  • Die modified eCommerce Shopsoftware ist kostenlos, aber nicht umsonst.
  • Damit wir die modified eCommerce Shopsoftware auch zukünftig kostenlos anbieten können:
  • Thema: Zahlungsoptionen erzeugen Fehlermeldung


    • Fördermitglied
    • Beiträge: 234
    Zahlungsoptionen erzeugen Fehlermeldung
    am: 28. November 2017, 18:28:18
    hab ne dringende Frage an euch Experten da draußen mit der Bitte um Hilfe:

    Wenn ich im Backend auf Zahlungsoptionen gehe kommen Fehlermeldungen.
    Denke irgendwo ging was schief bei einem update.

    Ich wollte

    1. Lastschrift deinstallieren (geht das irgendwie manuell?)
    2. Die Zahlunsoptionen gern reparieren, welche Dateien müsste ich überschreiben oder hängt da auch die Datenbank mit drin?

    Die Fehlermeldung beim Klick auf Zahlungsoptionen:

    Code: PHP  [Auswählen]
    Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/WWWROOT/251369/htdocs/includes/external/payone/classes/PayonePayment.php' (include_path='.:/etc/php:/usr/local/share/php5.0:/usr/local/share/php5:/usr/local/share/php:/usr/share/php5.0:/usr/share/php5:/usr/share/php') IN /WWWROOT/251369/htdocs/includes/modules/payment/payone_cc.php ON line 20




    • modified Team
    • Beiträge: 2.791
    Re: Zahlungsoptionen erzeugen Fehlermeldung
    Antwort #1 am: 28. November 2017, 18:30:26
    Steht eigentlich alles da:

    includes/external/payone/classes/PayonePayment.php fehlt offensichtlich.

    Kontrollier das mal.


    • Fördermitglied
    • Beiträge: 234
    Re: Zahlungsoptionen erzeugen Fehlermeldung
    Antwort #2 am: 28. November 2017, 19:48:27
    is kompliziert

    hatte den ordner payone komplett gelöscht um die fehlermeldungen zu minimieren
    mit wieder hergestelltem payone ordner wird es richtig brutal mit fehlermeldungen

    ich nutze aber payone gar nicht im shop
    kann ich denn nicht ein general-überschreib-update auf alle zahlungsoptionen machen?

    Code: SQL  [Auswählen]
    ), 'accountbased' => array( 'lastschrift', 'invoice', 'prepay', 'cod', 'payolution_debit', 'payolution_invoice', ), 'installment' => array( 'billsafe', 'commerzfinanz', 'klarna', 'payolution_financing', 'payolution_monthly', ), ); RETURN $payment_types; } public FUNCTION getBankGroups() { $bankgroups_array = array(); $bankgroups_query = xtc_db_query("SELECT * FROM `payone_bankgroups` ORDER BY bank_name"); while ($bankgroups = xtc_db_fetch_array($bankgroups_query)) { $bankgroups_array[$bankgroups['identifier']][$bankgroups['bank_code']] = $bankgroups['bank_name']; } RETURN $bankgroups_array; } public FUNCTION getSepaCountries() { $sepa_countries_array = array(); $sepa_countries_query = xtc_db_query("SELECT * FROM `payone_sepa_countries` ORDER BY countries_name"); while ($sepa_countries = xtc_db_fetch_array($sepa_countries_query)) { $sepa_countries_array[] = $sepa_countries; } RETURN $sepa_countries_array; } protected FUNCTION _getDefaultConfig() { $config = array( 'orders_status' => array( 'tmp' => '1', ), 'global' => array( 'merchant_id' => 'no_id', 'portal_id' => 'no_id', 'subaccount_id' => 'no_id', 'key' => 'no_key', 'operating_mode' => 'test', 'authorization_method' => 'auth', 'send_cart' => 'false', ), 'address_check' => array( 'active' => 'false', 'operating_mode' => 'test', // test | live 'billing_address' => 'none', // NONE | basic | person 'delivery_address' => 'none', // NONE | basic | person 'automatic_correction' => 'no', // no | yes | USER 'error_mode' => 'abort', // abort | reenter | CHECK | continue 'min_cart_value' => '0', 'max_cart_value' => '10000', 'validity' => '3', 'pstatus' => array( 'nopcheck' => 'green', 'fullnameknown' => 'green', 'lastnameknown' => 'green', 'nameunknown' => 'green', 'nameaddrambiguity' => 'green', 'undeliverable' => 'green', 'dead' => 'green', 'postalerror' => 'green', ), ), 'credit_risk' => array( 'active' => 'false', 'operating_mode' => 'test', 'timeofcheck' => 'before', 'typeofcheck' => 'iscorehard', 'newclientdefault' => 'green', 'validity' => '3', 'min_cart_value' => '100', 'max_cart_value' => '5000', 'checkforgenre' => array(), 'error_mode' => 'continue', 'notice' => array( 'active' => 'false', ), 'confirmation' => array( 'active' => 'false', ), 'abtest' => array( 'active' => 'false', 'value' => '3', ), ), ); foreach($this->getStatusNames() AS $sname) { $config['orders_status'][$sname] = '1'; } RETURN $config; } protected FUNCTION _getGenreModuleMapping() { $mapping = array( 'creditcard' => 'cc', 'onlinetransfer' => 'otrans', 'ewallet' => 'wlt', 'accountbased' => 'account', 'installment' => 'installment', ); RETURN $mapping; } public FUNCTION _getKlarnaCountries() { $KlarnaCountries = array('DE', 'AT', 'NL', 'DK', 'FI', 'NO', 'SE'); RETURN $KlarnaCountries; } protected FUNCTION _getPaymentGenreDefaultConfig($genre) { $payment_types = $this->getPaymentTypes(); $valid_genres = array_keys($payment_types); IF (!in_array($genre, $valid_genres)) { throw NEW Exception('invalid payment genre '.$genre); } $default_config = $this->_getDefaultConfig(); $configuration = array( 'genre' => $genre, 'global_override' => 'false', 'global' => $default_config['global'], 'name' => constant('PAYGENRE_'.strtoupper($genre)).' '.uniqid(), 'active' => 'false', 'order' => 0, 'min_cart_value' => 0, 'max_cart_value' => 5000, 'operating_mode' => 'test', 'countries' => array(), 'allow_red' => 'false', 'allow_yellow' => 'false', 'allow_green' => 'true', 'genre_specific' => array(), ); foreach($payment_types[$genre] AS $pt) { $configuration['types'][$pt]['active'] = 'false'; $configuration['types'][$pt]['name'] = 'paymenttype_'.$pt; } switch($genre) { CASE 'creditcard': $configuration['genre_specific']['check_cav'] = 'false'; break; CASE 'accountbased': $configuration['genre_specific']['check_bankdata'] = 'none'; $configuration['genre_specific']['sepa_account_countries'] = array(); $configuration['genre_specific']['sepa_display_ktoblz'] = 'false'; $configuration['genre_specific']['sepa_use_managemandate'] = 'false'; $configuration['genre_specific']['sepa_download_pdf'] = 'false'; break; CASE 'onlinetransfer': CASE 'ewallet': break; CASE 'installment': $configuration['genre_specific']['klarna'] = array( 'storeid' => '', 'countries' => array() ); break; } RETURN $configuration; } public FUNCTION getConfig($identifier = NULL) { IF ($this->checkConfig()) { $configuration_flat = array(); $query = xtc_db_query("SELECT * FROM `payone_config`"); while($row = xtc_db_fetch_array($query)) { $configuration_flat[$row['path']] = $row['value']; } $configuration = $this->_inflateArray($configuration_flat); $default_config = $this->_getDefaultConfig(); $configuration = $this->mergeConfigs($default_config, $configuration); IF (!empty($identifier) && array_key_exists($identifier, $configuration)) { RETURN $configuration[$identifier]; } ELSE { RETURN $configuration; } } ELSE { RETURN array(); } } public FUNCTION getGenresConfig() { $config = $this->getConfig(); $genre_configs = array(); $order_array = array(); foreach($config AS $topkey => $data) { IF (strpos($topkey, 'paymentgenre') === FALSE) { continue; } $order_key = sprintf('%05d_%s', $data['order'], $topkey); $order_array[$order_key] = $topkey; } ksort($order_array); foreach($order_array AS $sort_key => $top_key) { $genre_configs[$top_key] = $config[$top_key]; } RETURN $genre_configs; } public FUNCTION setConfig($configuration) { $flatconfig = $this->_flattenArray($configuration); xtc_db_query("TRUNCATE `payone_config`"); foreach($flatconfig AS $path => $value) { xtc_db_query("INSERT INTO `payone_config` SET `path` = '".xtc_db_input($path)."', `value` = '".xtc_db_input($value)."'"); } //$this->adjustSortOrders(); } public FUNCTION adjustSortOrders() { $gconfig = $this->getGenresConfig(); $module_mapping = $this->_getGenreModuleMapping(); foreach($gconfig AS $gc) { $module = $module_mapping[$gc['genre']]; $query = "UPDATE `configuration` SET `configuration_value` = ".(INT)$gc['order']." WHERE `configuration_key` = 'MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYONE_".strtoupper($module)."_SORT_ORDER'"; xtc_db_query($query); } $modules_order_result = xtc_db_query("SELECT `configuration_key` FROM `configuration` WHERE `configuration_key` LIKE 'module_payment_%_sort_order' order by configuration_value asc"); $payment_modules = array(); while($row = xtc_db_fetch_array($modules_order_result)) { $module = strtolower(preg_replace('/MODULE_PAYMENT_(.*)_SORT_ORDER/', '$1', $row['configuration_key'])); $payment_modules[] = $module.'.php'; } xtc_db_query("UPDATE `configuration` SET `configuration_value` = '".xtc_db_input(implode(';', $payment_modules))."' WHERE `configuration_key` = 'MODULE_PAYMENT_INSTALLED'"); } public FUNCTION mergeConfigs($old_config, $new_config) { $old_keys = array_keys($old_config); IF (is_array($old_keys) && isset($old_keys[0]) && $old_keys[0] === 0) { # special CASE: numerically indexed array, e.g. list OF countries $merged = array_values(array_unique($new_config)); } ELSE { $merged = array(); foreach($old_config AS $key => $value) { IF (isset($new_config[$key]) && empty($new_config[$key]) && !is_numeric($new_config[$key])) { IF (array_key_exists($key, $new_config)) { IF (is_array($value)) { $merged[$key] = array(); } ELSE IF ($value == 'true' || $value == 'false') { $merged[$key] = 'false'; } ELSE { $merged[$key] = ''; } } ELSE { IF ($value == 'true' || $value == 'false') { $merged[$key] = 'false'; } ELSE { $merged[$key] = $value; } } } ELSE { IF (is_array($value)) { $merged[$key] = $this->mergeConfigs($value, $new_config[$key]); } ELSE IF ($value == 'true' || $value == 'false') { $merged[$key] = $new_config[$key] == 'true' ? 'true' : 'false'; } ELSE { $merged[$key] = $new_config[$key]; } } IF ($value == 'true' || $value == 'false') { $merged[$key] = $new_config[$key] == 'true' ? 'true' : 'false'; } } foreach($new_config AS $nkey => $nvalue) { IF (!array_key_exists($nkey, $merged)) { $merged[$nkey] = $nvalue; } } } RETURN $merged; } protected FUNCTION _flattenArray($input, $prefix = '') { $divider = '/'; IF (!empty($prefix)) { $prefix .= $divider; } $output = array(); foreach($input AS $key => $value) { IF (is_array($value)) { IF (empty($value)) { $output[$prefix.$key] = ''; } ELSE { $flattened = $this->_flattenArray($value, $key); foreach($flattened AS $fkey => $fvalue) { $output[$prefix.$fkey] = $fvalue; } } } ELSE { $output[$prefix.$key] = $value; } } RETURN $output; } protected FUNCTION _inflateArray($input) { $divider = '/'; $output = array(); foreach($input AS $key => $value) { $keys = explode($divider, $key); $subarray =& $output; while(COUNT($keys) > 1) { $subkey = array_shift($keys); IF (is_array($subarray) && array_key_exists($subkey, $subarray) && !is_array($subarray[$subkey])) { $subarray[$subkey] = array(); } $subarray =& $subarray[$subkey]; } $final_key = array_shift($keys); $subarray[$final_key] = $value; } RETURN $output; } public FUNCTION dumpConfig() { $t_filename = DIR_FS_CATALOG.'cache/payone-config-'.uniqid().'.cfg'; $t_fh = @fopen($t_filename, 'w'); IF ($t_fh == FALSE) { RETURN FALSE; } $config_array = $this->getConfig(); $config_flat_array = $this->_flattenArray($config_array); foreach($config_flat_array AS $cfg_key => $cfg_value) { fwrite($t_fh, $cfg_key. "\t". $cfg_value ."\n"); } fclose($t_fh); RETURN $t_filename; } public FUNCTION addPaymentGenreConfig($genre) { $genre_config = $this->_getPaymentGenreDefaultConfig($genre); $identifier = 'paymentgenre_'.uniqid(); $configuration = $this->getConfig(); $configuration[$identifier] = $genre_config; $this->setConfig($configuration); } public FUNCTION getPaymentGenreIdentifiers() { $configuration = $this->getConfig(); $config_identifiers = array_keys($configuration); $paymentgenre_identifiers = array(); foreach($config_identifiers AS $ci) { IF (strpos($ci, 'paymentgenre_') === 0) { $paymentgenre_identifiers[] = $ci; } } RETURN $paymentgenre_identifiers; } public FUNCTION getTypesForGenre($genre_identifier) { $pgenre = $this->getConfig($genre_identifier); $types = array(); IF ($pgenre['genre'] == 'creditcard') { $cctypes = array( 'visa' => 'V', 'mastercard' => 'M', 'amex' => 'A', 'cartebleue' => 'B', 'dinersclub' => 'D', 'discover' => 'C', 'jcb' => 'J', 'maestro' => 'O', ); foreach($cctypes AS $cctype => $shorttype) { IF ($pgenre['types'][$cctype]['active'] != 'true') { continue; } $types[] = array( 'typekey' => $cctype, 'shorttype' => $shorttype, 'typename' => $pgenre['types'][$cctype]['name'], ); } } RETURN $types; } public FUNCTION getStandardParameters($request = NULL, $config_override = NULL) { $config = $this->getConfig('global'); IF ($config_override != NULL) { $config = array_merge($config, $config_override); } require_once(DIR_FS_INC.''); $db_version = get_database_version(); $params = array( 'mid' => $config['merchant_id'], 'portalid' => $config['portal_id'], 'aid' => $config['subaccount_id'], 'mode' => $config['operating_mode'], 'responsetype' => 'REDIRECT', 'encoding' => 'ISO-8859-1', 'language' => strtolower($_SESSION['language_code']), 'solution_name' => PROJECT_VERSION, 'solution_version' => $db_version['full'], 'integrator_name' => 'Modified', 'integrator_version' => $this->integrator_version, 'api_version' => $this->api_version, ); IF ($request !== NULL) { $params['request'] = $request; } RETURN $params; } public FUNCTION computeHash($params, $key) { $hash_keys = array('access_aboperiod', 'access_aboprice', 'access_canceltime', 'access_expiretime', 'access_period', 'access_price', 'access_starttime', 'access_vat', 'accesscode', 'accessname', 'addresschecktype', 'aid', 'amount', 'backurl', 'booking_date', 'checktype', 'clearingtype', 'consumerscoretype', 'currency', 'customerid', 'document_date', 'due_time', 'eci', 'encoding', 'errorurl', 'exiturl', 'invoice_deliverymode', 'invoiceappendix', 'invoiceid', 'mid', 'mode', 'narrative_text', 'param', 'portalid', 'productid', 'reference', 'request', 'responsetype', 'settleaccount', 'settleperiod', 'settletime', 'storecarddata', 'successurl', 'userid', 'vaccountname', 'vreference'); $varnum_hash_keys = array('de[\d+]', 'id[\d+]', 'no[\d+]', 'pr[\d+]', 'ti[\d+]', 'va[\d+]'); $hash_data = array(); foreach($params AS $pkey => $pvalue) { IF (in_array($pkey, $hash_keys) || preg_match('/^(de|id|no|pr|ti|va)\[\d+\]$/', $pkey) == 1) { $hash_data[$pkey] = $pvalue; } } ksort($hash_data); $hash_string = implode('', $hash_data); $hash_string .= $key; $hash = md5($hash_string); RETURN $hash; } public FUNCTION getFormActionURL() { RETURN $this->_client_api_url; } public FUNCTION retrieveSepaMandate($file_reference) { $global_config = $this->getConfig('global'); $standard_parameters = $this->getStandardParameters(); $builder = NEW Payone_Builder($this->getPayoneConfig()); $service = $builder->buildServiceManagementGetFile(); $request_data = array( 'key' => $global_config['key'], 'file_reference' => $file_reference, 'file_type' => 'SEPA_MANDATE', 'file_format' => 'PDF', ); $params = array_merge($standard_parameters, $request_data); $request = NEW Payone_Api_Request_GetFile($params); $result = $service->getFile($request); IF ($result instanceof Payone_Api_Response_Management_GetFile) { $t_pdf_data = $result->getRawResponse(); $mandate_filename = 'sepa_mandate_'.$_SESSION['customer_id'].'_'.md5($file_reference).'.pdf'; $bytes_written = file_put_contents(DIR_FS_DOWNLOAD_PUBLIC.$mandate_filename, $t_pdf_data); IF ($bytes_written === FALSE) { $this->log('ERROR writing mandate file '.DIR_FS_DOWNLOAD_PUBLIC.$mandate_filename); RETURN FALSE; } ELSE { $this->log('SEPA mandate written to '.$mandate_filename.' ('.$bytes_written.' bytes)'); RETURN $mandate_filename; } } ELSE { RETURN FALSE; } } public FUNCTION getAvailablePaymentGenres() { $config = $this->getGenresConfig(); $available = array(); $cart_value = $_SESSION['cart']->show_total(); $billto_address = $this->_getAddressBookEntry($_SESSION['billto'], $_SESSION['customer_id']); foreach($config AS $topkey => $pgconfig) { IF ($pgconfig['active'] != 'true') { continue; } IF ($pgconfig['min_cart_value'] > $cart_value || $pgconfig['max_cart_value'] < $cart_value) { $this->log("$topkey cart value out of range"); continue; } IF (!is_array($pgconfig['countries']) || !in_array($billto_address['countries_iso_code_2'], $pgconfig['countries'])) { continue; } $available[$topkey] = $pgconfig; } RETURN $available; } protected FUNCTION _getAddressBookEntry($ab_id, $customers_id = NULL) { $query = "SELECT ab.*, c.customers_telephone, DATE(c.customers_dob) AS dob_date, cy.* FROM ".TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK." ab LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS." c ON c.customers_id = ab.customers_id LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_COUNTRIES." cy ON cy.countries_id = ab.entry_country_id WHERE ab.address_book_id = '".(INT)$ab_id."'"; IF ($customers_id !== NULL) { $query .= " AND c.customers_id = '".(INT)$customers_id."'"; } /* we need uncached data here because the database entry may have changed within the current request */ $result = xtc_db_query($query, 'db_link', FALSE); $entry = FALSE; while($row = xtc_db_fetch_array($result)) { $entry = $row; } RETURN $entry; } public FUNCTION getAddressBookEntry($ab_id, $customer_id = NULL) { RETURN $this->_getAddressBookEntry($ab_id, $customer_id); } public FUNCTION getAddressHash($ab_id) { $hash_fields = array( 'entry_gender', 'entry_company', 'entry_firstname', 'entry_lastname', 'entry_street_address', 'entry_suburb', 'entry_postcode', 'entry_city', 'entry_state', 'entry_country_id', 'entry_zone_id', ); $ab_entry = $this->_getAddressBookEntry($ab_id); $hash_input = ''; foreach($hash_fields AS $key) { $value = $ab_entry[$key]; $hash_input .= $value; } $hash = md5($hash_input); RETURN $hash; } public FUNCTION saveTransaction($orders_id, $status, $txid, $userid) { $sql_data_transactions_array = array( 'orders_id' => (INT)$orders_id, 'status' => $status, 'txid' => $txid, 'userid' => $userid, 'created' => 'now()', 'last_modified' => 'now()', ); IF (isset($_SESSION['payone_installment']['installment_type'])) { $sql_data_transactions_array['type'] = $_SESSION['payone_installment']['installment_type']; } ELSEIF (isset($_SESSION['payone_elv']['elv_type'])) { $sql_data_transactions_array['type'] = $_SESSION['payone_elv']['elv_type']; } ELSEIF (isset($_SESSION['payone_invoice']['invoice_type'])) { $sql_data_transactions_array['type'] = $_SESSION['payone_invoice']['invoice_type']; } xtc_db_perform('payone_transactions', $sql_data_transactions_array); $this->log("transaction saved: orders_id $orders_id, status $status, txid $txid, userid $userid"); } public FUNCTION getOrdersData($orders_id) { $data = array(); // TRANSACTION DATA $tx_query = xtc_db_query("SELECT * FROM `payone_transactions` WHERE `orders_id` = '".(INT)$orders_id."'"); $data['transactions'] = array(); while($tx_row = xtc_db_fetch_array($tx_query)) { $data['transactions'][] = $tx_row; } $data['transaction_status'] = $this->getTransactionStatus($orders_id); RETURN $data; } protected FUNCTION sendTransactionStatus($url, $params, $timeout) { IF ($timeout == '' || $timeout < 1) { $timeout = 30; } $urlArray = parse_url($url); $urlHost = $urlArray['host']; $urlPath = ((isset($urlArray['path'])) ? $urlArray['path'] : ''); $urlScheme = ((isset($urlArray['scheme'])) ? $urlArray['scheme'] : 'http'); $urlQuery = ((isset($urlArray['query'])) ? '?' . $urlArray['query'] : ''); $curl = curl_init($urlScheme . "://" . $urlHost . $urlPath . $urlQuery); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($params, NULL, '&')); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, (INT)$timeout); $result = curl_exec($curl); IF (curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) != 200) { $this->log("sendTransactionStatus invalid:\n".print_r($result, TRUE)); } ELSEIF (curl_error($curl)) { $this->log("sendTransactionStatus error ".curl_errno($curl) . ": " . curl_error($curl)); } ELSE { $this->log("sendTransactionStatus success:\n".print_r($result, TRUE)); } curl_close($curl); } public FUNCTION saveTransactionStatus($txstatus) { IF (empty($txstatus['reference'])) { $this->log("received TxStatus w/o reference!"); RETURN; } $config = $this->getConfig(); $key_valid = FALSE; IF (md5($config['global']['key']) == $txstatus['key']) { $key_valid = TRUE; } ELSE { $paymentgenre_identifiers = $this->getPaymentGenreIdentifiers(); foreach($paymentgenre_identifiers AS $pg_id) { IF (md5($config[$pg_id]['global']['key']) == $txstatus['key']) { $key_valid = TRUE; } } } IF ($key_valid == TRUE) { $sql_data_status_array = array('orders_id' => (INT)$txstatus['reference'], 'received' => 'now()'); xtc_db_perform('payone_txstatus', $sql_data_status_array); $txstatus_id = xtc_db_insert_id(); foreach($txstatus AS $key => $value) { $sql_data_statusdata_array = array('`payone_txstatus_id`' => $txstatus_id, '`key`' => $key, '`value`' => ((is_array($value)) ? implode('||', $value) : $value) ); xtc_db_perform('payone_txstatus_data', $sql_data_statusdata_array); } $sql_data_transactions_array = array('status' => strtoupper($txstatus['txaction']), 'last_modified' => 'now()'); xtc_db_perform('payone_transactions', $sql_data_transactions_array, 'update', "txid='".$txstatus['txid']."'"); IF (in_array($txstatus['txaction'], $this->getStatusNames())) { $sql_data_orders_array = array('orders_status' => (INT)$config['orders_status'][$txstatus['txaction']], 'last_modified' => 'now()'); xtc_db_perform(TABLE_ORDERS, $sql_data_orders_array, 'update', "orders_id='".(INT)$txstatus['reference']."'"); $sql_data_array = array('orders_id' => (INT)$txstatus['reference'], 'orders_status_id' => (INT)$config['orders_status'][$txstatus['txaction']], 'date_added' => 'now()', 'customer_notified' => '0', 'comments' => STATUS_UPDATED_BY_PAYONE, 'comments_sent' => '0' ); xtc_db_perform(TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS_HISTORY, $sql_data_array); // send TRANSACTION STATUS IF ($config['orders_status_redirect']['url'][$txstatus['txaction']] != '') { $this->sendTransactionStatus($config['orders_status_redirect']['url'][$txstatus['txaction']], $txstatus, $config['orders_status_redirect']['timeout'][$txstatus['txaction']]); } } } ELSE { $this->log("received TxStatus with an invalid key! TxStatus will not be processed."); } // logging $message_parts = array(); foreach($txstatus AS $name => $value) { $message_parts[] = "$name=$value"; } $message = implode('|', $message_parts); list($msec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); $sql_data_array = array('event_id' => (INT)(($sec + $msec) * 1000), 'date_created' => 'now()', 'log_count' => '0', 'log_level' => '0', 'message' => $message, 'customers_id' => '0'); xtc_db_perform('payone_transactions_log', $sql_data_array); } public FUNCTION getTransactionStatus($orders_id) { // GET metadata FIRST $txstatus = array(); $txstatus_query = xtc_db_query("SELECT * FROM `payone_txstatus` WHERE orders_id = '".(INT)$orders_id."'"); while($txstatus_row = xtc_db_fetch_array($txstatus_query)) { $txstatus_row['data'] = array(); $txstatus[] = $txstatus_row; } // GET details foreach($txstatus AS $idx => $txs) { $txstatusdata_query = xtc_db_query("SELECT * FROM `payone_txstatus_data` WHERE payone_txstatus_id = '".(INT)$txs['payone_txstatus_id']."'"); while($txsd_row = xtc_db_fetch_array($txstatusdata_query)) { $txstatus[$idx]['data'][$txsd_row['key']] = $txsd_row['value']; } } RETURN $txstatus; } public FUNCTION getCaptureData($orders_id) { // a TRANSACTION can be captured IF it IS "appointed" $capture_data = FALSE; // i.e. cannot be captured $orders_data = $this->getOrdersData($orders_id); foreach($orders_data['transaction_status'] AS $tstatus) { IF (strtoupper($tstatus['data']['txaction']) == 'APPOINTED') { $capture_data = array( 'txid' => $tstatus['data']['txid'], 'price' => $tstatus['data']['price'], 'portalid' => $tstatus['data']['portalid'], 'aid' => $tstatus['data']['aid'], 'currency' => $tstatus['data']['currency'], 'sequencenumber' => $tstatus['data']['sequencenumber'], ); } } RETURN $capture_data; } protected FUNCTION _getNextSequencenumber($txid) { $query = "SELECT MAX(`d`.`value`) AS max_sequence FROM `payone_transactions` t LEFT JOIN `payone_txstatus` s ON s.orders_id = t.orders_id LEFT JOIN payone_txstatus_data d ON d.payone_txstatus_id = s.payone_txstatus_id AND d.key = 'sequencenumber' WHERE t.txid = '".(INT)$txid."'"; $result = xtc_db_query($query); $next_seqnum = 0; while($row = xtc_db_fetch_array($result)) { $next_seqnum = $row['max_sequence'] + 1; } RETURN $next_seqnum; } protected FUNCTION _getInvoicingTransaction($data) { global $order; $this->amount = 0; $this->ORDER = $order; $this->invtrans = NEW Payone_Api_Request_Parameter_Invoicing_Transaction(); $p = 0; $products = array(); FOR ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($this->order->products); $i < $n; $i ++) { foreach ($data['positions'] AS $position) { IF ($this->order->products[$i]['opid'] == $position['pid']) { $products[$p] = $this->order->products[$i]; IF ($this->order->products[$i]['qty'] >= $position['qty']) { $products[$p]['qty'] = $position['qty']; } $this->amount += $products[$p]['qty'] * $products[$p]['price']; $p ++; } } } $this->_getInvoicingTransaction_products($products); $p = 0; $totaldata = array('data' => array()); FOR ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($this->order->totals); $i < $n; $i ++) { foreach ($data['totals'] AS $total) { IF ($this->order->totals[$i]['class'] == $total['class']) { $totaldata['data'][$p] = array('TITLE' => $this->order->totals[$i]['title'], 'TEXT' => $this->order->totals[$i]['text'], 'VALUE' => $this->order->totals[$i]['value'], 'CLASS' => $this->order->totals[$i]['class'], ); $this->amount += $totaldata['data'][$p]['VALUE']; $p ++; } } } $this->_getInvoicingTransaction_totals($totaldata); RETURN $this->invtrans; } public FUNCTION _getInvoicingTransaction_products($products) { foreach($products AS $product) { $item = NEW Payone_Api_Request_Parameter_Invoicing_Item(); $item->setIt('goods'); $item->setId($product['id']); $item->setPr(round($product['price'], 2)); $item->setNo($product['qty']); $item->setDe($product['name']); $item->setVa(round($product['tax'], 2)); $this->invtrans->addItem($item); } } public FUNCTION _getInvoicingTransaction_totals($totaldata) { foreach($totaldata['data'] AS $td) { switch ($td['CLASS']) { CASE 'ot_shipping': $item = NEW Payone_Api_Request_Parameter_Invoicing_Item(); $item->setIt('shipment'); $item->setId('SHIPMENT'); $item->setPr(round($td['VALUE'], 2)); $item->setNo(1); $item->setDe(strip_tags($td['TITLE'])); $item->setVa($this->_get_order_total_tax('MODULE_SHIPPING_', $this->order->info['shipping_class'])); $this->invtrans->addItem($item); break; CASE 'ot_payment': $item = NEW Payone_Api_Request_Parameter_Invoicing_Item(); IF ($td['VALUE'] > 0) { $item->setIt('handling'); $item->setId('HANDLING'); } ELSE { $item->setIt('voucher'); $item->setId('VCHRDSCNT'); } $item->setPr(round($td['VALUE'], 2)); $item->setNo(1); $item->setDe(strip_tags($td['TITLE'])); $item->setVa(0); $this->invtrans->addItem($item); break; CASE 'ot_coupon': CASE 'ot_discount': CASE 'ot_gv': CASE 'ot_ps_fee': CASE 'ot_loworderfee': CASE 'ot_cod_fee': CASE 'ot_shippingfee': $item = NEW Payone_Api_Request_Parameter_Invoicing_Item(); IF ($td['VALUE'] > 0) { $item->setIt('handling'); $item->setId('HANDLING'); } ELSE { $item->setIt('voucher'); $item->setId('VCHRDSCNT'); } $item->setPr(round($td['VALUE'], 2)); $item->setNo(1); $item->setDe(strip_tags($td['TITLE'])); $item->setVa($this->_get_order_total_tax('MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_', $td['CLASS'])); $this->invtrans->addItem($item); break; } } } protected FUNCTION _get_order_total_tax($path, $type) { require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); IF (!isset($this->order->customer['zone_id'])) { $customers_info = $this->_get_customers_infos($this->order->customer['id'], $this->order->delivery['country_iso_2']); } ELSE { $customers_info = array('country_id' => $this->order->customer['country']['id'], 'zone_id' => $this->order->customer['zone_id']); } $class = explode('_', $type); IF (defined(strtoupper($path.$class[0].'_TAX_CLASS'))) { RETURN xtc_get_tax_rate(constant(strtoupper('MODULE_SHIPPING_'.$class[0].'_TAX_CLASS')), $customers_info['country_id'], $customers_info['zone_id']); } ELSE { RETURN '0'; } } protected FUNCTION _get_customers_infos($customers_id, $delivery_country_iso_code_2) { $countries_query = xtc_db_query("select c.countries_id from " . TABLE_COUNTRIES . " c where c.countries_iso_code_2 = '" . $delivery_country_iso_code_2 . "' "); $countries = xtc_db_fetch_array($countries_query); $zone_id = ''; IF ($countries['countries_id'] > 0) { $zones_query = xtc_db_query("select z.zone_id from " . TABLE_ORDERS . " o, " . TABLE_ZONES . " z where o.customers_id = '" . $customers_id . "' and z.zone_country_id = '" . $countries['countries_id'] . "' and z.zone_name = o.delivery_state "); $zones = xtc_db_fetch_array($zones_query); $zone_id = $zones['zone_id']; } $customers_info_array = array('country_id' => $countries['countries_id'], 'zone_id' => $zone_id ); RETURN $customers_info_array; } public FUNCTION captureAmount($data) { $this->log("capturing ".print_r($data, TRUE)); $config = $this->getConfig(); $global_config = $config['global']; $standard_parameters = $this->getStandardParameters('capture', $global_config); unset($standard_parameters['responsetype']); unset($standard_parameters['successurl']); unset($standard_parameters['errorurl']); unset($standard_parameters['hash']); $request_parameters = array( 'aid' => $global_config['subaccount_id'], 'key' => $global_config['key'], ); $params = array_merge($standard_parameters, $request_parameters); $builder = NEW Payone_Builder($this->getPayoneConfig()); $service = $builder->buildServicePaymentCapture(); $request = NEW Payone_Api_Request_Capture($params); $request->setTxid($data['txid']); $request->setPortalid($data['portalid']); $request->setSequencenumber($this->_getNextSequencenumber($data['txid'])); $request->setCurrency($data['currency']); IF (isset($data['positions'])) { $request->setInvoicing($this->_getInvoicingTransaction($data)); $request->setAmount(round($this->amount, 2)); } ELSE { $request->setAmount(round($data['amount'], 2)); } $response = $service->capture($request); IF ($response instanceof Payone_Api_Response_Capture_Approved) { $this->log("SUCCESS capture response:\n".print_r($response, TRUE)); } ELSE IF ($response instanceof Payone_Api_Response_Error) { $this->log("ERROR capture response:\n".print_r($response, TRUE)); } RETURN $response; } public FUNCTION refundAmount($data) { $this->log("refunding amount\n".print_r($data, TRUE)); $config = $this->getConfig(); $global_config = $config['global']; $standard_parameters = $this->getStandardParameters('debit', $global_config); unset($standard_parameters['responsetype']); unset($standard_parameters['successurl']); unset($standard_parameters['errorurl']); unset($standard_parameters['hash']); $request_parameters = array( 'aid' => $global_config['subaccount_id'], 'key' => $global_config['key'], ); $params = array_merge($standard_parameters, $request_parameters); $builder = NEW Payone_Builder($this->getPayoneConfig()); $service = $builder->buildServicePaymentDebit(); $request = NEW Payone_Api_Request_Debit($params); $request->setCurrency($data['currency']); $request->setSequencenumber($this->_getNextSequencenumber($data['txid'])); $request->setTxid($data['txid']); IF (isset($data['positions'])) { $request->setInvoicing($this->_getInvoicingTransaction($data)); $request->setAmount((round($this->amount, 2) * (-1))); } ELSE { $request->setAmount((round($data['amount'], 2) * (-1))); } IF (FALSE && !empty($data['bankaccount'])) { $payment = NEW Payone_Api_Request_Parameter_Refund_PaymentMethod_BankAccount(); $payment->setBankaccount($data['bankaccount']); $payment->setBankbranchcode($data['bankbranchcode']); $payment->setBankcheckdigit($data['bankcheckdigit']); $payment->setBankcode($data['bankcode']); $payment->setBankcountry($data['bankcountry']); $request->setPayment($payment); } $response = $service->debit($request); IF ($response instanceof Payone_Api_Response_Debit_Approved) { $this->log("SUCCESS refunding response:\n".print_r($response, TRUE)); } ELSE IF ($response instanceof Payone_Api_Response_Error) { $this->log("ERROR refunding response:\n".print_r($response, TRUE)); } RETURN $response; } public FUNCTION getBillToCountry() { IF (!(isset($_SESSION['billto']) && is_numeric($_SESSION['billto']))) { RETURN ''; } $ab_id = $_SESSION['billto']; $customer_id = $_SESSION['customer_id']; $query = "SELECT ab.*, c.* FROM ".TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK." ab left join ".TABLE_COUNTRIES." c on c.countries_id = ab.entry_country_id WHERE ab.address_book_id = '".(INT)$ab_id."' AND ab.customers_id = '".(INT)$customer_id."'"; $result = xtc_db_query($query); $country = ''; while($row = xtc_db_fetch_array($result)) { $country = $row['countries_iso_code_2']; } RETURN $country; } public FUNCTION getClearingData($orders_id) { $result = xtc_db_query("SELECT * FROM `payone_clearingdata` WHERE `orders_id` = '".(INT)$orders_id."'"); $cd = FALSE; while($row = xtc_db_fetch_array($result)) { $cd = $row; } RETURN $cd; } public FUNCTION addressCheck($ab_id, $checktype = 'BA') { $global_config = $this->getConfig('global'); $config = $this->getConfig('address_check'); $cdata = $this->_getAddressBookEntry($ab_id); IF ($cdata === FALSE) { throw NEW Exception('invalid address book entry'); } $standard_parameters = $this->getStandardParameters(); $builder = NEW Payone_Builder($this->getPayoneConfig()); $service = $builder->buildServiceVerificationAddressCheck(); $requestData = array( 'key' => $global_config['key'], 'addresschecktype' => $checktype, // BA|PE|NO (basic | person | no) ); $addressData = array( 'firstname' => $cdata['entry_firstname'], 'lastname' => $cdata['entry_lastname'], 'company' => $cdata['entry_company'], 'street' => $cdata['entry_street_address'], 'zip' => $cdata['entry_postcode'], 'city' => $cdata['entry_city'], 'country' => $cdata['countries_iso_code_2'], 'birthday' => DATE('Ymd', strtotime($cdate['dob_date'])), 'telephonenumber' => $cdata['customers_telephone'], ); $address_hash = md5(implode('', $addressData)); $response = $this->_retrieveCachedAddressCheckResponse($address_hash); IF ($response == FALSE) { $this->log("addressCheck cache miss"); $requestData = array_merge($standard_parameters, $requestData, $addressData); $request = NEW Payone_Api_Request_AddressCheck($requestData); $this->log("addressCheck hash: ".$address_hash."\n"); $this->log("addressCheck request:\n".print_r($request, TRUE)); $response = $service->CHECK($request); $this->log("addressCheck response:\n".print_r($response, TRUE)); } ELSE { $this->log("addressCheck cache hit"); } IF ($response instanceof Payone_Api_Response_AddressCheck_Valid || $response instanceof Payone_Api_Response_AddressCheck_Invalid) { $this->_storeAddressCheckResponse($response, $ab_id, $address_hash); } RETURN $response; } protected FUNCTION _retrieveCachedAddressCheckResponse($address_hash) { $config = $this->getConfig('address_check'); $cache_days = $config['validity']; $query = "SELECT * FROM `payone_ac_cache` WHERE address_hash = '".xtc_db_input($address_hash)."' AND received >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ".(INT)$cache_days." DAY)"; $cached_response = FALSE; $result = xtc_db_query($query); while($row = xtc_db_fetch_array($result)) { IF (empty($row['errorcode'])) { $cached_response = NEW Payone_Api_Response_AddressCheck_Valid($row); } ELSE { $cached_response = NEW Payone_Api_Response_AddressCheck_Invalid($row); } } RETURN $cached_response; } protected FUNCTION _storeAddressCheckResponse($response, $ab_id, $address_hash) { IF ($response instanceof Payone_Api_Response_AddressCheck_Valid) { $sql_data_array = array( 'address_hash' => $address_hash, 'address_book_id' => (INT)$ab_id, 'secstatus' => (INT)$response->getSecstatus(), 'status' => $response->getStatus(), 'personstatus' => $response->getPersonstatus(), 'street' => $response->getStreet(), 'streetname' => $response->getStreetname(), 'streetnumber' => $response->getStreetnumber(), 'zip' => $response->getZip(), 'city' => $response->getCity(), ); } ELSE IF ($response instanceof Payone_Api_Response_AddressCheck_Invalid) { $sql_data_array = array( 'address_hash' => $address_hash, 'address_book_id' => (INT)$ab_id, 'secstatus' => (INT)$response->getSecstatus(), 'status' => $response->getStatus(), 'errorcode' => $response->getErrorcode(), 'errormessage' => $response->getErrormessage(), 'customermessage' => $response->getCustomerMessage(), ); } xtc_db_query("DELETE FROM `payone_ac_cache` WHERE address_hash = '".xtc_db_input($address_hash)."'"); xtc_db_perform('payone_ac_cache', $sql_data_array); } public FUNCTION scoreCustomer($ab_id) { $global_config = $this->getConfig('global'); $config = $this->getConfig('credit_risk'); $cdata = $this->_getAddressBookEntry($ab_id); IF ($cdata === FALSE) { throw NEW Exception('invalid address book entry'); } switch($config['typeofcheck']) { CASE 'iscorehard': $scoretype = 'IH'; break; CASE 'iscoreall': $scoretype = 'IA'; break; CASE 'iscorebscore'; $scoretype = 'IB'; break; DEFAULT: $scoretype = 'IH'; } $standard_parameters = $this->getStandardParameters(); $builder = NEW Payone_Builder($this->getPayoneConfig()); $service = $builder->buildServiceVerificationConsumerscore(); $requestData = array( 'key' => $global_config['key'], 'addresschecktype' => 'NO', // BA|PE|NO (basic | person | no) 'consumerscoretype' => $scoretype, // IH|IA|IB (hart | alle | alle+boni) ); $addressData = array( 'firstname' => $cdata['entry_firstname'], 'lastname' => $cdata['entry_lastname'], 'company' => $cdata['entry_company'], 'street' => $cdata['entry_street_address'], 'zip' => $cdata['entry_postcode'], 'city' => $cdata['entry_city'], 'country' => $cdata['countries_iso_code_2'], 'birthday' => DATE('Ymd', strtotime($cdate['dob_date'])), 'telephonenumber' => $cdata['customers_telephone'], ); $address_hash = md5(implode('', $addressData)); $response = $this->_retrieveCachedCreditRiskResponse($address_hash, $scoretype); IF ($response == FALSE) { $this->log("creditRisk cache miss"); $requestData = array_merge($standard_parameters, $requestData, $addressData); $request = NEW Payone_Api_Request_Consumerscore($requestData); $this->log("scoreCustomer request:\n".print_r($request, TRUE)); $response = $service->score($request); $this->log("scoreCustomer response:\n".print_r($response, TRUE)); } ELSE { $this->log("creditRisk cache hit"); } IF ($response instanceof Payone_Api_Response_Consumerscore_Valid || $response instanceof Payone_Api_Response_Consumerscore_Invalid) { $this->_storeCreditRiskResponse($response, $ab_id, $address_hash, $scoretype); RETURN $response; } ELSE { RETURN FALSE; } } protected FUNCTION _retrieveCachedCreditRiskResponse($address_hash, $scoretype) { $config = $this->getConfig('credit_risk'); $cache_days = $config['validity']; $query = "SELECT * FROM `payone_cr_cache` WHERE address_hash = '".xtc_db_input($address_hash)."' AND `scoretype` = '".xtc_db_input($scoretype)."' AND `received` >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ".(INT)$cache_days." DAY)"; $cached_response = FALSE; $result = xtc_db_query($query); while($row = xtc_db_fetch_array($result)) { IF (empty($row['errorcode'])) { $cached_response = NEW Payone_Api_Response_Consumerscore_Valid($row); } ELSE { $cached_response = NEW Payone_Api_Response_Consumerscore_Invalid($row); } } RETURN $cached_response; } protected FUNCTION _storeCreditRiskResponse($response, $ab_id, $address_hash, $scoretype) { IF ($response instanceof Payone_Api_Response_Consumerscore_Valid) { $sql_data_array = array( 'address_hash' => $address_hash, 'address_book_id' => (INT)$ab_id, 'scoretype' => $scoretype, 'secstatus' => (INT)$response->getSecstatus(), 'status' => $response->getStatus(), 'score' => $response->getScore(), 'scorevalue' => $response->getScorevalue(), 'secscore' => $response->getSecscore(), 'personstatus' => $response->getPersonstatus(), 'firstname' => $response->getFirstname(), 'lastname' => $response->getLastname(), 'street' => $response->getStreet(), 'streetname' => $response->getStreetname(), 'streetnumber' => $response->getStreetnumber(), 'zip' => $response->getZip(), 'city' => $response->getCity(), ); } ELSE IF ($response instanceof Payone_Api_Response_Consumerscore_Invalid) { $sql_data_array = array( 'address_hash' => $address_hash, 'address_book_id' => (INT)$ab_id, 'scoretype' => $scoretype, 'secstatus' => (INT)$response->getSecstatus(), 'status' => $response->getStatus(), 'errorcode' => $response->getErrorcode(), 'errormessage' => $response->getErrormessage(), 'customermessage' => $response->getCustomerMessage(), ); } xtc_db_query("DELETE FROM `payone_cr_cache` WHERE address_hash = '".xtc_db_input($address_hash)."'"); xtc_db_perform('payone_cr_cache', $sql_data_array); } public FUNCTION getLogsCount($mode, $date_start = NULL, $date_end = NULL, $search = NULL) { $table = (($mode == 'api') ? 'payone_api_log' : 'payone_transactions_log'); $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS logs_count FROM ".$table." l LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_ORDERS." o ON o.customers_id = l.customers_id"; IF ($date_start !== NULL && $date_end !== NULL) { $query .= " WHERE l.date_created BETWEEN '".date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', ($date_start))."' AND '".date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', ($date_end))."'"; } IF ($search != NULL) { IF (stripos($query, 'WHERE') === FALSE) { $query .= " WHERE "; } ELSE { $query .= " AND "; } $query .= " (l.event_id LIKE '%".xtc_db_input($search)."%' OR o.customers_name LIKE '%".xtc_db_input($search)."%')"; } $query .= " GROUP BY event_id"; $result = xtc_db_query($query); $count = 0; while ($row = xtc_db_fetch_array($result)) { $count += 1; } RETURN $count; } public FUNCTION getLogs($mode, $limit, $offset, $date_start = NULL, $date_end = NULL, $search = NULL) { $table = (($mode == 'api') ? 'payone_api_log' : 'payone_transactions_log'); $query = "SELECT l.event_id, l.date_created, l.customers_id, o.customers_name FROM ".$table." l LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_ORDERS." o ON o.customers_id = l.customers_id "; IF ($date_start !== NULL && $date_end !== NULL) { $query .= "WHERE l.date_created BETWEEN '".date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', ($date_start))."' AND '".date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', ($date_end))."' "; } IF ($search != NULL) { IF (stripos($query, 'WHERE') === FALSE) { $query .= " WHERE "; } ELSE { $query .= " AND "; } $query .= " (l.event_id LIKE '%".xtc_db_input($search)."%' OR o.customers_name LIKE '%".xtc_db_input($search)."%')"; } $query .= "GROUP BY l.event_id ORDER BY l.date_created ASC LIMIT ".$limit." OFFSET ".$offset; $result = xtc_db_query($query); $logs = array(); while($row = xtc_db_fetch_array($result)) { $logs[] = $row; } RETURN $logs; } public FUNCTION getLogData($mode, $event_id) { $table = (($mode == 'api') ? 'payone_api_log' : 'payone_transactions_log'); $query = xtc_db_query("SELECT * FROM ".$table." WHERE event_id = ".(INT)$event_id." ORDER BY log_count"); $data = array(); while($row = xtc_db_fetch_array($query)) { $row['message'] = $this->_splitLogMessage($row['message']); $data[] = $row; } RETURN $data; } protected FUNCTION _splitLogMessage($message) { $parts = explode('|', $message); $message = array(); foreach($parts AS $part) { list($name, $value) = explode('=', $part); $message[$name] = $value; } RETURN $message; } public FUNCTION build_html($template, $content) { $module_smarty = NEW Smarty(); $module_smarty->template_dir = DIR_FS_EXTERNAL.'payone/templates/'; $module_smarty->assign('language', $_SESSION['language']); $module_smarty->assign('content_data', $content); $module_smarty->caching = 0; $module = $module_smarty->fetch($template); RETURN $module; } } ?> Fatal error: Class 'PayoneModified' NOT found IN /WWWROOT/251369/htdocs/includes/external/payone/classes/PayonePayment.php ON line 36


    • modified Team
    • Gravatar
    • Beiträge: 46.369
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    Re: Zahlungsoptionen erzeugen Fehlermeldung
    Antwort #3 am: 29. November 2017, 10:24:00
    Du kannst die folgenden Ordner wiederherstellen:
    • /includes/external/
    • /includes/modules/payment/
    Damit solltest du alle Zahlungsoptionen wieder im Original haben.




    • Fördermitglied
    • Beiträge: 234
    Re: Zahlungsoptionen erzeugen Fehlermeldung
    Antwort #4 am: 29. November 2017, 11:07:28
    danke schon mal

    hab jetzt riesige probleme, hab wohl alles abgeschossen, durch ein backup

    folgende fehlermeldung:

    Code: SQL  [Auswählen]
    'code' => $languages['code'], 'language_charset' => $languages['language_charset'], 'directory' => $languages['directory']); } $this->browser_languages = ''; $this->LANGUAGE = ''; IF ( (!empty($lng)) && (isset($this->catalog_languages[$lng])) ) { $this->LANGUAGE = $this->catalog_languages[$lng]; } ELSEIF(isset($this->catalog_languages[DEFAULT_LANGUAGE])) { $this->LANGUAGE = $this->catalog_languages[DEFAULT_LANGUAGE]; } ELSE { $this->LANGUAGE = $this->catalog_languages[KEY($this->catalog_languages)]; } } FUNCTION get_browser_language() { $this->browser_languages = explode(',', (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] : '')); //DokuMan - 2010-08-04 - USE $_SERVER here FOR better windows environment compatiblity FOR ($i=0, $n=sizeof($this->browser_languages); $i<$n; $i++) { reset($this->languages); while (list($key, $value) = each($this->languages)) { IF (preg_match('/^(' . $value[0] . ')(;q=[0-9]\\.[0-9])?$/i', $this->browser_languages[$i]) && isset($this->catalog_languages[$key])) { $this->LANGUAGE = $this->catalog_languages[$key]; break 2; } } } } } } ?> Fatal error: Class 'language' NOT found IN /WWWROOT/251369/htdocs/includes/modules/set_language_sessions.php ON line 25

    in line 25 wird also die Klasse 'language' vergeblich aufgerufen,

    wo wird diese Klasse denn erzeugt?



    • Fördermitglied
    • Beiträge: 234
    Re: Zahlungsoptionen erzeugen Fehlermeldung
    Antwort #5 am: 29. November 2017, 13:19:40
    bitte letzten post ignorieren

    habe mal eine grundsätzliche frage:

    wenn ich eine 1zu1 kopie von allen shop-dateien sichere und später wieder einspiele,
    die configure.php von hand im detail geprüft wird und stimmt, dann muss doch mein shop laufen oder?

    wo mache ich einen fehler?

    an der datenbank habe ich nichts geändert, die ist original letzter stand und wird auch nicht überschrieben beim zurückschreiben der sicherungsdateien


    • Fördermitglied
    • Beiträge: 6.258
    Re: Zahlungsoptionen erzeugen Fehlermeldung
    Antwort #6 am: 29. November 2017, 13:30:54
    Fehler können zb beim Uploadprogramm entstehen, wenn der Übertragungsmodus nicht binär ist.

    Bsp: Filezilla hatte bei mir nach dem letzten Update einfach alle Einstellungen zurückgesetzt. Auch den Übertragungsmodus auf automatisch gestellt.

    Scheinbar hatten das mehrere hier im Forum in der letzten Zeit und dann kam es vor allem bei Javascriptdateien dazu, dass da Hyroglyphen an manchen Stellen waren und die Seite teilweise nicht mehr angezeigt wurde.

    Gruß Timm


    • Fördermitglied
    • Beiträge: 234
    Re: Zahlungsoptionen erzeugen Fehlermeldung
    Antwort #7 am: 29. November 2017, 13:54:35
    Danke Timm,

    Shop läuft erst mal durch eine gewagte Mischung aus 2 Shop-Varianten.
    leider kein Zugang zum Admin-Bereich

    hab derzeit folgenden Fehler

    Code: PHP  [Auswählen]
    Fatal error: Class 'messageStack' not found in /WWWROOT/251369/htdocs/admin/includes/application_top.php on line 249

    wenn ich wüßte wo diese klasse gebildet wird,
    die wird doch in einer php erzeugt und dann eingebunden
    warum finde ich die include datei nicht in application_top?


    • Fördermitglied
    • Beiträge: 6.258
    Re: Zahlungsoptionen erzeugen Fehlermeldung
    Antwort #8 am: 29. November 2017, 14:22:13
    steht doch in der Datei nur eine Zeile drüber

    require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'message_stack.php');

    also in admin/includes/classes/message_stack.php

    Aber ob dir das was bringt?

    leider kein Zugang zum Admin-Bereich
    SSl vorhanden?
    Hast du die .htaccess aus dem root mit kopiert?  Vielleicht fehlt die, dann funktionieren die Weiterleitungen nicht, die du in der configure.php aber eingestellt hast, wenn da beide serverangaben mit https angegeben sind.


    • Fördermitglied
    • Beiträge: 234
    Re: Zahlungsoptionen erzeugen Fehlermeldung
    Antwort #9 am: 29. November 2017, 15:00:37
    Danke Timm!

    habs so weit wieder im griff

    eine wilde Mischung aus 2 Shops und Teile eines backups
    verückt, also wurden definitiv dateien beim backup oder zurückspielen beschädigt.

    ich nutze normalerweise filezilla für großen mengen und für dateien zu bearbeiten den fireftp (dazu braucht man mittlerweile den waterfox weil im neuesten firefox kein fireftp mehr läuft)

    jemand ne gute alternative die zuverlässig ist?



    • Fördermitglied
    • Beiträge: 234
    Re: Zahlungsoptionen erzeugen Fehlermeldung
    Antwort #10 am: 29. November 2017, 19:47:02
    Bitte um Hilfe:

    meine Shop-Unterseiten aus dem Content-Manager passen nicht mehr.

    wo ändere ich den link (aufruf) zu den seiten wie "kontakt" usw... alles was im content manger erstellt wurde

    rechtstexte für onlineshop
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