  • Die modified eCommerce Shopsoftware ist kostenlos, aber nicht umsonst.
  • Damit wir die modified eCommerce Shopsoftware auch zukünftig kostenlos anbieten können:
  • Thema: Greetings from Frankfurt


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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #15 am: 03. Mai 2010, 21:20:22
    Good luck. ;-)

    Best regards


    Managed Server


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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #16 am: 04. Mai 2010, 09:25:31
    Hi Torsten,

    thank you for the helpful links. I think I now have enough info to start the transition. I will keep you informed on my progess . . .

    Good night,


    Hello Jim,

    welcome to the best forum for xtc there is. As you might have noticed, all people here who are involved are very friendly and helpful. I am a new member too and have gotten good help from these people.

    Best Regards


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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #17 am: 04. Mai 2010, 17:24:18
    Hi Raymond,

    Thank you! I totally agree with you on that. Everybody is nice and helpful and this is what will make this forum a success.

    Us online shop people realize just how important a well-working shop software is for a successful and profitable e-commerce business.

    We all have so much to do, with ordering products, packing boxes, answering e-Mails, taking care of the telephone calls, doing taxes, taking care of customer returns, ect., ect., ect., that the least of our worries should be the shop software itself.

    I truly believe that modified eCommerce Shopsoftware will meet this goal.

    Kind regards,



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    Antwort #18 am: 04. Mai 2010, 19:21:52
    You won't be disappointed. ;-)

    Best regards



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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #19 am: 05. Mai 2010, 06:31:19
    Hello Jim and Torsten,

    I have tried other shop software before and was not happy with it. I tried oscommerce, oxid esales twpshop and even the xtcommerce itself. I bumped onto this group and made my life much easier. Easy to understand and good support. I can now really focus on other things and not have to worry about if the shop works or not.

    Best Regards


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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #20 am: 05. Mai 2010, 20:54:27
    Hi Raymond,

    I originally started with 3.03, continued up to 3.04SP2.1, got really excited about 3.04SP2.2, and then everything suddenly stopped. SP2.2 stayed in Beta and didn't move.

    I then found out about Christian Jung's work, downloaded a copy and ran some of the files through WinMerge and really liked what I saw.

    (Just as a bit of side-info, when I first started out with 3.03 I didn't know a thing about HTML, CSS, PHP, Smarty, MySql, SEO, ect. and then all of a sudden I was confronted with either do some quick learning or die! So, I bought all kinds of books about this stuff and ended up learning a whole new way of looking at the web. Kind of cool, in a way).

    Anyway, Christian started, Torsten and his guys are continuing. The community is contributing, and the software is moving foward at a speed that is slow enough that everybody can keep up and not be overwhelmed.

    Like you said in your last sentence:  "I can now really focus on other things and not have to worry about if the shop works or not"

    This sums up what us e-com shop people really want.

    Kind regards,



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    Antwort #21 am: 05. Mai 2010, 23:54:03
    This sums up what us e-com shop people really want.

    That was exactly my motivation when I started this. ;-)

    Build from "shop people" for "shop people". ;-)

    Best regards



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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #22 am: 06. Mai 2010, 08:42:46
    Like you said in your last sentence: "I can now really focus on other things and not have to worry about if the shop works or not"

    This sums up what us e-com shop people really want.

    All we need now is some paying customers.

    By the way Jim, where are you from.

    Best Regards


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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #23 am: 06. Mai 2010, 18:39:26
    Build from "shop people" for "shop people". ;-)

    I like that, it almost sounds like a slogan :B

    Ray, I am originally from Wisconsin, lived a while in South Carolina, then Georgia, followed by Heidelberg, and ended up in Frankfurt.

    Kind regards,



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    Antwort #24 am: 06. Mai 2010, 19:25:13
    Maybe we should start talking german as it looks like you will stay in Frankfurt for a while. ;-)

    Best regards



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    Antwort #25 am: 06. Mai 2010, 19:42:59
    Dear Jim

    It will be a pleasure to welcome you to ore community meeting in September: eCommerce Shopsoftware-community-treffen-vom-24-26-spetember-2010





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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #26 am: 07. Mai 2010, 09:44:02
    I like that, it almost sounds like a slogan :B

    Ray, I am originally from Wisconsin, lived a while in South Carolina, then Georgia, followed by Heidelberg, and ended up in Frankfurt.

    Kind regards,


    Well thats great Jim, I for myselfe have lived in Berlin, California, Berlin, Maryland and since 92 Regensburg. My folks still live in New Jersey (Ft. Dix)


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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #27 am: 07. Mai 2010, 13:27:23
    Maybe we should start talking germen as it looks like you will stay in Frankfurt for a while. ;-)

    Torsten, I will post in German in the rest of the forum (have done this already :) ). Of course my German is no where near perfect so if anybody has a problem understanding what I am trying to say please let me know and I will repost the question/information in a more understandable way ;)

    It will be a pleasure to welcome you to ore community meeting in September:

    Sven, if it wasn't so far away I would seriously consider taking the trip. Maybe you might consider moving the next annual meeting a bit more down south?

    Well thats great Jim, I for myselfe have lived in Berlin, California, Berlin, Maryland and since 92 Regensburg. My folks still live in New Jersey (Ft. Dix)

    Ray, good to hear that another fellow "Ami" is around. We have turned into a rare breed compared to the amount of us (150K+) that were here back in the mid-70's

    Kind regards,



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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #28 am: 08. Mai 2010, 05:35:30
    Ray, good to hear that another fellow "Ami" is around. We have turned into a rare breed compared to the amount of us (150K+) that were here back in the mid-70's

    Kind regards,


    Hi Jim,

    well my stepfather was in the Army so I got around a good deal. I for myself I am german. So thats the background of it. I think we should get back to forum business.
    If you need any help just let me know. So what kind of goods do you sell.


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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #29 am: 08. Mai 2010, 16:20:10
    I think we should get back to forum business.
    If you need any help just let me know. So what kind of goods do you sell.

    Hi Ray,

    yes, we now should get back to forum business, we really don't want Torsten to throw the both of us out :lol:

    I am selling scented candles, enter "duftkerzen" into Google and you will find the shop.

    I will stay in contact with you, my time-plan is to get migrated over to modified eCommerce Shopsoftware  by the middle of July. I have already started to WinMerge some of my own modified files against modified eCommerce Shopsoftware to see what I need to keep and what I need to throw away.

    Thank you for your offer to help, I will let you know if I run up against any problems ;)

    Kind regards,


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