Shop Hosting
  • Die modified eCommerce Shopsoftware ist kostenlos, aber nicht umsonst.
  • Damit wir die modified eCommerce Shopsoftware auch zukünftig kostenlos anbieten können:
  • Thema: EXPIRES_DATE nach SP1d in product_listing keine Anzeige


    • Schreiberling
    • Beiträge: 439
    Habe keine Lösung gefunden.

    Nach dem Update SP1d funzt expires_date in der produkt_listing nicht mehr.
    -> Auch nicht in den Boxen!!!
    die xtcprice.php (siehe code) wurde im Update verändert. Finde nun die Lösung nicht. Vor dem Update war alles bello.

    Wer kann das mal beurteilen?

    Bei Zeile 412 -> return bei 420 -> das sah vor dem Update anders aus. Wenn ich das so wieder übernehme, erhalte ich einen blank_screen

    Code: PHP  [Auswählen]
    /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       $Id: xtcPrice.php 1402 2010-10-03 16:48:20Z dokuman $

       modified eCommerce Shopsoftware - community made shopping
       http://www.modified eCommerce

       Copyright (c) 2010 modified eCommerce Shopsoftware
       Edit by kahno - Umbau Template - NEU: SPECILAS expires_date ueberall verfuegbar gemacht
            - siehe auch includes/classes/product.php =>> PRODUCTS_EXPIRES_DATE
            - SP1d
       - EDIT by kahno 07.2012 ->> SP1d    
       based on:
       (c) 2000-2001 The Exchange Project  (earlier name of osCommerce)
       (c) 2002-2003 osCommerce(currencies.php,v 1.15 2003/03/17);
       (c) 2003 nextcommerce (currencies.php,v 1.9 2003/08/17);
       (c) 2006 XT-Commerce (xtcPrice.php 1316 2005-10-21)

       Released under the GNU General Public License
       Modified by Gunnar Tillmann (August 2006)

       Everywhere a price is displayed you see any existing kind of discount in percent and
       in saved money in your chosen currency

     * This class calculates and formates all prices within the shop frontend

    class xtcPrice {
            var $currencies;

         * Constructor initialises all required values like currencies, tax classes, tax zones etc.
         * @param String $currency
         * @param Integer $cGroup
         * @return xtcPrice

            function xtcPrice($currency, $cGroup) {

                    $this->currencies = array ();
                    $this->cStatus = array ();
                    $this->actualGroup = (int)$cGroup;
                    $this->actualCurr = $currency;
                    $this->TAX = array ();
                    $this->SHIPPING = array();
                    $this->showFrom_Attributes = true;
        if (!defined('HTTP_CATALOG_SERVER') && isset($_SESSION['cart'])) {
          if (is_object($_SESSION['cart'])) {
            $this->content_type = $_SESSION['cart']->get_content_type();

                    // select Currencies
                    $currencies_query = xtDBquery("SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_CURRENCIES);
                    while ($currencies = xtc_db_fetch_array($currencies_query, true)) {
                            $this->currencies[$currencies['code']] = array (
                            'title' => $currencies['title'],
                            'symbol_left' => $currencies['symbol_left'],
                            'symbol_right' => $currencies['symbol_right'],
                            'decimal_point' => $currencies['decimal_point'],
                            'thousands_point' => $currencies['thousands_point'],
                            'decimal_places' => $currencies['decimal_places'],
                            'value' => $currencies['value']
        //BOF - DokuMan - 2011-01-21 - Fix an issue when the currency in user's preference is not existing
        if (!isset($this->currencies[$this->actualCurr])) {
          $this->actualCurr = DEFAULT_CURRENCY;
        //BOF - DokuMan - 2011-01-21 - Fix an issue when the currency in user's preference is not existing

                    // select Customers Status data
                    $customers_status_query = xtDBquery( "SELECT *
                                                  FROM "
                                                 WHERE customers_status_id = '"
                                                   AND language_id = '"
                    $customers_status_value = xtc_db_fetch_array($customers_status_query, true);
                    $this->cStatus = array ('customers_status_id' => $this->actualGroup,
                                'customers_status_name' => $customers_status_value['customers_status_name'],
                                'customers_status_image' => $customers_status_value['customers_status_image'],
                                'customers_status_public' => $customers_status_value['customers_status_public'],
                                'customers_status_discount' => $customers_status_value['customers_status_discount'],
                                'customers_status_ot_discount_flag' => $customers_status_value['customers_status_ot_discount_flag'],
                                'customers_status_ot_discount' => $customers_status_value['customers_status_ot_discount'],
                                'customers_status_graduated_prices' => $customers_status_value['customers_status_graduated_prices'],
                                'customers_status_show_price' => $customers_status_value['customers_status_show_price'],
                                'customers_status_show_price_tax' => $customers_status_value['customers_status_show_price_tax'],
                                'customers_status_add_tax_ot' => $customers_status_value['customers_status_add_tax_ot'],
                                'customers_status_payment_unallowed' => $customers_status_value['customers_status_payment_unallowed'],
                                'customers_status_shipping_unallowed' => $customers_status_value['customers_status_shipping_unallowed'],
                                'customers_status_discount_attributes' => $customers_status_value['customers_status_discount_attributes'],
                                'customers_fsk18' => $customers_status_value['customers_fsk18'],
                                'customers_fsk18_display' => $customers_status_value['customers_fsk18_display']

                    // prefetch tax rates for standard zone
                    $zones_query = xtDBquery("SELECT tax_class_id as class FROM ".TABLE_TAX_CLASS);
                    while ($zones_data = xtc_db_fetch_array($zones_query,true)) {
                            // calculate tax based on shipping or deliverey country (for downloads)
                            if (isset($_SESSION['billto']) && isset($_SESSION['sendto'])) {
                              $tax_address_query = xtc_db_query("SELECT ab.entry_country_id,
                                                 FROM "
                                            LEFT JOIN "
    . TABLE_ZONES . " z on (ab.entry_zone_id = z.zone_id)
                                                WHERE ab.customers_id = '"
    . $_SESSION['customer_id'] . "'
                                                  AND ab.address_book_id = '"
    . ($this->content_type == 'virtual' ? $_SESSION['billto'] : $_SESSION['sendto']) . "'"); //DokuMan - leave content_type as it is
                    $tax_address = xtc_db_fetch_array($tax_address_query);
                            $this->TAX[$zones_data['class']]=xtc_get_tax_rate($zones_data['class'],$tax_address['entry_country_id'], $tax_address['entry_zone_id']);
                            } else {

         * This function searchs the inividual price for a product using the product id $pID
         * @param Integer $pID product id
         * @param Boolean $format Format the result?
         * @param Double $qty quantity
         * @param Integer $tax_class tax class id
         * @param Double $pPrice product price
         * @param Integer $vpeStatus vpe status
         * @param Integer $cedit_id customer specify tax conditions
         * @return String/Array Price (if format = true both plain and formatted)

      function xtcGetPrice($pID, $format = true, $qty, $tax_class, $pPrice, $vpeStatus = 0, $cedit_id = 0) {

        // check if group is allowed to see prices
        if ($this->cStatus['customers_status_show_price'] == '0'){
          return $this->xtcShowNote($vpeStatus);

        // get Tax rate
        if ($cedit_id != 0) {
          //BOC - web28 - 2012-04-07 - FIX edit orders in admin guest account
          if (defined('HTTP_CATALOG_SERVER')) {
            global $order;
            $cinfo = get_c_infos($order->customer['ID'], trim($order->delivery['country_iso_2']));
          } else {
            $cinfo = xtc_oe_customer_infos($cedit_id);
          //EOC - web28 - 2012-04-07 - FIX edit orders in admin guest account
          $products_tax = xtc_get_tax_rate($tax_class, $cinfo['country_id'], $cinfo['zone_id']);
        } else {
          //BOF - DokuMan - 2010-08-23 - set undefined index
          //$products_tax = $this->TAX[$tax_class];
          $products_tax = isset($this->TAX[$tax_class]) ? $this->TAX[$tax_class] : 0;
          //EOF - DokuMan - 2010-08-23 - set undefined index

        if ($this->cStatus['customers_status_show_price_tax'] == '0'){
          $products_tax = '';

        // add taxes
        if ($pPrice == 0) {
          $pPrice = $this->getPprice($pID);
        $pPrice = $this->xtcAddTax($pPrice, $products_tax);    
        // BOF - Tomcraft - 2009-11-28 - Included xs:booster
        // xs:booster Auktionspreis pruefen
        if ($sPrice = $this->xtcCheckXTBAuction($pID)){
          return $this->xtcFormatSpecial($pID, $sPrice, $pPrice, $format, $vpeStatus);
        // EOF - Tomcraft - 2009-11-28 - Included xs:booster

        // check specialprice
        if ($sPrice = $this->xtcCheckSpecial($pID)){
          return $this->xtcFormatSpecial($pID, $this->xtcAddTax($sPrice, $products_tax), $pPrice, $format, $vpeStatus, $special['expires_date']);
    // check special von mouseworx
    // wurde von vor SP1d uebernommen falls obige Angabe Fehler produziert
    /*  if($special = $this->xtcCheckSpecial($pID))
          return $this->xtcFormatSpecial($pID, $this->xtcAddTax($special['price'], $products_tax), $pPrice, $format, $vpeStatus, $special['expires_date']);

        // check graduated
        if ($this->cStatus['customers_status_graduated_prices'] == '1') {
          if ($sPrice = $this->xtcGetGraduatedPrice($pID, $qty)){
            return $this->xtcFormatSpecialGraduated($pID, $this->xtcAddTax($sPrice, $products_tax), $pPrice, $format, $vpeStatus, $pID);
        } else {
          // check Group Price
          if ($sPrice = $this->xtcGetGroupPrice($pID, 1)){
            return $this->xtcFormatSpecialGraduated($pID, $this->xtcAddTax($sPrice, $products_tax), $pPrice, $format, $vpeStatus, $pID);

        // check Product Discount
        if ($discount = $this->xtcCheckDiscount($pID)){
          return $this->xtcFormatSpecialDiscount($pID, $discount, $pPrice, $format, $vpeStatus);
        return $this->xtcFormat($pPrice, $format, 0, false, $vpeStatus, $pID);

         * This function returns the reqular price of a product,
         * no mather if its a special offer or has graduated prices
         * @param Integer $pID product id
         * @return Double price

            function getPprice($pID) {
                    $pQuery = "SELECT products_price FROM ".TABLE_PRODUCTS." WHERE products_id='".$pID."'";
                    $pQuery = xtDBquery($pQuery);
                    $pData = xtc_db_fetch_array($pQuery, true);
                    return $pData['products_price'];


         * Adding a tax percentage to a price
         * This function also converts the price with currency factor,
         * so take care to avoid double conversions!
         * @param Double $price net price
         * @param Double $tax tax value(%)
         * @return Double gross price

            function xtcAddTax($price, $tax) {
                    $price += $price / 100 * $tax;
                    $price = $this->xtcCalculateCurr($price);
                    return round($price, $this->currencies[$this->actualCurr]['decimal_places']);

      // BOF - Tomcraft - 2009-11-28 - Included xs:booster
            // xs:booster start (v1.041)
            function xtcCheckXTBAuction($pID)
                    if(($pos=strpos($pID,"{"))) $pID=substr($pID,0,$pos);
        //BOF - DokuMan - 2010-08-23 - suppress error php-notice on undefined index xtb0
                    //if(!is_array($_SESSION['xtb0']['tx'])) return false;
                    if(@!is_array($_SESSION['xtb0']['tx'])) return false;
        //EOF - DokuMan - 2010-08-23 - suppress error php-notice on undefined index xtb0
                    foreach($_SESSION['xtb0']['tx'] as $tx) {
                            if($tx['products_id']==$pID&&$tx['XTB_QUANTITYPURCHASED']!=0) {
                                    return round($tx['XTB_AMOUNTPAID'], $this->currencies[$this->actualCurr]['decimal_places']);
                    return false;
            // xs:booster end
      // EOF - Tomcraft - 2009-11-28 - Included xs:booster

         * Returns the product sepcific discount
         * @param Integer $pID product id
         * @return Mixed boolean false if not found or 0.00, double if found and > 0.00

            function xtcCheckDiscount($pID) {

                    // check if group got discount
                    if ($this->cStatus['customers_status_discount'] != '0.00') {

                            $discount_query = "SELECT products_discount_allowed FROM ".TABLE_PRODUCTS." WHERE products_id = '".$pID."'";
                            $discount_query = xtDBquery($discount_query);
                            $dData = xtc_db_fetch_array($discount_query, true);

                            $discount = $dData['products_discount_allowed'];
                            if ($this->cStatus['customers_status_discount'] < $discount)
                                    $discount = $this->cStatus['customers_status_discount'];
                            if ($discount == '0.00')
                                    return false;
                            return $discount;

                    return false;

         * Searches the graduated price of a product for a specified quantity
         * @param Integer $pID product id
         * @param Double $qty quantity
         * @return Double graduated price

      function xtcGetGraduatedPrice($pID, $qty) {
        if (defined('GRADUATED_ASSIGN') && GRADUATED_ASSIGN == 'true') {
          if (xtc_get_qty($pID) > $qty) {
            $qty = xtc_get_qty($pID);

        if (empty($this->actualGroup)) {
          $this->actualGroup = DEFAULT_CUSTOMERS_STATUS_ID_GUEST;

        $graduated_price_query = xtDBquery("SELECT max(quantity) AS qty
                                              FROM "
                                             WHERE products_id='"
                                               AND quantity<='"
        $graduated_price_data = xtc_db_fetch_array($graduated_price_query, true);
        if ($graduated_price_data['qty']) {
          $graduated_price_query = xtDBquery("SELECT personal_offer
                                                FROM "
                                               WHERE products_id='"
                                                 AND quantity='"
          $graduated_price_data = xtc_db_fetch_array($graduated_price_query, true);

          $sPrice = $graduated_price_data['personal_offer'];
          if ($sPrice != 0.00){
            return $sPrice;
        } else {

         * Searches the group price of a product
         * @param Integer $pID product id
         * @param Double $qty quantity
         * @return Double group price

            function xtcGetGroupPrice($pID, $qty) {

                    $graduated_price_query = "SELECT max(quantity) as qty
                                                                    FROM "
                                                                    WHERE products_id='"
                                                                    AND quantity<='"
                    $graduated_price_query = xtDBquery($graduated_price_query);
                    $graduated_price_data = xtc_db_fetch_array($graduated_price_query, true);
                    if ($graduated_price_data['qty']) {
                            $graduated_price_query = "SELECT personal_offer
                                                                    FROM "
                                                                   WHERE products_id='"
                                                                     AND quantity='"
                            $graduated_price_query = xtDBquery($graduated_price_query);
                            $graduated_price_data = xtc_db_fetch_array($graduated_price_query, true);

                            $sPrice = $graduated_price_data['personal_offer'];
                            if ($sPrice != 0.00)
                                    return $sPrice;
                    } else {

         * Returns the option price of a selected option
         * @param Integer $pID product id
         * @param Integer $option option id
         * @param Integer $value value id
         * @return Double option price

            function xtcGetOptionPrice($pID, $option, $value) {
        $price = 0; //DokuMan - set variable $price
                    $attribute_price_query = "select pd.products_discount_allowed,
                                        from "
                                        where p.products_id = '"
                                        and p.options_id = '"
                                        and pd.products_id = p.products_id
                                        and p.options_values_id = '"
                    $attribute_price_query = xtDBquery($attribute_price_query);
                    $attribute_price_data = xtc_db_fetch_array($attribute_price_query, true);
                    $discount = 0;
                    if ($this->cStatus['customers_status_discount_attributes'] == 1 && $this->cStatus['customers_status_discount'] != 0.00) {
                            $discount = $this->cStatus['customers_status_discount'];
                            if ($attribute_price_data['products_discount_allowed'] < $this->cStatus['customers_status_discount'])
                                    $discount = $attribute_price_data['products_discount_allowed'];
        //BOC web28 -2012-05-31 several currencies on product attributes
        $CalculateCurr = ($attribute_price_data['products_tax_class_id'] == 0) ? true : false;
        $price = $this->xtcFormat($attribute_price_data['options_values_price'], false, $attribute_price_data['products_tax_class_id'],$CalculateCurr);
        //EOC web28 -2012-05-31 several currencies on product attributes
                    if ($attribute_price_data['weight_prefix'] != '+')
                            $attribute_price_data['options_values_weight'] *= -1;
                    if ($attribute_price_data['price_prefix'] == '+') {
                            $price = $price - $price / 100 * $discount;
                    } else {
                            $price *= -1;
                    return array ('weight' => $attribute_price_data['options_values_weight'], 'price' => $price);

         * Returns the text info for customers, whose customer group isn't allowed to see prices
         * @param Integer $vpeStatus
         * @param Boolean $format
         * @return String / Array of String

            function xtcShowNote($vpeStatus = 0) {
                    if ($vpeStatus == 1)
                            return array ('formated' => NOT_ALLOWED_TO_SEE_PRICES, 'plain' => 0);
                    return NOT_ALLOWED_TO_SEE_PRICES;

         * Returns the special offer price of a product
         * @param Integer $pID product id
         * @return Double special offer

            function xtcCheckSpecial($pID) {
                    $product_query = "SELECT specials_new_products_price, expires_date
                                            FROM "
                                           WHERE products_id = '"
                                             AND status=1"
                    $product_query = xtDBquery($product_query);
                    $product = xtc_db_fetch_array($product_query, true);

                    return $product['specials_new_products_price'];
    // return vor SP1d -> wenn der wieder aktiviert dann blank_screen
    //return isset($product['specials_new_products_price']) ? array('price' => $product['specials_new_products_price'], 'expires_date' => $product['expires_date']) : false;


         * Converts the price  with the currency factor
         * @param Double $price
         * @return Double converted price

            function xtcCalculateCurr($price) {
                    return $this->currencies[$this->actualCurr]['value'] * $price;

         * Returns the tax part of a net price
         * @param Double $price price
         * @param Double $tax tax value
         * @return Double tax part

            function calcTax($price, $tax) {
                    return $price * $tax / 100;

         * Removes the currency factor of a price
         * @param Double $price
         * @return Double

            function xtcRemoveCurr($price) {

                    // check if used Curr != DEFAULT curr
                    if (DEFAULT_CURRENCY != $this->actualCurr) {
          //BOF- web28 - 2011-04-19 - FIX for division by zero
          if ($this->currencies[$this->actualCurr]['value'] > 0) {
                              return $price * (1 / $this->currencies[$this->actualCurr]['value']);
          //EOF- web28 - 2011-04-19 - FIX for division by zero
                    } else {
                            return $price;

         * Removes the tax from a price, e.g. to calculate a net price from gross price
         * @param Double $price price
         * @param Double $tax tax value
         * @return Double net price

            function xtcRemoveTax($price, $tax) {
                    $price = ($price / (($tax +100) / 100));
                    return $price;

         * Returns the tax part of a gross price
         * @param Double $price price
         * @param Double $tax tax value
         * @return Double tax part

            function xtcGetTax($price, $tax) {
                    $tax = $price - $this->xtcRemoveTax($price, $tax);
                    return $tax;

         * Removes the discount part of a price
         * @param Double $price price
         * @param Double $dc discount
         * @return Double discount part

            function xtcRemoveDC($price,$dc) {
                    $price = $price - ($price/100*$dc);
                    return $price;

         * Returns the discount part of a price
         * @param Double $price price
         * @param Double $dc discount
         * @return Double discount part

            function xtcGetDC($price,$dc) {
                    $dc = $price/100*$dc;
                    return $dc;

         * Check if the product has attributes which can modify the price
         * If so, it returns a prefix ' from '
         * @param Integer $pID product id
         * @return String

            function checkAttributes($pID) {
                    if (!$this->showFrom_Attributes) return;
                    if ($pID == 0)
                    // BOF - Tomcraft - 2009-10-09 - Bugfix: Don't show "from" in front of price, when all priceoptions are "0".
                    //$products_attributes_query = "select count(*) as total from ".TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS." popt, ".TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES." patrib where patrib.products_id='".$pID."' and patrib.options_id = popt.products_options_id and popt.language_id = '".(int) $_SESSION['languages_id']."'";
                    $products_attributes_query = "select count(*) as total
                                                             FROM "
                                                            WHERE patrib.products_id='"
                                                              AND patrib.options_id = popt.products_options_id
                                                              AND popt.language_id = '"
    .(int) $_SESSION['languages_id']."'
                                                              AND patrib.options_values_price > 0"
                    // EOF - Tomcraft - 2009-10-09 - Bugfix: Don't show "from" in front of price, when all priceoptions are "0".
                    $products_attributes = xtDBquery($products_attributes_query);
                    $products_attributes = xtc_db_fetch_array($products_attributes, true);
                    if ($products_attributes['total'] > 0)
                            return ' '.strtolower(FROM).' ';

            function xtcCalculateCurrEx($price, $curr) {
                    return $price * ($this->currencies[$curr]['value'] / $this->currencies[$this->actualCurr]['value']);

       * xtcFormat
       * @param double $price
       * @param boolean $format
       * @param integer $tax_class
       * @param boolean $curr
       * @param integer $vpeStatus
       * @param integer $pID
       * @param integer $decimal_places
       * @return unknown

            function xtcFormat($price, $format, $tax_class = 0, $curr = false, $vpeStatus = 0, $pID = 0, $decimal_places = 0) {
                    if ($curr) {
                            $price = $this->xtcCalculateCurr($price);
                    if ($tax_class != 0) {
                            $products_tax = ($this->cStatus['customers_status_show_price_tax'] == '0') ? '' : $this->TAX[$tax_class];
                            $price = $this->xtcAddTax($price, $products_tax);
        $decimal_places = ($decimal_places > 0) ? $decimal_places : $this->currencies[$this->actualCurr]['decimal_places'];
                    if ($format) {
                            $Pprice = number_format(floatval($price), $decimal_places, $this->currencies[$this->actualCurr]['decimal_point'], $this->currencies[$this->actualCurr]['thousands_point']);
                            $Pprice = $this->checkAttributes($pID).$this->currencies[$this->actualCurr]['symbol_left'].' '.$Pprice.' '.$this->currencies[$this->actualCurr]['symbol_right'];
                            if ($vpeStatus == 0) {
                                    return $Pprice;
                            } else {
                                    return array ('formated' => $Pprice, 'plain' => $price);
                    } else {
                            return round($price, $decimal_places);

            function xtcFormatSpecialDiscount($pID, $discount, $pPrice, $format, $vpeStatus = 0) {
                    $sPrice = $pPrice - ($pPrice / 100) * $discount;
                    if ($format) {
        //BOF - Dokuman - 2009-06-03 - show 'ab' / 'from' for the lowest price, not for the highest!
            //$price = '<span class="productOldPrice">'.INSTEAD.$this->xtcFormat($pPrice, $format).'</span><br />'.ONLY.$this->checkAttributes($pID).$this->xtcFormat($sPrice, $format).'<br />'.YOU_SAVE.$discount.'%';
        //$price = '<span class="productOldPrice"><small>'.INSTEAD.'</small><del>'.$this->xtcFormat($pPrice, $format).'</del></span><br />'.ONLY.$this->checkAttributes($pID).$this->xtcFormat($sPrice, $format).'<br /><small>'.YOU_SAVE.round(($pPrice-$sPrice) / $pPrice * 100).' % /'.$this->xtcFormat($pPrice-$sPrice, $format);
        // EDIT by kahno Umbau Template - div-klassen zugefuegt fuer angebot und sparen nun besser zu positionieren
          $price = '<span class="productOldPrice"><small>'.INSTEAD.'</small><del>'.$this->xtcFormat($pPrice, $format).'</del></span><div class="price_angebot">'.ONLY.$this->checkAttributes($pID).$this->xtcFormat($sPrice, $format).'</div><div class="price_angebot_sparen"><small>'.YOU_SAVE.round(($pPrice-$sPrice) / $pPrice * 100).' % /'.$this->xtcFormat($pPrice-$sPrice, $format);       
                    // Ausgabe des gültigen Kundengruppen-Rabatts (sofern vorhanden)
                            if ($discount != 0)     {
            $price .= '<div class="price_angebot_discount"><small>'.BOX_LOGINBOX_DISCOUNT.': '.round($discount).' %</small></div>';
                            $price .= '</small></div>';
        //EOF - Dokuman - 2009-06-03 - show 'ab' / 'from' for the lowest price, not for the highest!
                            if ($vpeStatus == 0) {
                                    return $price;
                            } else {
                                    return array ('formated' => $price, 'plain' => $sPrice);
                    } else {
                            return round($sPrice, $this->currencies[$this->actualCurr]['decimal_places']);
        // Edit by kahno 04.05.2012 - aus Forum von mouseworx - vor SP1d
        // benutzt in (u.a.) product_listing + box right
            function xtcFormatSpecial($pID, $sPrice, $pPrice, $format, $vpeStatus = 0, $expires_date = '') {       
            //function xtcFormatSpecial($pID, $sPrice, $pPrice, $format, $vpeStatus = 0) {
                    if ($format) {
        //BOF - Dokuman - 2009-06-03 - show 'ab' / 'from' for the lowest price, not for the highest!
                            //$price = '<span class="productOldPrice">'.INSTEAD.$this->xtcFormat($pPrice, $format).'</span><br />'.ONLY.$this->checkAttributes($pID).$this->xtcFormat($sPrice, $format);
                            //BOF - vr - 2009-12-11 avoid div / 0 if product price is 0
                            if (!isset($pPrice) || $pPrice == 0)
                              $discount = 0;
                              $discount = ($pPrice - $sPrice) / $pPrice * 100;
                            $price = '<div class="productOldPrice"><small>'.INSTEAD.'</small><del>'.$this->xtcFormat($pPrice, $format).'</del></div><div class="price_angebot">'.ONLY.$this->checkAttributes($pID).$this->xtcFormat($sPrice, $format).'</div><div class="price_angebot_sparen"><small>'.YOU_SAVE.round($discount).' % /'.$this->xtcFormat($pPrice-$sPrice, $format).'</small></div>';
                            //$price = '<span class="productOldPrice"><small>'.INSTEAD.'</small><del>'.$this->xtcFormat($pPrice, $format).'</del></span><br />'.ONLY.$this->checkAttributes($pID).$this->xtcFormat($sPrice, $format).'<br /><small>'.YOU_SAVE.round($discount).' % /'.$this->xtcFormat($pPrice-$sPrice, $format).'</small>';
                            //EOF - vr - 2009-12-11 avoid div / 0 if product price is 0
        //EOF - Dokuman - 2009-06-03 - show 'ab' / 'from' for the lowest price, not for the highest!
                            if ($vpeStatus == 0) {
                                    return $price;
                            } else {
                                    return array ('formated' => $price, 'plain' => $sPrice);
                    } else {
                            return round($sPrice, $this->currencies[$this->actualCurr]['decimal_places']);

       * xtcFormatSpecialGraduated
       * @param integer $pID
       * @param double $sPrice
       * @param double $pPrice
       * @param boolean $format
       * @param integer $vpeStatus
       * @param integer $pID
       * @return unknown

      function xtcFormatSpecialGraduated($pID, $sPrice, $pPrice, $format, $vpeStatus = 0, $pID) {
        //BOF - Dokuman - 2009-06-03 - show 'ab' / 'from' for the lowest price, not for the highest! - NEU HINZUGEFÜGT "Steuerklasse ermitteln"
        $tQuery = xtc_db_query("SELECT products_tax_class_id FROM ".TABLE_PRODUCTS." WHERE products_id='".$pID."'");
        $tQuery = xtc_db_fetch_array($tQuery);
        $tax_class = $tQuery['products_tax_class_id'];
        //EOF - Dokuman - 2009-06-03 - show 'ab' / 'from' for the lowest price, not for the highest! - ENDE "Steuerklasse ermitteln"
        if ($pPrice == 0) {
          return $this->xtcFormat($sPrice, $format, 0, false, $vpeStatus);
        if ($discount = $this->xtcCheckDiscount($pID)) {
          $sPrice -= $sPrice / 100 * $discount;
        if ($format) {
          //BOF - Dokuman - 2009-06-03 - show 'ab' / 'from' for the lowest price, not for the highest!
          $sQuery = xtDBquery("SELECT max(quantity) AS qty
                                 FROM "
                                WHERE products_id='"
          $sQuery = xtc_db_fetch_array($sQuery, true);
          // NEU! Damit "UVP"-Anzeige wieder möglich ist
          // if ( ($this->cStatus['customers_status_graduated_prices'] == '1') || ($sQuery['qty'] > 1) ) {
          if ( ($this->cStatus['customers_status_graduated_prices'] == '1') && ($sQuery['qty'] > 1) ) {
            $bestPrice = $this->xtcGetGraduatedPrice($pID, $sQuery['qty']);
            if ($discount) {
              $bestPrice -= $bestPrice / 100 * $discount;
            $price .= FROM.$this->xtcFormat($bestPrice, $format, $tax_class)
              .' <br /><small>' . UNIT_PRICE
              .$this->xtcFormat($sPrice, $format)
          } else if ($sPrice != $pPrice) { // if ($sPrice != $pPrice) {
           // Edot by kahno 27.04.2012 - Umbau Template - MSRP = "UVP" gegen INSTEAD = "Statt" getauscht
           // Klasse price_angebot gegen br getauscht - hinten Layer Abschluss neu
            $price = '<div id="SpecialGraduated"><span class="productOldPrice">'.INSTEAD.' '.$this->xtcFormat($pPrice, $format).'</span></div><div class="price_angebot"><small>'.YOUR_PRICE. '</small>' .$this->checkAttributes($pID).$this->xtcFormat($sPrice, $format). '</div>';        
                    //$price = '<span class="productOldPrice">'.MSRP.' '.$this->xtcFormat($pPrice, $format).'</span><br />'.YOUR_PRICE.$this->checkAttributes($pID).$this->xtcFormat($sPrice, $format);
            //EOF - Dokuman - 2009-06-03 - show 'ab' / 'from' for the lowest price, not for the highest!
            } else {
            $price = $this->xtcFormat($sPrice, $format);
          if ($vpeStatus == 0) {
            return $price;
          } else {
            return array ('formated' => $price, 'plain' => $sPrice);
        } else {
          return round($sPrice, $this->currencies[$this->actualCurr]['decimal_places']);

       * get_decimal_places
       * @param unknown_type $code
       * @return unknown

      function get_decimal_places($code) {
        return $this->currencies[$this->actualCurr]['decimal_places'];




    • Schreiberling
    • Beiträge: 439
    Re: EXPIRES_DATE nach SP1d in product_listing keine Anzeige
    Antwort #1 am: 03. August 2012, 00:09:36


    • modified Team
    • Beiträge: 6.275
    • Geschlecht:
    Re: EXPIRES_DATE nach SP1d in product_listing keine Anzeige
    Antwort #2 am: 03. August 2012, 12:09:11
    Hallo karl,

    danke für die Rückmeldung!

    Schöne Grüße,
    Shop Hosting