rechtstexte für onlineshop
  • Die modified eCommerce Shopsoftware ist kostenlos, aber nicht umsonst.
  • Damit wir die modified eCommerce Shopsoftware auch zukünftig kostenlos anbieten können:
  • Thema: Probleme beim Installieren


    • Neu im Forum
    • Beiträge: 9
    Probleme beim Installieren
    am: 26. August 2009, 17:34:28

    Ich bin an sich ein eher erfahrener Scriptinstaller, aber bei der letzten Version quäle ich mich shon ewig,...

    zuerst lud mein File zilla die files nicht vollständig hoch und jetzt lade ich mit Totalcommander und komme nun zu dieser Fehölermeldung:
    Deprecated: Function eregi_replace() is deprecated in /home/trucker/public_html/inc/ on line 29

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/trucker/public_html/inc/ in /home/trucker/public_html/inc/ on line 29

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function xtc_session_close() in /home/trucker/public_html/inc/ on line 19


    Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe....



    • modified Team
    • Beiträge: 9.404
    Probleme beim Installieren
    Antwort #1 am: 26. August 2009, 17:45:39

    checke mal Deine PHP Version, das könnte 5.3 sein.

    Zur Zeit geht keine XTC Version mit PHP 5.3. Außer dem Trunc der Modified. PHP 5.3 wird erst mit der Modified 1.03 unterstützt.

    Welcher Provider? Welches Paket?

    Gruss Web28


    • modified Team
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    Probleme beim Installieren
    Antwort #2 am: 26. August 2009, 18:15:45
    Versuch es mal mit der Entwicklerversion:




    • modified Team
    • Beiträge: 6.669
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    Probleme beim Installieren
    Antwort #3 am: 26. August 2009, 18:16:40
    Scheint "PHP 5.3.1" zu sein:

    Wenn du da installieren willst, musst du die Version aus dem SVN-trunk nehmen, das ist PHP 5.3-kompatibel


    • Neu im Forum
    • Beiträge: 9
    Probleme beim Installieren
    Antwort #4 am: 26. August 2009, 18:31:33
    Jo ist PHP 5.3.1 auf dem Server

    Der hat gerade fettes Update gemacht...

    Danke ich meld mich wieder sobald ich news hab.


    • modified Team
    • Beiträge: 9.404
    Probleme beim Installieren
    Antwort #5 am: 26. August 2009, 18:51:38
    Wenn das ein Free Web Hosting ist, gibt es nicht zu meckern, da muss man mit solchen Sachen leben.

    Ein serioser Provider mit Ahnung wird wohl aber vorerst aber auf das 5.3 Update verzichten (müssen).
    Sämtliche OSC Abkömmlinge werden sonst nämlich nicht mehr funktionieren, auf das Geschrei bin ich dann gespannt, wenn es die naiven Hoster dennoch machen.

    Es ist aber auch ein Hammer, das bei PHP5.3 plötzlich allerwelts Funktionen rausgekegelt werden, was erst für die PHP6.0 geplant war.

    Ich wurde jedenfalls auf dem linken Fuss erwischt und muss jetzt bei Gelegenheit meine ganzen PHP Scripte anpassen.

    Gruss Web28


    • Neu im Forum
    • Beiträge: 9
    Probleme beim Installieren
    Antwort #6 am: 27. August 2009, 04:46:04
    jop ansich wars kein Meckern sondern ein Verzweifeln, weil ich seit 2 Monaten einen günstigen (gratis) Server suche wo ich diese Version installieren kann, die auch Nameserver unterstützt...

    Falls jemand mir einen guten Freehost mit NS empfehlen kann würde ich mich sehr freuen, da dieses Script auch nicht funktioniert...

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting ')' in /home/trucker/public_html/xtc_installer/language/english.php on line 123
    Fatal error: Class 'Smarty' not found in /home/trucker/public_html/index.php on line 29


    • modified Team
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    • Beiträge: 46.369
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    Probleme beim Installieren
    Antwort #7 am: 27. August 2009, 11:23:59
    Hab auch noch Probleme mit PHP 5.3.0

    Installation läuft zwar durch, jedoch kommt dann:

    ";} return; } #-- Allready logged, so we return if( isset($shoplog_islogged) && $shoplog_islogged ) { if( $shopstat_debug ){$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nRESULT:\n------------\nNOTLOGGED->ALLREADY LOGGED!';print "";} return; } if(isset($_GET['action'])) { $log_action = $_GET['action']; } elseif(isset($_POST['action'])) { $log_action = $_POST['action']; } else{ $log_action = ""; } //BOF - Dokuman - 2009-07-01 - disable shopstat logging //$logit = true; $logit = false; //EOF - Dokuman - 2009-07-01 - disable shopstat logging //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- START GETTING ACTION INFORMATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if( $shopstat_debug ){$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nFILE:\n------------\n'.$shopstat_ref.'\n';$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nREQUEST:\n------------\n';foreach($_REQUEST as $key=>$value){$shopstat_debug_msg .= $key.'='.$value.'\n';}print '';} $shoplog_prodid = ""; if( isset($_GET['products_id']) || isset($_GET['BUYproducts_id']) ) { switch($log_action) { case 'add_product': $shoplog_method = 'add'; break; case 'buy_now': $shoplog_method = 'add'; break; default: $shoplog_method = 'showitem'; break; } if(isset($_GET['products_id'])) { $shoplog_prodid = xtc_get_prid($_GET['products_id']); } else{ $shoplog_prodid = xtc_get_prid($_GET['BUYproducts_id']); } } else{ if( preg_match("/checkout_shipping\.php/",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || preg_match("/checkout_shipping\.php/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ) { $shoplog_method = 'buy1'; } elseif( preg_match("/checkout_payment\.php/",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || preg_match("/checkout_payment\.php/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ) { $shoplog_method = 'buy2'; } elseif( preg_match("/checkout_confirmation\.php/",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || preg_match("/checkout_confirmation\.php/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ) { $shoplog_method = 'buy3'; } elseif( preg_match("/checkout_process\.php/",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || preg_match("/checkout_process\.php/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ) { $shoplog_method = 'validate_and_send'; } elseif( isset($_GET['keywords']) && (preg_match("/search/",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || preg_match("/search/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) ) { $shoplog_method = 'search'; } elseif( $log_action == 'update_product' ) { if(isset($_POST['cart_delete'])) { $shoplog_method = 'delitem'; $shoplog_prodid = xtc_get_prid($_POST['cart_delete'][0]); } else{ $shoplog_method = 'change'; } } elseif( isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) && (preg_match("/shopping_cart\.php/",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || preg_match("/shopping_cart\.php/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) ) { $shoplog_method = 'review'; } elseif( isset($_GET['cPath']) || (preg_match("/index\.php/",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || preg_match("/index\.php/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) ) { $shoplog_method = 'listitems'; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- AFTER GETTING THE METHOD, WE KNOW WHAT TO DO //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- This methods are logged later, so we return if( ( !(isset($shoplog_mode) && $shoplog_mode) ) && ( (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'buy1') || (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'buy2') || (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'buy3') || (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'listitems') || (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'showitem') || (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'search')) ) { if( $shopstat_debug ){$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nMETHOD:\n------------\n'.$shoplog_method;$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nRESULT:\n------------\nNOTLOGGED!';print "";} return; } #-- If the method is not set, we return if(!(isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method) ) { if( $shopstat_debug ){$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nRESULT:\n------------\nNOTLOGGED!';print "";} return; } if( $shopstat_debug ){$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nPARAS:\n------------\n';$shopstat_debug_msg .= 'MODE: '.$shoplog_mode.'\nMETHOD: '.$shoplog_method.'\nPRODID: '.$shoplog_prodid.'\n';$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\POST:\n------------\n';foreach($_POST as $key=>$value){if(is_array($value)){foreach($value as $k=>$v){$shopstat_debug_msg .= $k.'='.$v.'\n';}}else{$shopstat_debug_msg .= $key.'='.$value.'\n';}}$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\GET:\n------------\n';foreach($_GET as $key=>$value){if(is_array($value)){foreach($value as $k=>$v){$shopstat_debug_msg .= $k.'='.$v.'\n';}}else{$shopstat_debug_msg .= $key.'='.$value.'\n';}}$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\SERVER:\n------------\n';foreach($_SERVER as $key=>$value){$shopstat_debug_msg .= $key.'='.$value.'\n';}print '';} //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- START GETTING BASE INFORMATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ require_once(DIR_FS_INC . ''); require_once(DIR_FS_INC . ''); //Parameter : //shoplog_softwareid : Name of the shopsystem $shoplog_softwareid = PROJECT_VERSION; //shoplog_ip : $REMOTE_ADDR $shoplog_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; //shoplog_useragent : $HTTP_USER_AGENT $shoplog_useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; //shoplog_id : user-ID oder sess_id $shoplog_id = $_REQUEST[session_name()]; //shoplog_referer : $HTTP_REFERER if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { //-- prevent (HTTP_REFERER) Hijacking as mentioned at: //-- $shoplog_referer = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); } else{ $shoplog_referer = "-"; } #-- Get the category path if( isset($_GET['cPath']) ) { $shoplog_cat = shopstat_getRealPath($_GET['cPath']); } else{ $shoplog_cat = shopstat_getRealPath(xtc_get_product_path($shoplog_prodid)); } #-- Get products model //-- 23.04.2006 //-- Falls eine Artikelnummer (oder Attributsartikelnr) vorhanden ist, wird //-- diese gespeichert ansonsten die ID $shoplog_prequery = "SELECT products_model FROM ".TABLE_PRODUCTS." WHERE products_id = '".$shoplog_prodid."'"; $shoplog_prequery = xtDBquery($shoplog_prequery); $shoplog_products = xtc_db_fetch_array($shoplog_prequery,true); (!empty($shoplog_products['products_model'])) ? $shopstat_prodartnr = $shoplog_products['products_model'] : $shopstat_prodartnr = $shoplog_prodid; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- START GETTING DETAIL INFORMATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //shoplog_query : Additional Info for each method #-- user add or delete a product (cartview or productview) if( (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'add') || (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'delitem') ) { #-- article# & articlename $shoplog_query = $shopstat_prodartnr."&". urlencode(strip_tags(xtc_get_products_name($shoplog_prodid,$languages_id))); } #-- user look at a product elseif(isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'showitem') { #-- Art-Nr & Name & Kategorie $shoplog_query = $shopstat_prodartnr.'&'. urlencode(strip_tags(xtc_get_products_name($shoplog_prodid,$languages_id))).'&'. urlencode(strip_tags($shoplog_cat)); } #-- user browse through the products elseif(isset($shoplog_method) && ($shoplog_method == 'listitems')) { (isset($shoplog_mode) && $shoplog_mode) ? $shoplog_query = urlencode(strip_tags($shoplog_cat)) : false; } #-- user did a search in the shop elseif(isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'search') { $shoplog_query = $_GET['keywords']; if(isset($listing_split->number_of_rows) && $listing_split->number_of_rows> 0) { $shoplog_method = 'search_found'; $shoplog_query .= '&'.$listing_split->number_of_rows; } } #-- user has placed an order elseif(isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'validate_and_send') { require_once(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'order.php'); //-- [1.2] //-- Sicherheitsabfrage für die verschiedenen xtc-Versionen //-- Diese MUSS mit $xtPrice bleiben, da rückwärtskompatibel $order = new order('',$xtPrice); if(is_object($order)) { #-- Total & paymethod & shippingcosts -> $shoplog_query = ((isset($order->info['total'])) ? $order->info['total'] : '').'&'. ((isset($order->info['payment_method'])) ? $order->info['payment_method'] : '').'&'. ((isset($order->info['shipping_cost'])) ? $order->info['shipping_cost'] : '').'->'; #-- Ordered products if(isset($order->products)) { $init = 1; foreach($order->products as $item) { #-- take apart the unique products if(!$init){$shoplog_query .= '|';} #-- art-nr & name & category & quantity & price $shoplog_query .= implode('&', array( $item['model'], urlencode(strip_tags($item['name'])), urlencode(strip_tags(shopstat_getRealPath(xtc_get_product_path(xtc_get_prid($item['id']))))), $item['qty'], $item['price'] ) ); $init=0; } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- START LOGGING //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if( $logit && !(isset($shoplog_islogged) && $shoplog_islogged) ) { (!isset($shoplog_merchantid)|| $shoplog_merchantid == "") ? $shoplog_merchantid = "shoplog" : false; (!isset($shoplog_softwareid)|| $shoplog_softwareid == "") ? $shoplog_softwareid = "ShopLog General" : false; (!isset($shoplog_ip) || $shoplog_ip == "") ? $shoplog_ip = "-" : false; (!isset($shoplog_useragent) || $shoplog_useragent == "") ? $shoplog_useragent = "-" : false; (!isset($shoplog_referer) || $shoplog_referer == "") ? $shoplog_referer = "-" : false; (!isset($shoplog_id) || $shoplog_id == "") ? $shoplog_id = "-" : false; (!isset($shoplog_method) || $shoplog_method == "") ? $shoplog_method = "listitems" : false; (!isset($shoplog_cat) || $shoplog_cat == "") ? $shoplog_cat = "-" : false; (!isset($shoplog_query) || $shoplog_query == "") ? $shoplog_query = "-" : false; #-- Make sure we get through ignore_user_abort(true); #-- Manage log-rotation $sl_path = dirname(__FILE__)."/"; $sl_weeknr = strftime("%U"); $sl_year = strftime("%Y"); $sl_datestr = date("Y-m-d"); $sl_timestr = date("H:i:s"); $sl_logfilename = $sl_path.$shoplog_merchantid.'.log.'.$sl_year.$sl_weeknr; if (!@file_exists($sl_logfilename)) { $sl_handle = @fopen($sl_logfilename,"w+"); chmod($sl_logfilename, 0644); (function_exists("set_file_buffer")) ? @set_file_buffer($sl_handle,0) : false; @flock($sl_handle,2); @fputs($sl_handle,"#Software: ".$shoplog_softwareid."\n"); @fputs($sl_handle,"#Version: 1.0\n"); @fputs($sl_handle,"#Date: ".$sl_datestr."\n"); @fputs($sl_handle,"#Fields : date time c-ip cs(User-Agent) cs(Referer) cs-sess-id cs-method category cs-uri-query\n"); @fclose($sl_handle); $sl_lastweek = $sl_weeknr-1; $sl_lastyear = $sl_year; while (true) { $sl_i++; if ($sl_lastweek<0) { $sl_lastweek=56; $sl_lastyear=$sl_year-1; } $sl_lastweek = sprintf("%02d",$sl_lastweek); $sl_lastyear = sprintf("%04d",$sl_lastyear); $sl_logfilename_last = $sl_path.$shoplog_merchantid.'.log.'.$sl_lastyear.$sl_lastweek; /* if(!@file_exists($sl_logfilename_last) || @file_exists($sl_logfilename_last.'.gz') ){break;} */ if($sl_i> 20){break;} if (file_exists($sl_logfilename_last)) { # pack theold file ... //@Exec("gzip $sl_logfilename_last"); $sl_dest = $sl_logfilename_last.'.gz'; $sl_error = false; if($sl_fpout=gzopen($sl_dest,'wb9')) { if($sl_fpin=fopen($sl_logfilename_last,'rb')) { while(!feof($sl_fpin))gzwrite($sl_fpout,fread($sl_fpin,1024*512)); fclose($sl_fpin); }else{$sl_error=true;} gzclose($sl_fpout); }else{$sl_error=true;} if(!$sl_error){@unlink($sl_logfilename_last);} /* rename($sl_logfilename_last,$sl_logfilename_last.".pack"); $sl_handle=fopen($sl_logfilename_last.".pack","r"); if (function_exists("set_file_buffer")) @set_file_buffer($sl_handle,0); $fz=gzopen($sl_logfilename_last.".gz","w+"); if (function_exists("set_file_buffer")) @set_file_buffer($fz,0); while (! @feof($sl_handle)) { $s=fgets($sl_handle,2048); echo strlen($s)."
    ";flush(); gzputs($fz,$s); } gzclose($fz); fclose($sl_handle); unlink($sl_logfilename_last.".pack"); */ } $sl_lastweek--; } /* $sl_errfile = @tempnam("/tmp","shoplog_error"); @Exec("ls -at1 ".$sl_path.$shoplog_merchantid.".log* 2>".$sl_errfile,$ergs); @unlink($sl_errfile); for ($i=10;$i";} @flock($sl_handle,3); @fclose($sl_handle); $shoplog_islogged = true; } else{ if( $shopstat_debug ){$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nRESULT:\n------------\nNOTLOGGED!';print "";} } ?>
    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\modified eCommerce Shopsoftware\shopstat\shopstat.php:432) in C:\xampp\htdocs\modified eCommerce Shopsoftware\inc\ on line 30

    Wir arbeiten dran...




    • Gast
    Probleme beim Installieren
    Antwort #8 am: 05. September 2009, 15:42:08
    Hab auch noch Probleme mit PHP 5.3.0
    Installation läuft zwar durch, jedoch kommt dann:
    <br />
    ";} return; } #-- Allready logged, so we return if( isset($shoplog_islogged) && $shoplog_islogged ) { if( $shopstat_debug ){$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nRESULT:\n------------\nNOTLOGGED->ALLREADY LOGGED!';print "";} return; } if(isset($_GET['action'])) { $log_action = $_GET['action']; } elseif(isset($_POST['action'])) { $log_action = $_POST['action']; } else{ $log_action = ""; } //BOF - Dokuman - 2009-07-01 - disable shopstat logging //$logit = true; $logit = false; //EOF - Dokuman - 2009-07-01 - disable shopstat logging //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- START GETTING ACTION INFORMATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if( $shopstat_debug ){$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nFILE:\n------------\n'.$shopstat_ref.'\n';$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nREQUEST:\n------------\n';foreach($_REQUEST as $key=>$value){$shopstat_debug_msg .= $key.'='.$value.'\n';}print '';} $shoplog_prodid = ""; if( isset($_GET['products_id']) || isset($_GET['BUYproducts_id']) ) { switch($log_action) { case 'add_product': $shoplog_method = 'add'; break; case 'buy_now': $shoplog_method = 'add'; break; default: $shoplog_method = 'showitem'; break; } if(isset($_GET['products_id'])) { $shoplog_prodid = xtc_get_prid($_GET['products_id']); } else{ $shoplog_prodid = xtc_get_prid($_GET['BUYproducts_id']); } } else{ if( preg_match("/checkout_shipping\.php/",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || preg_match("/checkout_shipping\.php/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ) { $shoplog_method = 'buy1'; } elseif( preg_match("/checkout_payment\.php/",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || preg_match("/checkout_payment\.php/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ) { $shoplog_method = 'buy2'; } elseif( preg_match("/checkout_confirmation\.php/",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || preg_match("/checkout_confirmation\.php/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ) { $shoplog_method = 'buy3'; } elseif( preg_match("/checkout_process\.php/",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || preg_match("/checkout_process\.php/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ) { $shoplog_method = 'validate_and_send'; } elseif( isset($_GET['keywords']) && (preg_match("/search/",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || preg_match("/search/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) ) { $shoplog_method = 'search'; } elseif( $log_action == 'update_product' ) { if(isset($_POST['cart_delete'])) { $shoplog_method = 'delitem'; $shoplog_prodid = xtc_get_prid($_POST['cart_delete'][0]); } else{ $shoplog_method = 'change'; } } elseif( isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) && (preg_match("/shopping_cart\.php/",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || preg_match("/shopping_cart\.php/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) ) { $shoplog_method = 'review'; } elseif( isset($_GET['cPath']) || (preg_match("/index\.php/",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || preg_match("/index\.php/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) ) { $shoplog_method = 'listitems'; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- AFTER GETTING THE METHOD, WE KNOW WHAT TO DO //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- This methods are logged later, so we return if( ( !(isset($shoplog_mode) && $shoplog_mode) ) && ( (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'buy1') || (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'buy2') || (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'buy3') || (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'listitems') || (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'showitem') || (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'search')) ) { if( $shopstat_debug ){$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nMETHOD:\n------------\n'.$shoplog_method;$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nRESULT:\n------------\nNOTLOGGED!';print "";} return; } #-- If the method is not set, we return if(!(isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method) ) { if( $shopstat_debug ){$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nRESULT:\n------------\nNOTLOGGED!';print "";} return; } if( $shopstat_debug ){$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nPARAS:\n------------\n';$shopstat_debug_msg .= 'MODE: '.$shoplog_mode.'\nMETHOD: '.$shoplog_method.'\nPRODID: '.$shoplog_prodid.'\n';$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\POST:\n------------\n';foreach($_POST as $key=>$value){if(is_array($value)){foreach($value as $k=>$v){$shopstat_debug_msg .= $k.'='.$v.'\n';}}else{$shopstat_debug_msg .= $key.'='.$value.'\n';}}$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\GET:\n------------\n';foreach($_GET as $key=>$value){if(is_array($value)){foreach($value as $k=>$v){$shopstat_debug_msg .= $k.'='.$v.'\n';}}else{$shopstat_debug_msg .= $key.'='.$value.'\n';}}$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\SERVER:\n------------\n';foreach($_SERVER as $key=>$value){$shopstat_debug_msg .= $key.'='.$value.'\n';}print '';} //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- START GETTING BASE INFORMATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ require_once(DIR_FS_INC . ''); require_once(DIR_FS_INC . ''); //Parameter : //shoplog_softwareid : Name of the shopsystem $shoplog_softwareid = PROJECT_VERSION; //shoplog_ip : $REMOTE_ADDR $shoplog_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; //shoplog_useragent : $HTTP_USER_AGENT $shoplog_useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; //shoplog_id : user-ID oder sess_id $shoplog_id = $_REQUEST[session_name()]; //shoplog_referer : $HTTP_REFERER if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { //-- prevent (HTTP_REFERER) Hijacking as mentioned at: //-- $shoplog_referer = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); } else{ $shoplog_referer = "-"; } #-- Get the category path if( isset($_GET['cPath']) ) { $shoplog_cat = shopstat_getRealPath($_GET['cPath']); } else{ $shoplog_cat = shopstat_getRealPath(xtc_get_product_path($shoplog_prodid)); } #-- Get products model //-- 23.04.2006 //-- Falls eine Artikelnummer (oder Attributsartikelnr) vorhanden ist, wird //-- diese gespeichert ansonsten die ID $shoplog_prequery = "SELECT products_model FROM ".TABLE_PRODUCTS." WHERE products_id = '".$shoplog_prodid."'"; $shoplog_prequery = xtDBquery($shoplog_prequery); $shoplog_products = xtc_db_fetch_array($shoplog_prequery,true); (!empty($shoplog_products['products_model'])) ? $shopstat_prodartnr = $shoplog_products['products_model'] : $shopstat_prodartnr = $shoplog_prodid; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- START GETTING DETAIL INFORMATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //shoplog_query : Additional Info for each method #-- user add or delete a product (cartview or productview) if( (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'add') || (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'delitem') ) { #-- article# & articlename $shoplog_query = $shopstat_prodartnr."&". urlencode(strip_tags(xtc_get_products_name($shoplog_prodid,$languages_id))); } #-- user look at a product elseif(isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'showitem') { #-- Art-Nr & Name & Kategorie $shoplog_query = $shopstat_prodartnr.'&'. urlencode(strip_tags(xtc_get_products_name($shoplog_prodid,$languages_id))).'&'. urlencode(strip_tags($shoplog_cat)); } #-- user browse through the products elseif(isset($shoplog_method) && ($shoplog_method == 'listitems')) { (isset($shoplog_mode) && $shoplog_mode) ? $shoplog_query = urlencode(strip_tags($shoplog_cat)) : false; } #-- user did a search in the shop elseif(isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'search') { $shoplog_query = $_GET['keywords']; if(isset($listing_split->number_of_rows) && $listing_split->number_of_rows> 0) { $shoplog_method = 'search_found'; $shoplog_query .= '&'.$listing_split->number_of_rows; } } #-- user has placed an order elseif(isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'validate_and_send') { require_once(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'order.php'); //-- [1.2] //-- Sicherheitsabfrage für die verschiedenen xtc-Versionen //-- Diese MUSS mit $xtPrice bleiben, da rückwärtskompatibel $order = new order('',$xtPrice); if(is_object($order)) { #-- Total & paymethod & shippingcosts -> $shoplog_query = ((isset($order->info['total'])) ? $order->info['total'] : '').'&'. ((isset($order->info['payment_method'])) ? $order->info['payment_method'] : '').'&'. ((isset($order->info['shipping_cost'])) ? $order->info['shipping_cost'] : '').'->'; #-- Ordered products if(isset($order->products)) { $init = 1; foreach($order->products as $item) { #-- take apart the unique products if(!$init){$shoplog_query .= '|';} #-- art-nr & name & category & quantity & price $shoplog_query .= implode('&', array( $item['model'], urlencode(strip_tags($item['name'])), urlencode(strip_tags(shopstat_getRealPath(xtc_get_product_path(xtc_get_prid($item['id']))))), $item['qty'], $item['price'] ) ); $init=0; } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- START LOGGING //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if( $logit && !(isset($shoplog_islogged) && $shoplog_islogged) ) { (!isset($shoplog_merchantid)|| $shoplog_merchantid == "") ? $shoplog_merchantid = "shoplog" : false; (!isset($shoplog_softwareid)|| $shoplog_softwareid == "") ? $shoplog_softwareid = "ShopLog General" : false; (!isset($shoplog_ip) || $shoplog_ip == "") ? $shoplog_ip = "-" : false; (!isset($shoplog_useragent) || $shoplog_useragent == "") ? $shoplog_useragent = "-" : false; (!isset($shoplog_referer) || $shoplog_referer == "") ? $shoplog_referer = "-" : false; (!isset($shoplog_id) || $shoplog_id == "") ? $shoplog_id = "-" : false; (!isset($shoplog_method) || $shoplog_method == "") ? $shoplog_method = "listitems" : false; (!isset($shoplog_cat) || $shoplog_cat == "") ? $shoplog_cat = "-" : false; (!isset($shoplog_query) || $shoplog_query == "") ? $shoplog_query = "-" : false; #-- Make sure we get through ignore_user_abort(true); #-- Manage log-rotation $sl_path = dirname(__FILE__)."/"; $sl_weeknr = strftime("%U"); $sl_year = strftime("%Y"); $sl_datestr = date("Y-m-d"); $sl_timestr = date("H:i:s"); $sl_logfilename = $sl_path.$shoplog_merchantid.'.log.'.$sl_year.$sl_weeknr; if (!@file_exists($sl_logfilename)) { $sl_handle = @fopen($sl_logfilename,"w+"); chmod($sl_logfilename, 0644); (function_exists("set_file_buffer")) ? @set_file_buffer($sl_handle,0) : false; @flock($sl_handle,2); @fputs($sl_handle,"#Software: ".$shoplog_softwareid."\n"); @fputs($sl_handle,"#Version: 1.0\n"); @fputs($sl_handle,"#Date: ".$sl_datestr."\n"); @fputs($sl_handle,"#Fields : date time c-ip cs(User-Agent) cs(Referer) cs-sess-id cs-method category cs-uri-query\n"); @fclose($sl_handle); $sl_lastweek = $sl_weeknr-1; $sl_lastyear = $sl_year; while (true) { $sl_i++; if ($sl_lastweek<0) { $sl_lastweek=56; $sl_lastyear=$sl_year-1; } $sl_lastweek = sprintf("%02d",$sl_lastweek); $sl_lastyear = sprintf("%04d",$sl_lastyear); $sl_logfilename_last = $sl_path.$shoplog_merchantid.'.log.'.$sl_lastyear.$sl_lastweek; /* if(!@file_exists($sl_logfilename_last) || @file_exists($sl_logfilename_last.'.gz') ){break;} */ if($sl_i> 20){break;} if (file_exists($sl_logfilename_last)) { # pack theold file ... //@Exec("gzip $sl_logfilename_last"); $sl_dest = $sl_logfilename_last.'.gz'; $sl_error = false; if($sl_fpout=gzopen($sl_dest,'wb9')) { if($sl_fpin=fopen($sl_logfilename_last,'rb')) { while(!feof($sl_fpin))gzwrite($sl_fpout,fread($sl_fpin,1024*512)); fclose($sl_fpin); }else{$sl_error=true;} gzclose($sl_fpout); }else{$sl_error=true;} if(!$sl_error){@unlink($sl_logfilename_last);} /* rename($sl_logfilename_last,$sl_logfilename_last.".pack"); $sl_handle=fopen($sl_logfilename_last.".pack","r"); if (function_exists("set_file_buffer")) @set_file_buffer($sl_handle,0); $fz=gzopen($sl_logfilename_last.".gz","w+"); if (function_exists("set_file_buffer")) @set_file_buffer($fz,0); while (! @feof($sl_handle)) { $s=fgets($sl_handle,2048); echo strlen($s)."<br />
    ";flush(); gzputs($fz,$s); } gzclose($fz); fclose($sl_handle); unlink($sl_logfilename_last.".pack"); */ } $sl_lastweek--; } /* $sl_errfile = @tempnam("/tmp","shoplog_error"); @Exec("ls -at1 ".$sl_path.$shoplog_merchantid.".log* 2>".$sl_errfile,$ergs); @unlink($sl_errfile); for ($i=10;$i";} @flock($sl_handle,3); @fclose($sl_handle); $shoplog_islogged = true; } else{ if( $shopstat_debug ){$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nRESULT:\n------------\nNOTLOGGED!';print "";} } ?><br />
    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\modified eCommerce Shopsoftware\shopstat\shopstat.php:432) in C:\xampp\htdocs\modified eCommerce Shopsoftware\inc\ on line 30<br />
    Wir arbeiten dran...

    Wollte noch mal nachhaken ob es schon ein Update diesbezüglich gibt. Bin nämlich gerade auf der Suche nach einer echten und aktuellen OpenSource Alternative zum Original XTC.
    Schaue mir neben Eurem (lobenswerten Projekt) noch Zen-Cart und Magento an. Letzteres ist mit Drupal Übercart leider noch nicht 100% an die hiesigen Bestimmungen angepasst.

    Könnt Ihr mir vielleicht noch ein paar Entscheidungshilfen oder Erfahrungswerte zu o.g. Shopsystemen nennen?

    Danke und hoffe auf baldiges Erscheinen einer modified eCommerce Shopsoftware-Version welche mit PHP 5.3 problemlos läuft. Also weiter so... :-)


    • Fördermitglied
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    Probleme beim Installieren
    Antwort #9 am: 05. September 2009, 18:19:00
    Danke und hoffe auf baldiges Erscheinen einer modified eCommerce Shopsoftware-Version welche mit PHP 5.3 problemlos läuft. Also weiter so... :-)

    Das sollte mit der Trunk-Version eigentlich schon laufen.
    Link zum Download:

    lg, Alex


    • modified Team
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    Probleme beim Installieren
    Antwort #10 am: 05. September 2009, 18:54:46
    Jepp, der trunk, welcher aktuell in rev281 vorliegt, läuft unter PHP5.3

    Beim nächsten mal bitte mit einer vernünftigen mailadressse anmelden und nicht als trashb0t-modified eCommerce Shopsoftware@...... !




    • Neu im Forum
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    Probleme beim Installieren
    Antwort #11 am: 01. Oktober 2009, 18:36:02
    Jepp, der trunk, welcher aktuell in rev281 vorliegt, läuft unter PHP5.3
    Beim nächsten mal bitte mit einer vernünftigen mailadressse anmelden und nicht als trashb0t-modified eCommerce Shopsoftware@...... !

    auf der Suche nach einem Nachfolge-Shop von osCommerce bin ich auf eueren Shop gestossen, Ich habe mich soeben in dem Forum angemeldet und die o.b. TRUNK-Version runtergaladen und auf einem WinXP (ich weiß ...) mit XAMPP (1.7.2) installiert. Nach einer problemlosen und erfolgreichen Installtion bekomme ich leider ebenfalls die Fehlermeldungen, wie sie bereits oben beschreiben sind.

    ";} return; } #-- Allready logged, so we return if( isset($shoplog_islogged) && $shoplog_islogged ) { if( $shopstat_debug ){$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nRESULT:\n------------\nNOTLOGGED->ALLREADY LOGGED!';print "";} return; } if(isset($_GET['action'])) { $log_action = $_GET['action']; } elseif(isset($_POST['action'])) { $log_action = $_POST['action']; } else{ $log_action = ""; } //BOF - Dokuman - 2009-07-01 - disable shopstat logging //$logit = true; $logit = false; //EOF - Dokuman - 2009-07-01 - disable shopstat logging /

    Sollten die Probleme mit der TRUNK - Version behoben sein ... oder liegt das wn WinXP ?
    In der Vergangenheit hatte ich mehrere Versinen von osCommerce / xtCommerce auf WinXP installiert (allerdings PHP <5.3) und hatte diese Probleme noch nicht.

    Danke im Vorraus ...


    • Fördermitglied
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    Probleme beim Installieren
    Antwort #12 am: 01. Oktober 2009, 18:57:59
    ich hatte auch das Problem, mit der xampp Version 1.7.2, und konnte es so nicht lösen, also habe ich wieder die Version 1.7.1 Installiert, und schon lief alles ohne Probleme.
    Ich glaube das es an Xampp liegt und nicht an modified eCommerce Shopsoftware. Vielleicht müssen dort nocht irgendwelche einstellungen vorgenommen werden, um das die Xampp Version 1.7.2 vernünftig mit modified eCommerce Shopsoftware läuft.


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    Probleme beim Installieren
    Antwort #13 am: 01. Oktober 2009, 20:45:20
    Hallo Micha,
    danke für die prompte Hilfe ..
    Ich habe die "XAMPP für Windows Version 1.7.1" installiert ...
    Die Installation bzw Einrichtung des Shops lief problemlos. Bei der 1.7.1 Installation wird PHP 5.2.9 installiert .. und das scheint zu laufen. Habe bisher bei meinen kurzen Tests noch keinen Fehler festgestellt ... danke nochmals
    gruß klaus


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    Probleme beim Installieren
    Antwort #14 am: 22. Oktober 2009, 19:10:36
    Hier noch mal ein kleines Update meinerseits. Ebenfalls mit XAMPP 1.7.2.

    Die Installation läuft durch aber danach folgen wieder Fehler und man kann nicht weiter machen. Ich probiere jetzt eine ältere Version von XAMPP und wenn das nicht geht bleibe ich beim Testen direkt auf dem Kundenserver. Ist zwar schade, aber geht wohl nicht anders...

    Directory 'shopstat' is not writeable -> please do a chmod 777 !

    "; exit; } } $shopstat_debug = false; #-- Make Debugging available if( session_id() == '111') { $shopstat_debug = true; $shopstat_debug_msg = ""; } #-- Deny direct access if( preg_match("/".basename(__FILE__)."/",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || preg_match("/".basename(__FILE__)."/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ) { if( $shopstat_debug ){$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nRESULT:\n------------\nNOTLOGGED->DIRECT ACCESS!';print "";} return; } #-- Allready logged, so we return if( isset($shoplog_islogged) && $shoplog_islogged ) { if( $shopstat_debug ){$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nRESULT:\n------------\nNOTLOGGED->ALLREADY LOGGED!';print "";} return; } if(isset($_GET['action'])) { $log_action = $_GET['action']; } elseif(isset($_POST['action'])) { $log_action = $_POST['action']; } else{ $log_action = ""; } //BOF - Dokuman - 2009-07-01 - disable shopstat logging //$logit = true; $logit = false; //EOF - Dokuman - 2009-07-01 - disable shopstat logging //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- START GETTING ACTION INFORMATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if( $shopstat_debug ){$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nFILE:\n------------\n'.$shopstat_ref.'\n';$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nREQUEST:\n------------\n';foreach($_REQUEST as $key=>$value){$shopstat_debug_msg .= $key.'='.$value.'\n';}print '';} $shoplog_prodid = ""; if( isset($_GET['products_id']) || isset($_GET['BUYproducts_id']) ) { switch($log_action) { case 'add_product': $shoplog_method = 'add'; break; case 'buy_now': $shoplog_method = 'add'; break; default: $shoplog_method = 'showitem'; break; } if(isset($_GET['products_id'])) { $shoplog_prodid = xtc_get_prid($_GET['products_id']); } else{ $shoplog_prodid = xtc_get_prid($_GET['BUYproducts_id']); } } else{ if( preg_match("/checkout_shipping\.php/",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || preg_match("/checkout_shipping\.php/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ) { $shoplog_method = 'buy1'; } elseif( preg_match("/checkout_payment\.php/",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || preg_match("/checkout_payment\.php/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ) { $shoplog_method = 'buy2'; } elseif( preg_match("/checkout_confirmation\.php/",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || preg_match("/checkout_confirmation\.php/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ) { $shoplog_method = 'buy3'; } elseif( preg_match("/checkout_process\.php/",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || preg_match("/checkout_process\.php/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ) { $shoplog_method = 'validate_and_send'; } elseif( isset($_GET['keywords']) && (preg_match("/search/",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || preg_match("/search/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) ) { $shoplog_method = 'search'; } elseif( $log_action == 'update_product' ) { if(isset($_POST['cart_delete'])) { $shoplog_method = 'delitem'; $shoplog_prodid = xtc_get_prid($_POST['cart_delete'][0]); } else{ $shoplog_method = 'change'; } } elseif( isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) && (preg_match("/shopping_cart\.php/",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || preg_match("/shopping_cart\.php/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) ) { $shoplog_method = 'review'; } elseif( isset($_GET['cPath']) || (preg_match("/index\.php/",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || preg_match("/index\.php/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) ) { $shoplog_method = 'listitems'; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- AFTER GETTING THE METHOD, WE KNOW WHAT TO DO //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- This methods are logged later, so we return if( ( !(isset($shoplog_mode) && $shoplog_mode) ) && ( (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'buy1') || (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'buy2') || (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'buy3') || (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'listitems') || (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'showitem') || (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'search')) ) { if( $shopstat_debug ){$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nMETHOD:\n------------\n'.$shoplog_method;$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nRESULT:\n------------\nNOTLOGGED!';print "";} return; } #-- If the method is not set, we return if(!(isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method) ) { if( $shopstat_debug ){$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nRESULT:\n------------\nNOTLOGGED!';print "";} return; } if( $shopstat_debug ){$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nPARAS:\n------------\n';$shopstat_debug_msg .= 'MODE: '.$shoplog_mode.'\nMETHOD: '.$shoplog_method.'\nPRODID: '.$shoplog_prodid.'\n';$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\POST:\n------------\n';foreach($_POST as $key=>$value){if(is_array($value)){foreach($value as $k=>$v){$shopstat_debug_msg .= $k.'='.$v.'\n';}}else{$shopstat_debug_msg .= $key.'='.$value.'\n';}}$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\GET:\n------------\n';foreach($_GET as $key=>$value){if(is_array($value)){foreach($value as $k=>$v){$shopstat_debug_msg .= $k.'='.$v.'\n';}}else{$shopstat_debug_msg .= $key.'='.$value.'\n';}}$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\SERVER:\n------------\n';foreach($_SERVER as $key=>$value){$shopstat_debug_msg .= $key.'='.$value.'\n';}print '';} //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- START GETTING BASE INFORMATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ require_once(DIR_FS_INC . ''); require_once(DIR_FS_INC . ''); //Parameter : //shoplog_softwareid : Name of the shopsystem $shoplog_softwareid = PROJECT_VERSION; //shoplog_ip : $REMOTE_ADDR $shoplog_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; //shoplog_useragent : $HTTP_USER_AGENT $shoplog_useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; //shoplog_id : user-ID oder sess_id $shoplog_id = $_REQUEST[session_name()]; //shoplog_referer : $HTTP_REFERER if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { //-- prevent (HTTP_REFERER) Hijacking as mentioned at: //-- $shoplog_referer = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); } else{ $shoplog_referer = "-"; } #-- Get the category path if( isset($_GET['cPath']) ) { $shoplog_cat = shopstat_getRealPath($_GET['cPath']); } else{ $shoplog_cat = shopstat_getRealPath(xtc_get_product_path($shoplog_prodid)); } #-- Get products model //-- 23.04.2006 //-- Falls eine Artikelnummer (oder Attributsartikelnr) vorhanden ist, wird //-- diese gespeichert ansonsten die ID $shoplog_prequery = "SELECT products_model FROM ".TABLE_PRODUCTS." WHERE products_id = '".$shoplog_prodid."'"; $shoplog_prequery = xtDBquery($shoplog_prequery); $shoplog_products = xtc_db_fetch_array($shoplog_prequery,true); (!empty($shoplog_products['products_model'])) ? $shopstat_prodartnr = $shoplog_products['products_model'] : $shopstat_prodartnr = $shoplog_prodid; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- START GETTING DETAIL INFORMATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //shoplog_query : Additional Info for each method #-- user add or delete a product (cartview or productview) if( (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'add') || (isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'delitem') ) { #-- article# & articlename $shoplog_query = $shopstat_prodartnr."&". urlencode(strip_tags(xtc_get_products_name($shoplog_prodid,$languages_id))); } #-- user look at a product elseif(isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'showitem') { #-- Art-Nr & Name & Kategorie $shoplog_query = $shopstat_prodartnr.'&'. urlencode(strip_tags(xtc_get_products_name($shoplog_prodid,$languages_id))).'&'. urlencode(strip_tags($shoplog_cat)); } #-- user browse through the products elseif(isset($shoplog_method) && ($shoplog_method == 'listitems')) { (isset($shoplog_mode) && $shoplog_mode) ? $shoplog_query = urlencode(strip_tags($shoplog_cat)) : false; } #-- user did a search in the shop elseif(isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'search') { $shoplog_query = $_GET['keywords']; if(isset($listing_split->number_of_rows) && $listing_split->number_of_rows> 0) { $shoplog_method = 'search_found'; $shoplog_query .= '&'.$listing_split->number_of_rows; } } #-- user has placed an order elseif(isset($shoplog_method) && $shoplog_method == 'validate_and_send') { require_once(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'order.php'); //-- [1.2] //-- Sicherheitsabfrage für die verschiedenen xtc-Versionen //-- Diese MUSS mit $xtPrice bleiben, da rückwärtskompatibel $order = new order('',$xtPrice); if(is_object($order)) { #-- Total & paymethod & shippingcosts -> $shoplog_query = ((isset($order->info['total'])) ? $order->info['total'] : '').'&'. ((isset($order->info['payment_method'])) ? $order->info['payment_method'] : '').'&'. ((isset($order->info['shipping_cost'])) ? $order->info['shipping_cost'] : '').'->'; #-- Ordered products if(isset($order->products)) { $init = 1; foreach($order->products as $item) { #-- take apart the unique products if(!$init){$shoplog_query .= '|';} #-- art-nr & name & category & quantity & price $shoplog_query .= implode('&', array( $item['model'], urlencode(strip_tags($item['name'])), urlencode(strip_tags(shopstat_getRealPath(xtc_get_product_path(xtc_get_prid($item['id']))))), $item['qty'], $item['price'] ) ); $init=0; } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- START LOGGING //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if( $logit && !(isset($shoplog_islogged) && $shoplog_islogged) ) { (!isset($shoplog_merchantid)|| $shoplog_merchantid == "") ? $shoplog_merchantid = "shoplog" : false; (!isset($shoplog_softwareid)|| $shoplog_softwareid == "") ? $shoplog_softwareid = "ShopLog General" : false; (!isset($shoplog_ip) || $shoplog_ip == "") ? $shoplog_ip = "-" : false; (!isset($shoplog_useragent) || $shoplog_useragent == "") ? $shoplog_useragent = "-" : false; (!isset($shoplog_referer) || $shoplog_referer == "") ? $shoplog_referer = "-" : false; (!isset($shoplog_id) || $shoplog_id == "") ? $shoplog_id = "-" : false; (!isset($shoplog_method) || $shoplog_method == "") ? $shoplog_method = "listitems" : false; (!isset($shoplog_cat) || $shoplog_cat == "") ? $shoplog_cat = "-" : false; (!isset($shoplog_query) || $shoplog_query == "") ? $shoplog_query = "-" : false; #-- Make sure we get through ignore_user_abort(true); #-- Manage log-rotation $sl_path = dirname(__FILE__)."/"; $sl_weeknr = strftime("%U"); $sl_year = strftime("%Y"); $sl_datestr = date("Y-m-d"); $sl_timestr = date("H:i:s"); $sl_logfilename = $sl_path.$shoplog_merchantid.'.log.'.$sl_year.$sl_weeknr; if (!@file_exists($sl_logfilename)) { $sl_handle = @fopen($sl_logfilename,"w+"); chmod($sl_logfilename, 0644); (function_exists("set_file_buffer")) ? @set_file_buffer($sl_handle,0) : false; @flock($sl_handle,2); @fputs($sl_handle,"#Software: ".$shoplog_softwareid."\n"); @fputs($sl_handle,"#Version: 1.0\n"); @fputs($sl_handle,"#Date: ".$sl_datestr."\n"); @fputs($sl_handle,"#Fields : date time c-ip cs(User-Agent) cs(Referer) cs-sess-id cs-method category cs-uri-query\n"); @fclose($sl_handle); $sl_lastweek = $sl_weeknr-1; $sl_lastyear = $sl_year; while (true) { $sl_i++; if ($sl_lastweek<0) { $sl_lastweek=56; $sl_lastyear=$sl_year-1; } $sl_lastweek = sprintf("%02d",$sl_lastweek); $sl_lastyear = sprintf("%04d",$sl_lastyear); $sl_logfilename_last = $sl_path.$shoplog_merchantid.'.log.'.$sl_lastyear.$sl_lastweek; /* if(!@file_exists($sl_logfilename_last) || @file_exists($sl_logfilename_last.'.gz') ){break;} */ if($sl_i> 20){break;} if (file_exists($sl_logfilename_last)) { # pack theold file ... //@Exec("gzip $sl_logfilename_last"); $sl_dest = $sl_logfilename_last.'.gz'; $sl_error = false; if($sl_fpout=gzopen($sl_dest,'wb9')) { if($sl_fpin=fopen($sl_logfilename_last,'rb')) { while(!feof($sl_fpin))gzwrite($sl_fpout,fread($sl_fpin,1024*512)); fclose($sl_fpin); }else{$sl_error=true;} gzclose($sl_fpout); }else{$sl_error=true;} if(!$sl_error){@unlink($sl_logfilename_last);} /* rename($sl_logfilename_last,$sl_logfilename_last.".pack"); $sl_handle=fopen($sl_logfilename_last.".pack","r"); if (function_exists("set_file_buffer")) @set_file_buffer($sl_handle,0); $fz=gzopen($sl_logfilename_last.".gz","w+"); if (function_exists("set_file_buffer")) @set_file_buffer($fz,0); while (! @feof($sl_handle)) { $s=fgets($sl_handle,2048); echo strlen($s)."
    ";flush(); gzputs($fz,$s); } gzclose($fz); fclose($sl_handle); unlink($sl_logfilename_last.".pack"); */ } $sl_lastweek--; } /* $sl_errfile = @tempnam("/tmp","shoplog_error"); @Exec("ls -at1 ".$sl_path.$shoplog_merchantid.".log* 2>".$sl_errfile,$ergs); @unlink($sl_errfile); for ($i=10;$i";} @flock($sl_handle,3); @fclose($sl_handle); $shoplog_islogged = true; } else{ if( $shopstat_debug ){$shopstat_debug_msg .= '\nRESULT:\n------------\nNOTLOGGED!';print "";} } ?>
    Warning: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'Europe/Paris' for '2.0/DST' instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\trunk\templates\xtc5\source\boxes\whats_new.php on line 41

    Warning: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'Europe/Paris' for '2.0/DST' instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\trunk\templates\xtc5\source\boxes\whats_new.php on line 41

    Warning: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'Europe/Paris' for '2.0/DST' instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\trunk\templates\xtc5\source\boxes\whats_new.php on line 41

    Warning: mktime() [function.mktime]: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'Europe/Paris' for '2.0/DST' instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\trunk\templates\xtc5\source\boxes\whats_new.php on line 41

    Warning: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'Europe/Paris' for '2.0/DST' instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\trunk\templates\xtc5\source\boxes\whats_new.php on line 41

    11 Antworten
    4553 Aufrufe
    14. September 2010, 13:29:38 von GTB
    7 Antworten
    5117 Aufrufe
    02. März 2011, 23:41:53 von Tomcraft
    26 Antworten
    21565 Aufrufe
    23. Juni 2014, 15:10:46 von zak_home
    12 Antworten
    3648 Aufrufe
    19. November 2015, 16:01:56 von swolfram [templatix]