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  • Thema: Transparente Overlay PNG image_manipulator_GD2_advanced.php


    • Mitglied
    • Beiträge: 235
    Hallo zusammen,

    ich möchte ein Overlay erstellen, welches transparent ist. Ich habe im Backend den image_manipulator_GD2_advanced.php eingestellt. Bei den Overlays ist aber immer ein dunkler Schatten über die ganze Leinwand des Overlays sichtbar. Was mache ich falsch?

    Gruss Stefan

    Shop Hosting


    • Experte
    • Beiträge: 4.129
    • Geschlecht:
    Hallo Stefan,

    mit diesem Overlay ->, entsteht bei folgender Konfiguration, siehe erstes Bild, bei mir kein dunkler Schatten über die ganze Leinwand des Overlays, siehe zweites Bild, aber schön ist der Rand des Orelays leider nicht.

    [ Für Gäste sind keine Dateianhänge sichtbar ]

    [ Für Gäste sind keine Dateianhänge sichtbar ]



    • Fördermitglied
    • Beiträge: 326
    nimm mal diese png Datei. Und teste mal mit dieser. Sollte bedeutend besser sein.


    • Fördermitglied
    • Beiträge: 326
    noch einmal verbessert.


    • Mitglied
    • Beiträge: 235

    Vielen Dank, das werde ich mal testen. Ich dachte, dass ich das Bild ev. anders abspeichern muss bezüglich der Transparenz. Schön wäre es natürlich, wenn man SVG Files verwenden könnte.


    Naja das bringt mir ja nichts, da ich ein anderes Bild brauche. Interessanter wäre zu wissen, WAS Du daran verbessert hast.


    • Fördermitglied
    • Beiträge: 326
    Den Verlauf aus der Transparenz entfernt. Transparenzverlauf scheint vom Imageprozessor falsch interpretiert zu werden. Oder er erkennt das einfach nicht und setzt Grau Stufen etc.
    Du hattest einen Verlauf in der Transparenz.

    cu snocer

    PS: Hier gab es sogar Meldungen man sollte keine *.png verwenden und lieber *.jpg verwenden, was natürlich bei diversen backgrounds viele negative Effekte hat, *.svg (Vektor Grafiken) werden noch einige Zeit auf sich warten lassen, habe noch keinen Ansatz oder Bestrebung in diese Richtung hier gesehen. Obwohl das für Responsive ja optimal wäre.


    • Experte
    • Beiträge: 4.129
    • Geschlecht:
    Hallo Stefan,

    habe hier -> noch eine Filterfunktion gefunden und sie mal testweise in die Datei admin\includes\classes\image_manipulator_GD2_advanced.php eingebaut, dadurch konnte ich den Rand des Overlays verbessern.

    Wenn du es testen möchtest hier der komplette Code der Datei admin\includes\classes\image_manipulator_GD2_advanced.php mit der oben genannten Filterfunktion.

    Code: PHP  [Auswählen]
      /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       $Id: image_manipulator_GD2_advanced.php 12079 2019-08-19 14:16:54Z Tomcraft $

       modified eCommerce Shopsoftware

       Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 []
       based on:
       (c) 2006 XT-Commerce (image_manipulator_GD2.php 950 2005-05-14)
       (C) 2006 Noxware, B. W. Masanek - Support for transparency, enhanced PNG & GIF processing

       Third Party contributions:
       class thumbnail - proportional thumbnails with manipulations by
       You find more great scripts and some information at

       Released under the GNU General Public License

      defined('_VALID_XTC') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.');
      class image_manipulation {
        var $effects_disabled = false;
        function __construct($resource_file, $max_width, $max_height, $destination_file="", $compression=IMAGE_QUALITY, $transform="") {
          $this->a = $this->correctImageOrientation($resource_file);  // image to be thumbnailed
          $this->c = $transform;
          $this->d = $destination_file;  // thumbnail saved to
          $this->e = $compression;  // compression ration for jpeg thumbnails
          $this->m = $max_width;
          $this->n = $max_height;
          if($this->c !== "") {

        // Support for transparency, enhanced PNG & GIF processing
        function imagecopyresampled_adv($image_type, &$dest, $source, $d_x, $d_y, $s_x, $s_y, $d_w, $d_h, $s_w, $s_h) {
          switch ($image_type) {
            // Process GIF images
            case 1:
              $transcol = imagecolortransparent($source);
              $dest = imagecreate($d_w, $d_h);
              imagepalettecopy($dest, $source);
              if ($transcol != '-1') {
                imagefill($dest, 0, 0, $transcol);
              imagecolortransparent($dest, $transcol);

            // Process PNG images
            case 3:
              $dest = imageCreateTrueColor($d_w, $d_h);
              imagealphablending($dest, false);
              imagesavealpha($dest, true);
              $transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($dest, 255, 255, 255, 0);
              //less faster, but works with sharpen
              for ($x = 0; $x < $d_w; $x++) {
                for ($y = 0; $y < $d_h; $y++) {
                  imageSetPixel($dest, $x, $y, $transparent);
              //imagecolortransparent($dest,$transparent); //imagecolortransparent much faster on big images

            // Any other images
              $dest = imageCreateTrueColor($d_w, $d_h);
          return imagecopyresampled($dest, $source, $d_x, $d_y, $s_x, $s_y, $d_w, $d_h, $s_w, $s_h);      

        function compile() {
          $this->h = getimagesize($this->a);
            $this->i = $this->h[0];
            $this->j = $this->h[1];
            $this->k = $this->h[2];
            if(PRODUCT_IMAGE_NO_ENLARGE_UNDER_DEFAULT == 'false'){
              if($this->i < $this->m) {$this->m = $this->i;}
              if($this->j < $this->n) {$this->n = $this->j;}
            if($this->m == '0'){
              $this->z = ($this->j / $this->n);
              $this->m = ($this->i / $this->z);
            $this->o = ($this->i / $this->m);
            $this->p = ($this->j / $this->n);
            $this->q = ($this->o > $this->p) ? $this->m : round($this->i / $this->p); // width
            $this->r = ($this->o > $this->p) ? round($this->j / $this->o) : $this->n; // height
          $this->s = ($this->k < 4) ? ($this->k < 3) ? ($this->k < 2) ? ($this->k < 1) ? Null : imagecreatefromgif($this->a) : imagecreatefromjpeg($this->a) : imagecreatefrompng($this->a) : Null;
          if($this->s !== Null) {
            // Creates an new image: $this->t. $this->k is the image type.
            $this->u = $this->imagecopyresampled_adv($this->k, $this->t, $this->s, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->q, $this->r, $this->i, $this->j);

        function hex2rgb($hex_value) {
          $this->decval = hexdec($hex_value);
          return $this->decval;

        function bevel($edge_width=10, $light_colour="FFFFFF", $dark_colour="000000") {
          // Not working properly for PNG images, so skipping
          if ($this->effects_disabled || $this->k == 3)
          $this->edge = $edge_width;
          $this->dc = $dark_colour;
          $this->lc = $light_colour;
          $this->dr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->dc,0,2));
          $this->dg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->dc,2,2));
          $this->db = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->dc,4,2));
          $this->lr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->lc,0,2));
          $this->lg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->lc,2,2));
          $this->lb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->lc,4,2));
          $this->dark = @imagecreate($this->q,$this->r);
          $this->nadir = @imagecolorallocate($this->dark,$this->dr,$this->dg,$this->db);
          $this->light = @imagecreate($this->q,$this->r);
          $this->zenith = @imagecolorallocate($this->light,$this->lr,$this->lg,$this->lb);
          for($this->pixel = 0; $this->pixel < $this->edge; $this->pixel++) {
            $this->opac =  100 - (($this->pixel+1) * (100 / $this->edge));
        function greyscale($rv=38, $gv=36, $bv=26) {
          // Not working properly for PNG & GIF images, so skipping
          if ($this->effects_disabled || $this->k == 3 || $this->k == 1)
          $this->bgc = $bg_colour;
          $this->br = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bgc, 0, 2));
          $this->bg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bgc, 2, 2));
          $this->bb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bgc, 4, 2));
          $this->dot = @ImageCreate(6, 6);
          $this->dot_base = @ImageColorAllocate($this->dot, $this->br, $this->bg, $this->bb);
          $this->zenitha = @ImageColorClosest($this->t, $this->br, $this->bg, $this->bb);
          for ($this->rad = 0; $this->rad<6.3; $this->rad+=0.005) {
            $this->xpos = floor(($this->q) + (sin($this->rad) * ($this->q))) / 2;
            $this->ypos = floor(($this->r) + (cos($this->rad) * ($this->r))) / 2;
            $this->xto = 0;
            if ($this->xpos >= ($this->q/2)) {
              $this->xto = $this->q;
            @ImageCopyMerge($this->t, $this->dot, $this->xpos - 3, $this->ypos - 3, 0, 0, 6, 6, 30);
            @ImageCopyMerge($this->t, $this->dot, $this->xpos - 2, $this->ypos - 2, 0, 0, 4, 4, 30);
            @ImageCopyMerge($this->t, $this->dot, $this->xpos - 1, $this->ypos - 1, 0, 0, 2, 2, 30);
            $this->rv = $rv;
            $this->gv = $gv;
            $this->bv = $bv;
            $this->rt = $this->rv+$this->bv+$this->gv;
            $this->rr = ($this->rv == 0) ? 0 : 1/($this->rt/$this->rv);
            $this->br = ($this->bv == 0) ? 0 : 1/($this->rt/$this->bv);
            $this->gr = ($this->gv == 0) ? 0 : 1/($this->rt/$this->gv);
            for( $this->dy = 0; $this->dy <= $this->r; $this->dy++ ){
              for( $this->dx = 0; $this->dx <= $this->q; $this->dx++ ){
                $this->pxrgb = @imagecolorat($this->t, $this->dx, $this->dy);
                $this->rgb = @ImageColorsforIndex( $this->t, $this->pxrgb );
                $this->newcol = ($this->rr*$this->rgb['red'])+($this->br*$this->rgb['blue'])+($this->gr*$this->rgb['green']);
                $this->setcol = @ImageColorAllocate( $this->t, $this->newcol, $this->newcol, $this->newcol );
                @imagesetpixel( $this->t, $this->dx, $this->dy, $this->setcol );

        function ellipse($bg_colour="FFFFFF") {
          // Not working properly for PNG images, so skipping
          if ($this->effects_disabled || $this->k == 3)
          $this->bgc = $bg_colour;
          $this->br = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bgc,0,2));
          $this->bg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bgc,2,2));
          $this->bb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bgc,4,2));
          $this->dot = @ImageCreate(6,6);
          $this->dot_base = @ImageColorAllocate($this->dot, $this->br, $this->bg, $this->bb);
          $this->zenitha = @ImageColorClosest($this->t, $this->br, $this->bg, $this->bb);
          for($this->rad = 0;$this->rad<6.3;$this->rad+=0.005) {
            $this->xpos = floor(($this->q)+(sin($this->rad)*($this->q)))/2;
            $this->ypos = floor(($this->r)+(cos($this->rad)*($this->r)))/2;
            $this->xto = 0;
            if($this->xpos >= ($this->q/2)){
              $this->xto = $this->q;
        function round_edges($edge_rad=3, $bg_colour="FFFFFF", $anti_alias=1) {
          // Not working properly for PNG images, so skipping
          if ($this->effects_disabled || $this->k == 3)
          $this->er = $edge_rad;
          $this->bgd = $bg_colour;
          $this->aa = min(3,$anti_alias);
          $this->br = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bgd,0,2));
          $this->bg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bgd,2,2));
          $this->bb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bgd,4,2));
          $this->dot = @ImageCreate(1,1);
          $this->dot_base = @ImageColorAllocate($this->dot, $this->br, $this->bg, $this->bb);
          $this->zenitha = @ImageColorClosest($this->t, $this->br, $this->bg, $this->bb);
          for($this->rr = 0-$this->er; $this->rr <= $this->er; $this->rr++) {
            $this->ypos = ($this->rr < 0) ? $this->rr+$this->er-1 : $this->r-($this->er-$this->rr);
            for($this->cr = 0-$this->er; $this->cr <= $this->er; $this->cr++) {
              $this->xpos = ($this->cr < 0) ? $this->cr+$this->er-1 : $this->q-($this->er-$this->cr);
              if($this->rr !== 0 || $this->cr !== 0) {
                $this->d_dist = round(sqrt(($this->cr*$this->cr)+($this->rr*$this->rr)));
                $this->opaci = ($this->d_dist < $this->er-$this->aa) ? 0 : max(0, 100-(($this->er-$this->d_dist)*33));
                $this->opaci = ($this->d_dist > $this->er) ? 100 : $this->opaci;
        function merge($merge_img="", $x_left=0, $y_top=0, $merge_opacity=70, $trans_colour="FF0000") {
          if ($this->effects_disabled)
          $this->mi = $merge_img;
          $this->xx = ($x_left < 0) ? $this->q+$x_left : $x_left;
          $this->yy = ($y_top < 0) ? $this->r+$y_top : $y_top;
          $this->mo = $merge_opacity;
          $this->tc = $trans_colour;
          $this->tr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->tc,0,2));
          $this->tg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->tc,2,2));
          $this->tb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->tc,4,2));
          $this->md = @getimagesize($this->mi);
          $this->mw = $this->md[0];
          $this->mh = $this->md[1];
          $this->mm = ($this->md[2] < 4) ? ($this->md[2] < 3) ? ($this->md[2] < 2) ? imagecreatefromgif($this->mi) : imagecreatefromjpeg($this->mi) : imagecreatefrompng($this->mi) : Null;
          if ($this->md[2] == 3) {
            $this->filter_opacity($this->mm, $this->mo);
            @imagecopy($this->t, $this->mm, $this->xx, $this->yy, 0, 0, imagesx($this->mm), imagesy($this->mm));
          } else {
            for($this->ypo = 0; $this->ypo < $this->mh; $this->ypo++) {
              for($this->xpo = 0; $this->xpo < $this->mw; $this->xpo++) {
                $this->indx_ref = @imagecolorat($this->mm, $this->xpo, $this->ypo);
                $this->indx_rgb = @imagecolorsforindex($this->mm, $this->indx_ref);
                if(($this->indx_rgb['red'] == $this->tr) && ($this->indx_rgb['green'] == $this->tg) && ($this->indx_rgb['blue'] == $this->tb)) {
                  // transparent colour, so ignore merging this pixel
                } else {
                  @imagecopymerge($this->t, $this->mm, $this->xx+$this->xpo, $this->yy+$this->ypo, $this->xpo, $this->ypo, 1, 1, $this->mo);
        // Folgende Funktion ist von hier ->
        function filter_opacity( &$img, $opacity=75 ) { //params: image resource id, opacity in percentage (eg. 80)

            $opacity /= 100;
            //get image width and height
            $w = imagesx( $img );
            $h = imagesy( $img );
            //turn alpha blending off
            imagealphablending( $img, false );
            //find the most opaque pixel in the image (the one with the smallest alpha value)
            $minalpha = 127;
            for( $x = 0; $x < $w; $x++ )
                for( $y = 0; $y < $h; $y++ )
                        $alpha = ( imagecolorat( $img, $x, $y ) >> 24 ) & 0xFF;
                        if( $alpha < $minalpha )
                            { $minalpha = $alpha; }
            //loop through image pixels and modify alpha for each
            for( $x = 0; $x < $w; $x++ )
                    for( $y = 0; $y < $h; $y++ )
                            //get current alpha value (represents the TANSPARENCY!)
                            $colorxy = imagecolorat( $img, $x, $y );
                            $r = ($colorxy >> 16) & 0xFF;
                            $g = ($colorxy >> 8) & 0xFF;
                            $b = $colorxy & 0xFF;
                            if ($r + $g + $b == 0)
                                $opacity2 = 0;
                                $alpha = ( $colorxy >> 24 ) & 0xFF;
                                    //calculate new alpha
                                     if( $minalpha !== 127 )
                                          { $alpha = 127 + 127 * $opacity2 * ( $alpha - 127 ) / ( 127 - $minalpha ); }
                                           { $alpha += 127 * $opacity2; }
                                else if ($r + $g + $b == 3)
                                { continue; }
                                $alpha = ( $colorxy >> 24 ) & 0xFF;
                            //calculate new alpha
                            if( $minalpha !== 127 )
                                { $alpha = 127 + 127 * $opacity * ( $alpha - 127 ) / ( 127 - $minalpha ); }
                                { $alpha += 127 * $opacity; }
                            //get the color index with new alpha
                            $alphacolorxy = imagecolorallocatealpha( $img, ( $colorxy >> 16 ) & 0xFF, ( $colorxy >> 8 ) & 0xFF, $colorxy & 0xFF, $alpha );
                            //set pixel with the new color + opacity
                            if( !imagesetpixel( $img, $x, $y, $alphacolorxy ) )
                                { return false; }
            return true;
        function frame($light_colour="FFFFFF", $dark_colour="000000", $mid_width=4, $frame_colour = "" ) {
          if ($this->effects_disabled)
          $this->rw = $mid_width;
          $this->dh = $dark_colour;
          $this->lh = $light_colour;
          $this->frc = $frame_colour;
          $this->fr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->dh,0,2));
          $this->fg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->dh,2,2));
          $this->fb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->dh,4,2));
          $this->gr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->lh,0,2));
          $this->gg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->lh,2,2));
          $this->gb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->lh,4,2));
          $this->zen = @ImageColorClosest($this->t, $this->gr, $this->gg, $this->gb);
          $this->nad = @ImageColorClosest($this->t, $this->fr, $this->fg, $this->fb);
          $this->mid = ($this->frc == "") ? @ImageColorClosest($this->t, ($this->gr+$this->fr)/2, ($this->gg+$this->fg)/2, ($this->gb+$this->fb)/2) : ImageColorClosest($this->t, $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->frc,0,2)), $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->frc,2,2)), $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->frc,4,2)));
          @imageline($this->t, 0, 0, $this->q, 0, $this->zen);
          @imageline($this->t, 0, 0, 0, $this->r, $this->zen);
          @imageline($this->t, $this->q-1, 0, $this->q-1, $this->r, $this->nad);
          @imageline($this->t, 0, $this->r-1, $this->q, $this->r-1, $this->nad);
          @imageline($this->t, $this->rw+1, $this->r-($this->rw+2), $this->q-($this->rw+2), $this->r-($this->rw+2), $this->zen); // base in
          @imageline($this->t, $this->q-($this->rw+2), $this->rw+1, $this->q-($this->rw+2), $this->r-($this->rw+2), $this->zen); // base right
          @imageline($this->t, $this->rw+1, $this->rw+1, $this->q-($this->rw+1), $this->rw+1, $this->nad);
          @imageline($this->t, $this->rw+1, $this->rw+1, $this->rw+1, $this->r-($this->rw+1), $this->nad);
          for($this->crw = 0; $this->crw < $this->rw; $this->crw++){
            @imageline($this->t, $this->crw+1, $this->crw+1, $this->q-($this->crw+1), $this->crw+1, $this->mid); // top
            @imageline($this->t, $this->crw+1, $this->r-($this->crw+2), $this->q-($this->crw+1), $this->r-($this->crw+2), $this->mid); // base
            @imageline($this->t, $this->crw+1, $this->crw+1, $this->crw+1, $this->r-($this->crw+1), $this->mid); // left
            @imageline($this->t, $this->q-($this->crw+2), $this->crw, $this->q-($this->crw+2), $this->r-($this->crw+1), $this->mid); // right
        function drop_shadow($shadow_width, $shadow_colour="000000", $background_colour="FFFFFF") {
          // Not working properly for PNG & GIF images, so skipping
          if ($this->effects_disabled || $this->k == 3 || $this->k == 1)
          $this->sw = $shadow_width;
          $this->sc = $shadow_colour;
          $this->sbr = $background_colour;
          $this->sr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->sc,0,2));
          $this->sg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->sc,2,2));
          $this->sb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->sc,4,2));
          $this->sbrr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->sbr,0,2));
          $this->sbrg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->sbr,2,2));
          $this->sbrb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->sbr,4,2));
          $this->dot = @ImageCreate(1,1);
          $this->dotc = @ImageColorAllocate($this->dot, $this->sr, $this->sg, $this->sb);
          $this->v = @imagecreatetruecolor($this->q, $this->r);
          $this->sbc = @imagecolorallocate($this->v, $this->sbrr, $this->sbrg, $this->sbrb);
          $this->rsw = $this->q-$this->sw;
          $this->rsh = $this->r-$this->sw;
          @imagefill($this->v, 0, 0, $this->sbc);
          for($this->sws = 0; $this->sws < $this->sw; $this->sws++) {
            $this->s_opac = max(0, 90-($this->sws*(100 / $this->sw)));
            for($this->sde = $this->sw; $this->sde < $this->rsh+$this->sws+1; $this->sde++) {
              @imagecopymerge($this->v, $this->dot, $this->rsw+$this->sws, $this->sde, 0, 0, 1, 1, $this->s_opac);
            for($this->bse = $this->sw; $this->bse < $this->rsw+$this->sws; $this->bse++){
              @imagecopymerge($this->v, $this->dot, $this->bse, $this->rsh+$this->sws, 0, 0, 1, 1, $this->s_opac);
          @imagecopyresampled($this->v, $this->t, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->rsw, $this->rsh, $this->q, $this->r);
          @imagecopyresampled($this->t, $this->v, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->q, $this->r, $this->q, $this->r);
        function motion_blur($num_blur_lines, $background_colour="FFFFFF") {
          // Not working properly for PNG images, so skipping
          if ($this->effects_disabled || $this->k == 3)
          $this->nbl = $num_blur_lines;
          $this->shw = ($this->nbl*2)+1;
          $this->bk = $background_colour;
          $this->kr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bk,0,2));
          $this->kg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bk,2,2));
          $this->kb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bk,4,2));
          $this->w = @imagecreatetruecolor($this->q, $this->r);
          $this->shbc = @imagecolorallocate($this->w, $this->kr, $this->kg, $this->kb);
          $this->rsw = $this->q-$this->shw;
          $this->rsh = $this->r-$this->shw;
          @imagefill($this->w, 0, 0, $this->shbc);
          $this->rati = $this->r / $this->rsh;
          for($this->lst = 0; $this->lst < $this->nbl; $this->lst++) {
            $this->opacit = max(0, 70-($this->lst*(85 / $this->nbl)));
            for($this->yst = 0; $this->yst < $this->rsh; $this->yst++) {
              @imagecopymerge($this->w, $this->t, $this->rsw+(2*$this->lst)+1, $this->yst+(2*$this->lst)+2, $this->q-1, $this->yst*$this->rati, 1, 1, $this->opacit);
            for($this->xst = 0; $this->xst < $this->rsw; $this->xst++){
              @imagecopymerge($this->w, $this->t, $this->xst+(2*$this->lst)+1, $this->rsh+(2*$this->lst)+1, $this->xst*$this->rati, $this->r-1, 1, 1, $this->opacit);
          @imagecopyresampled($this->w, $this->t, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->rsw, $this->rsh, $this->q, $this->r);
          @imagecopyresampled($this->t, $this->w, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->q, $this->r, $this->q, $this->r);
        function manipulate() {
          if($this->c !== "" && $this->s !== Null) {
            eval("\$this->maniparray = array(".$this->c.");");
            foreach($this->maniparray as $manip) {
        function create() {
          if($this->s !== Null) {
            if($this->d !== "") {
              $image_type = $this->k;
              switch ($image_type) {
                case 1:
                  // Keep transparent color
                  $transcol = imagecolortransparent($this->s);
                  imagecolortransparent($this->t, $transcol);
                  imagegif($this->t, $this->d);

                // PNG image
                case 3:
                  imagealphablending($this->t, true);
                  imagesavealpha($this->t, true);
                  imagepng($this->t, $this->d);

                // Other images
                  imageinterlace($this->t, true);
                  imagejpeg($this->t, $this->d, $this->e);

        function correctImageOrientation($resource_file) {
          if (function_exists('exif_read_data') && function_exists('exif_imagetype') && exif_imagetype($resource_file) == IMAGETYPE_JPEG) {
            $exif = exif_read_data($resource_file);
            if($exif && isset($exif['Orientation'])) {
              $orientation = $exif['Orientation'];
              if($orientation != 1){
                $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($resource_file);
                $deg = 0;
                switch ($orientation) {
                  case 3:
                    $deg = 180;
                  case 6:
                    $deg = 270;
                  case 8:
                    $deg = 90;
                if ($deg) {
                  $img = imagerotate($img, $deg, 0);        
                imagejpeg($img, $resource_file, 100);
          return $resource_file;    
        function sharpen() {
          $sharpen = false;
          $sharpen_arr = array(
            array(-1.2, -1, -1.2),
            array(-1.0, 20, -1.0),
            array(-1.2, -1, -1.2)

          // calculate the sharpen divisor
          $divisor = array_sum(array_map('array_sum', $sharpen_arr));
          $offest = 0;

          foreach(auto_include(DIR_FS_ADMIN.'includes/extra/modules/image_sharpen/','php') as $file) require ($file);

          if ($sharpen === true && is_array($sharpen_arr) && count($sharpen_arr) == 3) {
            // sharpen the image
            imageconvolution($this->t, $sharpen_arr, $divisor, $offset);


    So sieht es jetzt bei mir mit der Filterfunktion aus.

    [ Für Gäste sind keine Dateianhänge sichtbar ]

    Schön wäre es natürlich, wenn man SVG Files verwenden könnte.

    Die in der admin\includes\classes\image_manipulator_GD2_advanced.php verwendete GD2-Bibliothek unterstützt SVG nicht.


    noRiddle (revilonetz)

    • Experte
    • Beiträge: 14.022
    • Geschlecht:
    Das letzte Bild sieht doch Top aus. Gute Recherche.
    Es könnte auch ein Anti-Aliasing (Link zu Wikipedia) am Bildrand des Overlay-Images helfen (in GIMP heißt das glaube ich Teil- oder Semi-Abflachen,, wobei ich gerade nicht mehr genau weiß ob das nicht nur bei *.gif geht und nicht bei *,png) .



    • Mitglied
    • Beiträge: 235

    Super, danke Dir! Das sieht doch viel besser aus als bei mir  :good:
    2 Antworten
    1850 Aufrufe
    16. November 2015, 16:30:56 von Bonsai
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    25. Januar 2016, 13:55:18 von monnecke
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    01. Juli 2015, 12:11:34 von swolfram [templatix]