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  • Thema: SEO - link handling - bluegate and shopstat together


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    • Beiträge: 5

    a customer was using another xtc-based system - that included both seo tools.

    I was reading some topics, my feeling concerning bluegate/directURL - is splited - the links are looking more human -, but the manual-index is worse)
    anyway it seems that I was able to integrate the old bluegate datebase of my customer into modified-shop - and it's gonna working - somehow.
    all old links are working -> products_info,php? makes 301 http-response to the old product-link -
    same if i activate SEO-(shopstat)-links.
    So far so good  :-)

    what I am not sure about - which impact has that to google?
    the new (shopstat) links that are visible in the shopsystem get redirected to bluegate-links.

    anybody some suggestions ?

    as an attachment you find my git patch from my non-standard dev-version

    kurz und knapp - ich hab bluegate eingebaut bekommen -
    alle links, egal ob shopstat oder pur php, - werden immer auf die entsprechende directlink url geleitet (sofern der bluegate-index stimmt)
    da ich ein git nutze hab ich mal einen patch (aus meiner nicht-standard entwicklungsversion) angefügt - für jeden den es interessiert

    für mich interessant ist - welche auswirkung hat das auf google das google-ranking, wenn jeder (neue) sichtbare link einen 301-request bekommt ?

    Linkback: https://www.modified-shop.org/forum/index.php?topic=24939.0
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    • Neu im Forum
    • Beiträge: 5
    Re: SEO - link handling - bluegate and shopstat together
    Antwort #1 am: 22. Februar 2013, 22:41:30
    sorry - forgot to upload the git patch
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