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  • Thema: Greetings from Frankfurt


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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    am: 01. Mai 2010, 12:25:32
    Hello community!

    My name is Jim and I have been running a dual-language web shop based on 3.04 SP2.1 for the last 5 years.

    Due to the fact that web servers are slowly but surely migrating over to newer PHP versions the time has come to change over to a version of xt:C that has been properly prepared for this transition.

    After much research I have come to the conclusion that modified eCommerce Shopsoftware is the only fork that has (and actively still is!) been properly prepared, maintained, and ready for the future.

    This forum is full of friendly, helpful members and is a great place to do some really good reading and studying.

    I would like to "breath some life" into this english section of the forum, but at the same time I will actively use the german section (in this case please excuse my not-so-perfect german!) for posting.

    My thanks to all of the people of modified eCommerce Shopsoftware who took the time and effort to develop this fork and also make it available to of us online shop owners!


    Trade Republic - Provisionsfrei Aktien handeln


    • modified Team
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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #1 am: 01. Mai 2010, 12:37:49
    Hi Jim,

    nice to have you here in our community.
    Have fun with modified eCommerce Shopsoftware.



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    Antwort #2 am: 02. Mai 2010, 13:55:05
    Hi Jim,

    welcome to the modified eCommerce Shopsoftware community forum and thanks for your kind words. ;-)

    If there are any problems feel free and let us know.

    What do u sell in your shop?

    Best regards



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    Antwort #3 am: 02. Mai 2010, 14:01:23
    Dear Jim,

    I also want to welcome you on board. It is always a pleasure to welcome English speaking people.

    Have fun

    Sven   :B


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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #4 am: 02. Mai 2010, 15:23:31
    @Jan @Torsten @Sven:
    Thank you for the nice greetings it makes me feel very much at home! As I mentioned in my first post, I would like to see this english section of the forum develop (there are a lot of e-com shop people whose primary language is english and they will appreciate this) so I will continue to post here and at the same time I will post in the german section (you guys will just love the way I mess up when I write in german  :lol2: )


    I am currently selling scented candles which is quite a difficult task to accomplish using an online shop as there is no way (well, not yet!) to convey the shopper each particular scent.

    The transfer over to xtc-M is planned for around July of this year. The shop will be closed during this time to allow me the freedom to get the work done without disturbing too many customers.

    @anyone who can help me:

    I do have a few questions.


    I made a spelling mistake in my first post and cannot find a way to edit it. Is editing disabled?

    I can't find a way to preview a new post (to check for spelling mistakes, ect.)

    Testshop (FTP):

    I will need to set up a test shop in order to make preparations for the transfer. Upon examining the xtc-Mod files I have seen (in addition to some really professional code additions complete with name and change-date, great work, guys!) that all the line endings are "LF". What I would like to know is which FTP program do you recommend for doing the uploading?
    I currently use CuteFTP, and this program, for some strange reason, changes the line ending from "LF" to "CRLF" during uploading. I also have FlashFXP installed but haven't tried it out.

    Kind regards,



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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #5 am: 02. Mai 2010, 15:36:10
    Hi Jim,

    There is no possibility to edit you last post to make changes.


    Check this:

    Here you will find al list of helpful software tools.

    I am using FileZilla as a FTP tool.




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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #6 am: 02. Mai 2010, 16:14:40
    Hi Sven,

    Thank you for the link to the software tools!

    According to a thread I just found, using FileZilla as an FTP is not recommended. I do not know if this has changed in the meantime (the thread is a few months old).

    As of right now, my current installation is full of files that end in CRLF (because of CuteFTP) and the shop works with no problems so I do not think that file endings make a difference (maybe this also depends on the provider / webspace).

    Strange . . . now I am seeing a "Bearbeiten" link on my last post (55061)! Maybe it is possible to edit posts?

    Kind regards,



    • Viel Schreiber
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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #7 am: 02. Mai 2010, 16:52:33
    Hello Jim,

    you can edit your posts within 60 minutes after post by "Bearbeiten".


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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #8 am: 02. Mai 2010, 17:14:33
    Now I understand! After posting I have a 60-minute time frame in which I have the chance to correct my mistakes; after the 60 minutes are passed--no more editing!

    Got it!

    Thanks speedy!


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    Antwort #9 am: 02. Mai 2010, 17:20:14
    I made a spelling mistake in my first post and cannot find a way to edit it. Is editing disabled?

    As speedy said, you can edit 60 minutes after posting.

    I can't find a way to preview a new post (to check for spelling mistakes, ect.)

    Sorry, we don't have a preview function in this forum. Maybe in the next version of bbPress. ;-)

    Testshop (FTP):

    I will need to set up a test shop in order to make preparations for the transfer. Upon examining the xtc-Mod files I have seen (in addition to some really professional code additions complete with name and change-date, great work, guys!) that all the line endings are "LF". What I would like to know is which FTP program do you recommend for doing the uploading?
    I currently use CuteFTP, and this program, for some strange reason, changes the line ending from "LF" to "CRLF" during uploading. I also have FlashFXP installed but haven't tried it out.

    I would recommend you FileZilla as default FTP-client.

    Best regards



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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #10 am: 02. Mai 2010, 18:41:19
    Thank you Torsten for clearing up my issues!

    I do have two questions concerning installation and migration from 3.04SP2.1 to xtc_Mod:


    Wir haben in dieser Version die Zahlungsmodule aktualisiert.
    Bitte unbedingt vor einer Aktualisierung die folgenden Zahlungsmodule
    über den Admin-Bereich des Shops deinstallieren
    und nach dem Update neu installieren lassen:
    - moneybookers
    - paypal
    - sofortüberweisung

    I am not currently using paypal or sofortüberweisung (both are not installed).

    However, I am using Moneybookers Ver. 2.4 (iFrame).

    I understand that the version of the moneybookers module contained in 1.03 is most likely the Ver. 2.4 iFrame version
    and this means that perhaps I do not need to deinstall it? Is this correct?

    I find Moneybookers located under two menu areas in Admin:

    Admin / Konfiguration / xt:C Partner / (I find no way do deinstall this)

    Admin / Module / Zahlungsoptionen /moneybookers_cc (this can be deinstalled)


    Please tell me if I am understanding this correctly:

    Execute these two query sets using PHPmyAdmin

    update_1.01_to_1.02.sql: Do this first
    update_1.02_to_1.03.sql: Do this next

    That's it!

    Note: change_language_id.sql: Not needed when migrating from 3.04SP2.1 to xtc-Mod. Can (but not must) be done to previous releases of xtc_Mod for example 1.01 and 1.02

    Kind regards,



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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #11 am: 02. Mai 2010, 19:29:40
    Hi Jim,

    you'ld be better to uninstall moneybookers before migrating to modified eCommerce Shopsoftware. You can uninstall it as you said under "Module" -> "Zahlungsoptionen" -> "moneybookers_cc".


    Please tell me if I am understanding this correctly:

    Execute these two query sets using PHPmyAdmin

    update_1.01_to_1.02.sql: Do this first
    update_1.02_to_1.03.sql: Do this next

    That's it!

    Correct! :thumbs:

    Best regards



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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #12 am: 03. Mai 2010, 17:38:39
    Hi Torsten,

    thank you for your to-the-point answers! Now I know what I need to do and will try to set up a test shop as soon as possible in order to see which of my addons (popcart, ot_payment) I need to modify to fit the new shop environment.

    Kind regards,



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    Antwort #13 am: 03. Mai 2010, 17:46:41
    The ot_payment module can easily be installed without the need to modify anything: ot_payment module

    We have a working template for popcart: TEMPLATE: xtc5 - Template für Modul Popcart v 1.01

    Best regards



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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #14 am: 03. Mai 2010, 20:59:43
    Hi Torsten,

    thank you for the helpful links. I think I now have enough info to start the transition. I will keep you informed on my progess . . .

    Good night,


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