  • Die modified eCommerce Shopsoftware ist kostenlos, aber nicht umsonst.
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  • Thema: Greetings from Frankfurt


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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #30 am: 08. Mai 2010, 16:38:35
    Hi Jim,

    nice Shop. My wive likes your Yankee Candles.


    Sven  :thumbs:


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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #31 am: 09. Mai 2010, 10:01:00
    Well thank you Sven for the compliments. All the forum members here are so nice to each other it is almost unbelievable. It is a pleasure to be here.

    The shop has been at a standstill for about a year now. I have put all template enhancements/modifications on hold because of wanting to migrate over to modified eCommerce Shopsoftware.

    I can pretty much well guess how the migration project will end: I will get everything set up and running with 1.03 and then a week later 1.04 will be released and then I can start all over again . . . YIPPEE :B

    Kind regards,



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    Antwort #32 am: 09. Mai 2010, 16:41:16
    We will release update-packs, so you don't have to start all over again. ;-)

    Best regard



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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #33 am: 10. Mai 2010, 12:04:41
    Hi Ray,

    yes, we now should get back to forum business, we really don't want Torsten to throw the both of us out :lol:

    I am selling scented candles, enter "duftkerzen" into Google and you will find the shop.

    I will stay in contact with you, my time-plan is to get migrated over to modified eCommerce Shopsoftware  by the middle of July. I have already started to WinMerge some of my own modified files against modified eCommerce Shopsoftware to see what I need to keep and what I need to throw away.

    Thank you for your offer to help, I will let you know if I run up against any problems ;)

    Kind regards,


    Hello Jim,

    sorry for not replying to your last post. Your Shop looks great. Puts mine to shame. Well I hope not. These fellows here are great. Cant't say it often enough. When Torsten says there will be a update pack there will be one. Kind of excited to see the next release. I wonder if it is normal for yahoo and google to scan a site more than once a day. It crawls my shop 3 times a day.

    Best Regards


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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #34 am: 10. Mai 2010, 18:01:43
    Your Shop looks great. Puts mine to shame.

    Oh Ray, let me be the judge of that, post a link to your shop. My shop looks "conservative" and is easy to navigate because I deal with a somewhat special group of shoppers (trust factor of the site needs to be high, the user's cookies are generally disabled, and JS is turned off).

    These fellows here are great. Cant't say it often enough. When Torsten says there will be a update pack there will be one. Kind of excited to see the next release.

    I fully agree with you. There is a lot of truthfulness and straightforwardness in this forum, and this is exactly the way I like it.

    I wonder if it is normal for yahoo and google to scan a site more than once a day. It crawls my shop 3 times a day.

    Google, Bing, and Yahoo (and usually exactly in that order!) generally will visit popular sites more than once a day. News sites and some forums generally get hit almost by the minute. All this all depends on how fresh the content is and how strong the site is backlinked. If your site happens to be an authority site (with some good quality links pointing to it) it will be spidered more often. You might want to keep an eye on Goog's cache date of your website, the more up-to-date this date is the better it is for you (and your customer group)

    Kind regards,



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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #35 am: 11. Mai 2010, 06:59:43
    Oh Ray, let me be the judge of that, post a link to your shop.

    Kind regards,


    Here is my link to my shop.
    Ok thanks on your answer Jim, really appreciate it.


    • Fördermitglied
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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #36 am: 11. Mai 2010, 17:58:22
    Hi Ray,

    Thanks for posting your shop link. I must say that I like your shop!

    Here are some ideas. Now, I am not the big template genius so please do not take my suggestions too seriously.

    Here we go:


    Header picture: I like it! :thumbs:

    Fonts and font-colors:

    It is my experience that using too many different size fonts (or colors) confuses
    the shopper. It also doesn't lend too much to the trust factor of the shop. You
    might want to think about making some small changes here. I would suggest a maximum of two different font sizes on one page.

    I would either remove this: "Herzlich Willkommen Gast! Möchten Sie sich anmelden?
    Oder wollen Sie ein Kundenkonto eröffnen?" or change the wording.

    You have some nice pictures in there and they are properly linked to the products.
    That is exactly what the customer wants.
    Unfortunately you are losing the session-ID when following the picture links.
    I do not know if you have forced cookies set to "True" in Admin. If it is set to "False" you will lose customers (shopping cart will empty itself) There is a workaround for this.
    You also have some text between the pics and that is also nice for the shopper (and for Goog too).

    Navigation: I can find what I want. You have your categories set up by brand name.
    An idea would be making some new (general) categories to help finding stuff even more easily.
    For example:
    BHs (with subcategories "Push-up", ect.) Just an idea . . .

    Mehr über... and Informationen boxes:

    Great! You have lots of useful info in those two boxes. That is very helpful for the shopper.

    Product pages:

    Product pictures: Great! (good pictures are very important in your particular line of products)

    Product descriptions: Great!


    If I enter "strings" into the search box I get no results! I should get 100's of results!
    In admin / products it is possible to enter additional search terms and this is usually
    worth the extra effort. Or, you could try to get the words into your product texts this will also work.

    I would probably make the following changes:

    1) Remove the Schnellkauf box (is usually not used, but then again this all depends on your customers).
    2) Turn off the numbers that are listed after the category names (setting in Admin)
    3) Turn off the parse time display (Footer) (setting in Admin).
    4) Remove the "wer ist online" display (setting in Admin).
    5) Either clean up the footer or remove the links (Bookmarking, Rus-Links, ect. Things that blink makes customers nervous. Bookmarking is down there twice, and my experience shows that a) nobody really uses the service and b) it doesn't help a lot from the SEO aspect).
    6) I would probably move the Shopbewertung box all the way to the top, above the Warenkorb, so that the shopper sees it instantly upon entering the shop. Helps a bit with the shop trust factor.
    7) I would probably find a way to link "Angebote" with a new button on the topnavi between Startseite and "Warenkorb".
    Customers generally are quick to look for marked-down items upon entering a shop.

    Ray, please don't take these suggestions too seriously. If your shop works, then leave it the way it is!

    If you have any questions about my suggestions, don't hesitate to ask.

    Kind regards,



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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #37 am: 11. Mai 2010, 18:14:40
    Hello Jim,

    thats alot of info you given me. I will make some changes and see how it will go. I have now turned force cookies on true as you suggestetd. I will keep you up on the progress of things. Thanks again.

    Kind Regards


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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #38 am: 12. Mai 2010, 05:29:44
    Hi Ray,

    Sorry about the flood of information but that is the way I work. Just pick out the suggestions that seem useful to you and leave the rest.

    I just looked at your shop and see you made some changes, looks nice! I have a theory about template changes; I only do a couple of small changes at a time, let the shop run for a month or so and see what happens. If you make massive changes all at once this is apt to confuse the shopper (Hmmmm, am I at the right shop???)

    Good positioning on the Shopbewertungen box, it is now up there and viewable upon shop entry. The footer area also looks a lot better (cleaner, quieter).

    Kind regards,


    P.S. I think we should finally "break" this thread as it is really getting off topic (it was supposed to be my "introduction" thread :lol: ). Start a new relevant themed thread in this English section of the forum and we can continue. ;)


    • Neu im Forum
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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #39 am: 12. Mai 2010, 05:46:58
    Hi Jim,

    I really have to say thanks and followed some of your suggestions. I looked t my shop and I found it better as well. I will gradually change the Categories as you suggested. Sometimes you need a second opinion and its really helpfull when others look at it. Alo like your candles. Like to buy some.

    My mom always sent me some from Home Interior.

    Kind Regards


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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #40 am: 07. September 2010, 17:44:14
    Maybe we should start talking german as it looks like you will stay in Frankfurt for a while. ;-)

    OK, I will give it a try. Please try not to laugh too much. :B


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    Antwort #41 am: 07. September 2010, 19:53:25
    Hey Jim, welcome back! :welcome:

    Best regards



    • Fördermitglied
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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #42 am: 07. September 2010, 20:19:26
    Well thank you Torsten! It is nice to be back.

    Yes, I was not active in the forum (only reading, but not writing) for the last few months. When I started the migration modified eCommerce Shopsoftware was at version 1.03. I started to WinMerge my modified files and then 1.04 was released. Start again. Then 1.05 was released. Start again. THEN, my products are seasonal and the season has now started! So, I won't be able to go live with my modified eCommerce Shopsoftware shop until December / January 2011

    I suppose the next thing that will happen to me is the release of 1.06   ;)

    Anyway, I will stay on the migration project until it is finished and fully tested. I will need to be careful with everything I do as there is one golden rule: Jim kills shop = wife kills Jim  :lol2:

    Kind regards,



    • Viel Schreiber
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    Greetings from Frankfurt
    Antwort #43 am: 07. September 2010, 20:39:43
    Anyway, I will stay on the migration project until it is finished and fully tested. I will need to be careful with everything I do as there is one golden rule: Jim kills shop = wife kills Jim  :lol2:
    Hi Jim, welcome as a part of our slowly but hopefully constantly growing international community. In case of such a threat I will do my best to help You not to be killed.

    And by the way, no fear of making mistakes while posting in german language, I don't have either by posting in English. ;-)


    • Fördermitglied
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    Antwort #44 am: 07. September 2010, 21:32:48
    Hee hee you guys are the best  :thumbs:

    Most of us are all in the same boat; working at day jobs and then at night trying to get an e-com site (which usually belongs to a wife) running smoothly and then maybe one day actually making a profit.

    Kind regards,


    Marktplatz - Eine große Auswahl an neuen und hilfreichen Modulen sowie modernen Templates für die modified eCommerce Shopsoftware
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