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  • Thema: Quick questions about the shop


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    Quick questions about the shop
    am: 05. Mai 2015, 15:47:00

    Im trying to do some more implementations to my shop but im having hard times finding some paths, hope i can get some help.

    1.- How may call the result of a select into the shop? e.G:

    Code: PHP  [Auswählen]
    $manufacturers_query = "select distinct a.manufacturers_id, a.manufacturers_name from ".TABLE_AUTHORS." as a order by a.manufacturers_name";

    $manufacturers_query = xtDBquery($manufacturers_query);

    im getting the select into $manufacturers_query, i know that, but also i need to put the 3rd line (xtDBquery), why's that? is like some kind of validation? without that it wouldn't work.

     But then, i see something like this:

    Code: PHP  [Auswählen]
    while ($manufacturers = xtc_db_fetch_array($manufacturers_query, true)) {
    some more code to display here

    Those are things that were already implemented, im trying to get another kind of select into another variable, but once i do it and put it where i want to (to show the result of the select) it appears nothing, so i was wondering what's the correct way to do it? Am i missing something?

    2.- Maybe is not on the original shop, but need to try it at least. Where is the code used to display the "middle part" of the shop? i mean not the boxes on the right or the left. but in the middle of those.
    In the url says "myshop/index?cPath=1_10 for sub-categories, but can't get nothing from index. So after a lot of search, i found that some things were called from includes/modules, how can i change the codes to display what i want?

    3.- Whats the different between myshop/templates/xtc5/source/boxes/*.php  and myshop/source/boxes/*.php? , because i need to change some things in to the boxes of my shop but after a lot of tries i can't change what i want (because i don't know where it is basically)

    4.- How may i add another "cart_icon" into product_info.php? i can't find where it's the original implement (i will use the other one to buy directly with points)

    I really hope to someone helps me, even with 1 question or just advices, i have been searching for severals days until now and nothing  :’-(.

    Thanks in advance.



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    Re: Quick questions about the shop
    Antwort #1 am: 07. Mai 2015, 09:33:16
    I just got 1 of the questions (number 2), but i got another question, hopefully someone knows.

    How may i add another module to the Administrator info?, so when i click it refers to another php file (i want to add one command that update something in my DB), its on admin/includes/application_top.php ?
    If yes, how may i call from there?


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    Re: Quick questions about the shop
    Antwort #2 am: 07. Mai 2015, 09:58:32
    Do You have a little bit experience with PHP? Do You know how to do SQL-queries and display results in PHP, not in the shop?

    Start from index.php and see step-by-step what is included in the files. First file to explore after index.php would be includes/application_top.php.

    Then have a look on docu of Smarty as template-engine.


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    Re: Quick questions about the shop
    Antwort #3 am: 07. Mai 2015, 10:10:17
    Do You have a little bit experience with PHP? Do You know how to do SQL-queries and display results in PHP, not in the shop?

    Start from index.php and see step-by-step what is included in the files. First file to explore after index.php would be includes/application_top.php.

    Then have a look on docu of Smarty as template-engine.
    Thanks for the answer. Yea, i have no problem with the PHP part about showing the results of the SQL-queries. The only problem for me is -where to call it- , i mean paths mostly. For example, if i want to put another button (like Administrator) on Admin info box, where should i put it? I know the html and php part of how to do it, but not the where to put it. Im deeply looking into orders.php and admin/includes/application_top.php, its just a bit scramble and confusing for me.
    Will take a look into templates then, thanks for the advice.

    Edit: Thanks to your advice i could do it :-).
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