkit browser
    • #1427     User settings configuration report table is not bounded
    • #1428     The Actions> Page URLs and Page titles reports should have pagination
    • #1431     Flock now based on Chromium and Webkit
    • #1433     ArchiveProcessing unit test failing
    • #1437     Fatal Error in archiver with Turkish locale
    • #1439     Handle using php-cgi
    • Updated Bulgarian, German, Greek, French, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian translations
    Note: you might encounter in some rare cases, the known bug Call to undefined method  Piwik::getLoginPluginName()

    Den ganzen Artikel lesen.

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    Piwik Analytics 0.6.3 veröffentlicht
    Antwort #1 am: 23. Juni 2010, 13:23:35
    Danke für den Hinweis Tomcraft.

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