Managed Server
  • Die modified eCommerce Shopsoftware ist kostenlos, aber nicht umsonst.
  • Damit wir die modified eCommerce Shopsoftware auch zukünftig kostenlos anbieten können:
  • Thema: MODUL: Zusatzfelder in der Artikel-Bearbeitung für versandkostenfreie Artikel


    • Viel Schreiber
    • Beiträge: 651
    Ich habe zu diesem Modul eine Frage.
    Im Shop ist schon eine versandkostenfreie Lieferung hinterlegt (Versandkosten - free amount), gültig ab 35 Euro für Zone DE.
    Funktioniert das Modul dann auch, wenn man für einzelne Artikel, z.B. einen 10 Euro Artikel versandkostenfrei versenden möchte?

    Bitte um Info.



    • Fördermitglied
    • Beiträge: 1.869
    • Geschlecht:
    Natürlich, genau das ist ja der Sinn der Sache ;)


    • Viel Schreiber
    • Beiträge: 651
    ich habe jetzt die entsprechenden Dateien lt. Beschreibung angepasst und dann nach und nach die Dateien hochgeladen, dabei ist mir dann aufgefallen, dass die Datei "includes/classes/shopping_cart.php" Probleme macht.
    Liegt dies evtl. an meinem Bootstrap-Template?
    Nach dem Hochladen der Datei "Shopping_cart.php" kam dann bei mir eine weiße Seite.
    Woran könnte dies liegen?
    Wie könnte ich ausfindig machen, was das Problem ist?

    Bitte hierzu um Info.



    • Viel Schreiber
    • Beiträge: 651
    Bei der Installationsanweisung heißt es zu der "shopping_cart.php"

    Code: PHP  [Auswählen]
    - shopping_cart.php
      $smarty->assign('BUTTON_CONTINUE', '<a href="'.xtc_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT).'">'.xtc_image_button('button_continue.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_CONTINUE).'</a>');

    // BOF - astaller - 2013-10-15 - Kostenloser Versand für Artikel
    if ($_SESSION['MAXIMUM_CART_AMOUNT'] == true) {
      $smarty->assign('info_message_max_cart_amount', PRODUCT_MAXIMUM_AMOUNT_EXCEEDED);
    // EOF - astaller - 2013-10-15 - Kostenloser Versand für Artikel

    Ich füge deshalb auch hier meine ungeänderte und die geänderte Version der shopping_cart.php bei

    Code: PHP  [Auswählen]
    /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       $Id: shopping_cart.php 1922 2011-05-09 13:43:48Z dokuman $

       modified eCommerce Shopsoftware

       Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 []
       based on:
       (c) 2000-2001 The Exchange Project  (earlier name of osCommerce)
       (c) 2002-2003 osCommerce(shopping_cart.php,v 1.32 2003/02/11);
       (c) 2003 nextcommerce (shopping_cart.php,v 1.21 2003/08/17);
       (c) 2006 xt:Commerce (shopping_cart.php); www.(( Wir dulden keine kommerziellen Werbelinks - Bitte <a href="index.php?topic=3013.0">Forenregeln</a> beachten! ))

       Released under the GNU General Public License
       Third Party contributions:

       Customers Status v3.x  (c) 2002-2003 Copyright Elari | | CVS :

       Credit Class/Gift Vouchers/Discount Coupons (Version 5.10),282
       Copyright (c) Strider |
       Copyright (c) Nick Stanko of,
       Copyright (c) Andre
       Copyright (c) 2001,2002 Ian C Wilson

       Released under the GNU General Public License

    // include needed functions
    require_once (DIR_FS_INC.'');
    require_once (DIR_FS_INC.'');
    require_once (DIR_FS_INC.'');
    require_once (DIR_FS_INC.'');
    require_once (DIR_FS_INC.'');
    require_once (DIR_FS_INC.'');

    class shoppingCart {
      var $contents, $total, $weight, $cartID, $content_type;

      function shoppingCart() {

       * restore_contents
       * @return unknown

      function restore_contents() {
        if (!isset ($_SESSION['customer_id'])) {
          return false;

        // insert current cart contents in database
        if (is_array($this->contents)) {
          while (list ($products_id,) = each($this->contents)) {
            $qty = $this->contents[$products_id]['qty'];
            $product_query = xtc_db_query("select products_id
                                             from "
                                            where customers_id = '"
                                              and products_id = '"
            if (!xtc_db_num_rows($product_query)) {
              $sql_data_array = array('customers_id' => $_SESSION['customer_id'],
                                      'products_id' => $products_id,
                                      'customers_basket_quantity' => $qty,
                                      'customers_basket_date_added' => date('Ymd')
              xtc_db_perform(TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET, $sql_data_array);

              if (isset ($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) {
                while (list ($option, $value) = each($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) {
                  $sql_data_array = array('customers_id' => (int)$_SESSION['customer_id'],
                                          'products_id' => $products_id,
                                          'products_options_id' => (int)$option,
                                          'products_options_value_id' => (int)$value
                  xtc_db_perform(TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET_ATTRIBUTES, $sql_data_array);
            } else {
              xtc_db_query("update ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET."
                               set customers_basket_quantity = '"
                             where customers_id = '"
                               and products_id = '"

        // reset per-session cart contents, but not the database contents
        $products_query = xtc_db_query("select products_id,
                                          from "
                                         where customers_id = '"
                                      order by customers_basket_id"

        while ($products = xtc_db_fetch_array($products_query)) {
          $this->contents[$products['products_id']] = array ('qty' => (int)$products['customers_basket_quantity']);
          // attributes
          $attributes_query = xtc_db_query("select products_options_id,
                                              from "
                                             where customers_id = '"
                                               and products_id = '"
                                          order by customers_basket_attributes_id"
          while ($attributes = xtc_db_fetch_array($attributes_query)) {
            $this->contents[$products['products_id']]['attributes'][$attributes['products_options_id']] = $attributes['products_options_value_id'];

       * reset
       * @param boolean $reset_database

      function reset($reset_database = false) {
        $this->contents = array ();
        $this->total = 0;
        $this->tax = 0; //Paypal Express Modul //DokuMan - 2010-12-08 - set tax to zero on reset
        $this->weight = 0;
        $this->content_type = false;

        if (isset ($_SESSION['customer_id']) && ($reset_database == true)) {
          xtc_db_query("delete from ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET." where customers_id = '".(int)$_SESSION['customer_id']."'");
          xtc_db_query("delete from ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET_ATTRIBUTES." where customers_id = '".(int)$_SESSION['customer_id']."'");

        unset ($this->cartID);
        if (isset ($_SESSION['cartID'])) {
          unset ($_SESSION['cartID']);

       * add_cart
       * @param integer $products_id
       * @param integer $qty
       * @param string $attributes
       * @param boolean $notify

      function add_cart($products_id, $qty = 1, $attributes = '', $notify = true) {
        global $new_products_id_in_cart;

        $products_id = xtc_get_uprid($products_id, $attributes);
        if ($notify == true) {
          $_SESSION['new_products_id_in_cart'] = $products_id;

        if ($this->in_cart($products_id)) {
          $this->update_quantity($products_id, $qty, $attributes);
        } else {
          //$this->contents[] = array ($products_id); //web28 - 2010-08-15 - BUGFIX unnecessary code causes problems with download articles
          $this->contents[$products_id] = array ('qty' => (int)$qty);
          // insert into database
          if (isset ($_SESSION['customer_id'])){
            $sql_data_array = array('customers_id' => $_SESSION['customer_id'],
                                    'products_id' => $products_id,
                                    'customers_basket_quantity' => $qty,
                                    'customers_basket_date_added' => date('Ymd')
            xtc_db_perform(TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET, $sql_data_array);

          if (is_array($attributes)) {
            while (list ($option, $value) = each($attributes)) {
              $this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'][$option] = $value;
              // insert into database
              if (isset ($_SESSION['customer_id'])) {
                $sql_data_array = array('customers_id' => (int)$_SESSION['customer_id'],
                                        'products_id' => $products_id,
                                        'products_options_id' => (int)$option,
                                        'products_options_value_id' => (int)$value
                xtc_db_perform(TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET_ATTRIBUTES, $sql_data_array);

        // assign a temporary unique ID to the order contents to prevent hack attempts during the checkout procedure
        $this->cartID = $this->generate_cart_id();

       * update_quantity
       * @param integer $products_id
       * @param integer $quantity
       * @param unknown_type $attributes
       * @return unknown

      function update_quantity($products_id, $quantity = '', $attributes = '') {

        // nothing needs to be updated if theres no quantity, so we return true
        if (empty ($quantity)){
          return true; // nothing needs to be updated if theres no quantity, so we return true..
        // BOF - Tomcraft - 2009-11-28 - Included xs:booster
        // xs:booster start (v1.041)
        //$pid = strpos($products_id,"{") > 0 ? substr($products_id,0,strpos($products_id,"{")) : $products_id;
        $pid = xtc_get_prid($products_id); //use xtc function
        if(isset($_SESSION['xtb0']) && is_array($_SESSION['xtb0']['tx'])) {
          $sum = 0; $cc = true;
          foreach($_SESSION['xtb0']['tx'] as $tx) {
            if($tx['products_id']==$pid) {
              $sum += $tx['XTB_QUANTITYPURCHASED'];
              if($tx['XTB_ALLOW_USER_CHQTY']=='false') $cc=false;
          if($quantity!=$sum&&$cc==false) $quantity=$sum;
        // xs:booster end
        // EOF - Tomcraft - 2009-11-28 - Included xs:booster

        $this->contents[$products_id] = array ('qty' => (int)$quantity);
        // update database
        if (isset ($_SESSION['customer_id'])){
          xtc_db_query("update ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET."
                           set customers_basket_quantity = '"
                         where customers_id = '"
                           and products_id = '"

        if (is_array($attributes)) {
          while (list ($option, $value) = each($attributes)) {
            $this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'][$option] = $value;
            // update database
            if (isset ($_SESSION['customer_id'])){
              xtc_db_query("update ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET_ATTRIBUTES."
                               set products_options_value_id = '"
                             where customers_id = '"
                               and products_id = '"
                               and products_options_id = '"

       * cleanup

      function cleanup() {
        while (list ($key,) = each($this->contents)) {
          //BOF - DokuMan - 2010-03-06 - check for defined variable
          //if ($this->contents[$key]['qty'] < 1) {
          if (isset($this->contents[$key]['qty']) && $this->contents[$key]['qty'] < 1) {
          //BOF - DokuMan - 2010-03-06 - check for defined variable
            unset ($this->contents[$key]);
            // remove from database
            if (isset($_SESSION['customer_id'])) { // Hetfield - 2009-08-19 - removed deprecated function session_is_registered to be ready for PHP >= 5.3
              xtc_db_query("delete from ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET." where customers_id = '".(int)$_SESSION['customer_id']."' and products_id = '".xtc_db_input($key)."'");
              xtc_db_query("delete from ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET_ATTRIBUTES." where customers_id = '".(int)$_SESSION['customer_id']."' and products_id = '".xtc_db_input($key)."'");

       * get total number of
       * @return integer total items

      function count_contents() {
        $total_items = 0;
        if (is_array($this->contents)) {
          while (list ($products_id,) = each($this->contents)) {
            $total_items += $this->get_quantity($products_id);
        return $total_items;

       * get_quantity
       * @param integer $products_id
       * @return integer quantity

      function get_quantity($products_id) {
        //BOF - DokuMan - 2010-03-06 - check for defined variable
        //if (isset ($this->contents[$products_id])) {
        if (isset ($this->contents[$products_id]['qty'])) {
        //EOF - DokuMan - 2010-03-06 - check for defined variable
          return $this->contents[$products_id]['qty'];
        } else {
          return 0;

       * check if product is in cart
       * @param integer $products_id
       * @return boolean

      function in_cart($products_id) {
        if (isset ($this->contents[$products_id])) {
          return true;
        } else {
          return false;

       * remove a product from cart
       * @param integer $products_id

      function remove($products_id) {
        //BOF - DokuMan - 2010-03-06 - unset instead of NULL
        //$this->contents[$products_id]= NULL;
        //EOF - DokuMan - 2010-03-06 - unset instead of NULL

        // remove from database
        if (isset($_SESSION['customer_id'])) { // Hetfield - 2009-08-19 - removed deprecated function session_is_registered to be ready for PHP >= 5.3
          xtc_db_query("delete from ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET." where customers_id = '".(int)$_SESSION['customer_id']."' and products_id = '".xtc_db_input($products_id)."'");
          xtc_db_query("delete from ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET_ATTRIBUTES." where customers_id = '".(int)$_SESSION['customer_id']."' and products_id = '".xtc_db_input($products_id)."'");
        // assign a temporary unique ID to the order contents to prevent hack attempts during the checkout procedure
        $this->cartID = $this->generate_cart_id();

       * alias for reset

      function remove_all() {

       * get a comma seperated list of ids of all products in cart
       * @return string

      function get_product_id_list() {
        $product_id_list = '';
        if (is_array($this->contents)) {
          while (list ($products_id,) = each($this->contents)) {
            $product_id_list .= ', '.$products_id;
        return substr($product_id_list, 2);

       * calculate cart totals
       * @return unknown

      function calculate() {
        global $xtPrice;
        $this->total = 0;
        $this->weight = 0;
        $this->tax = array ();
        $this->tax_discount = array (); //Tomcraft - 2011-02-01 - Paypal Express Modul
        if (!is_array($this->contents)) {
          return 0;
        while (list ($products_id) = each($this->contents)) {
          $qty = $this->contents[$products_id]['qty'];
          // products price
          $product_query = xtc_db_query("select products_id,
                                           from "
                                          where products_id='"
          if ($product = xtc_db_fetch_array($product_query)) {
            $products_price = $xtPrice->xtcGetPrice($product['products_id'],
                                                    $format = false,
            $this->total += $products_price * $qty;
            $this->weight += ($qty * $product['products_weight']);

            //attributes price
            $attribute_price = 0;
            if (isset ($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) {
              while (list ($option, $value) = each($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) {
                $values = $xtPrice->xtcGetOptionPrice($product['products_id'], $option, $value);
                $this->weight += $values['weight'] * $qty;
                $this->total += $values['price'] * $qty;

            // $this->total hat netto * Stück in der 1. Runde
            // Artikel Rabatt berücksichtigt
            // Gesamt Rabatt auf Bestellung nicht
            // Nur weiterrechnen, falls Product nicht ohne Steuer
            // $this->total + $this->tax wird berechnet
            if ($product['products_tax_class_id'] != 0) {

              if ($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_ot_discount_flag'] == 1) {
                // Rabatt für die Steuerberechnung
                // der eigentliche Rabatt wird im order-details_cart abgezogen
                $products_price_tax = $products_price - ($products_price / 100 * $_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_ot_discount']);
                $attribute_price_tax = $attribute_price - ($attribute_price / 100 * $_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_ot_discount']);

              $products_tax = $xtPrice->TAX[$product['products_tax_class_id']];
              $products_tax_description = xtc_get_tax_description($product['products_tax_class_id']);

              // price incl tax
              if ($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_show_price_tax'] == '1') {
                if (!isset($this->tax[$product['products_tax_class_id']])) $this->tax[$product['products_tax_class_id']]['value'] = 0; //DokuMan - 2010-03-26 - set undefined variable
                if ($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_ot_discount_flag'] == 1) {
                  $this->tax[$product['products_tax_class_id']]['value'] += ((($products_price_tax+$attribute_price_tax) / (100 + $products_tax)) * $products_tax)*$qty;
                } else {
                  $this->tax[$product['products_tax_class_id']]['value'] += ((($products_price+$attribute_price) / (100 + $products_tax)) * $products_tax)*$qty;
                $this->tax[$product['products_tax_class_id']]['desc'] = TAX_ADD_TAX.$products_tax_description;
              // excl tax + tax at checkout
              if ($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_show_price_tax'] == 0 && $_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_add_tax_ot'] == 1) {
                if (!isset($this->tax[$product['products_tax_class_id']])) $this->tax[$product['products_tax_class_id']]['value'] = 0; //Web28 - 2012-05-08 - set undefined variable
                if ($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_ot_discount_flag'] == 1) {
                  $this->tax[$product['products_tax_class_id']]['value'] += (($products_price_tax+$attribute_price_tax) / 100) * ($products_tax)*$qty;
                  //$this->total+=(($products_price_tax+$attribute_price_tax) / 100) * ($products_tax)*$qty;  // Tomcraft - 2011-02-01 - Paypal Express Modul fuer Einzelrundung
                  if (!isset($this->tax_discount[$product['products_tax_class_id']])) $this->tax_discount[$product['products_tax_class_id']] = 0;
                  $this->tax_discount[$product['products_tax_class_id']]+=(($products_price_tax+$attribute_price_tax) / 100) * ($products_tax)*$qty; // Tomcraft - 2011-02-01 - Paypal Express Modul fuer Einzelrundung
                } else {
                  $this->tax[$product['products_tax_class_id']]['value'] += (($products_price+$attribute_price) / 100) * ($products_tax)*$qty;
                  $this->total+= (($products_price+$attribute_price) / 100) * ($products_tax)*$qty;
                $this->tax[$product['products_tax_class_id']]['desc'] = TAX_NO_TAX.$products_tax_description;
        // BOF - Tomcraft - 2011-02-01 - Paypal Express Modul // Aufaddieren und Runden der Gesamtsumme je Steuersatz
        foreach ($this->tax_discount as $value) {
          //$this->total+=round($value, $xtPrice->get_decimal_places($order->info['currency']));
          $this->total+=round($value, $xtPrice->get_decimal_places('')); //web28: parameter in get_decimal_places isn't used
        // EOF - Tomcraft - 2011-02-01 - Paypal Express Modul  // Aufaddieren und Runden der Gesamtsumme je Steuersatz
        //echo 'TT'.$this->total;

       * get price for a product's attribute
       * @param integer $products_id
       * @return float

      function attributes_price($products_id) {
        global $xtPrice;
        $attributes_price = 0; //DokuMan - 2010-03-01 - set undefined variable
        if (isset ($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) {
          while (list ($option, $value) = each($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) {
            $values = $xtPrice->xtcGetOptionPrice($products_id, $option, $value);
            $attributes_price += $values['price'];
        return $attributes_price;

      function get_products() {
        global $xtPrice,$main;
        if (!is_array($this->contents)){
          return false;

        $products_array = array ();
        while (list ($products_id,) = each($this->contents)) {
          if($this->contents[$products_id]['qty'] != 0 || $this->contents[$products_id]['qty'] !=''){
            $products_query = xtc_db_query("select p.products_id,
                                              from "
                                             where p.products_id='"
                                               and pd.products_id = p.products_id
                                               and pd.language_id = '"

            if ($products = xtc_db_fetch_array($products_query)) {          
              if ($products['products_status'] == 0) {
              } else {
                $products_price = $xtPrice->xtcGetPrice($products['products_id'],
                                    $format = false,

                $products_array[] = array ( 'id' => $products_id,
                              'name' => $products['products_name'],
                              'description' => $products['products_description'],
                              'short_description' => $products['products_short_description'],
                              'order_description' => $products['products_order_description'],
                              'model' => $products['products_model'],
                              'image' => $products['products_image'],
                              'price' => $products_price + $this->attributes_price($products_id),
                              'vpe' => $main->getVPEtext($products, $products_price),
                              'quantity' => $this->contents[$products_id]['qty'],
                              'weight' => $products['products_weight'],
                              'shipping_time' =>(ACTIVATE_SHIPPING_STATUS == 'true') ? $main->getShippingStatusName($products['products_shippingtime']) : null,
                              'final_price' => ($products_price + $this->attributes_price($products_id)),
                              'tax_class_id' => $products['products_tax_class_id'],
                              'tax' => isset($xtPrice->TAX[$products['products_tax_class_id']]) ? $xtPrice->TAX[$products['products_tax_class_id']] : 0,
                              'attributes' => isset($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes']) ? $this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'] : null
        return $products_array;

       * show_total
       * @return unknown

      function show_total() {
        return $this->total;

       * show_weight
       * @return unknown

      function show_weight() {
        return $this->weight;

       * show_tax
       * @param boolean $format
       * @return unknown

      function show_tax($format = true) {
        global $xtPrice;
        $output = "";
        $gval=0; // Paypal Express Modul
        foreach ($this->tax as $key => $value) {
          if ($this->tax[$key]['value'] > 0 ) {
          $output .= $this->tax[$key]['desc'].": ".$xtPrice->xtcFormat($this->tax[$key]['value'], true)."<br />";
          $val = $this->tax[$key]['value'];
          $gval+=$this->tax[$key]['value']; // Paypal Express Modul
        if ($format) {
        return $output;
        } else {
          //return $val; // Paypal Express Modul
          return $gval; // Paypal Express Modul

       * generate_cart_id
       * @param integer $length
       * @return unknown

      function generate_cart_id($length = 5) {
        return xtc_create_random_value($length, 'digits');

       * get_content_type
       * @return unknown

      function get_content_type() {
        $this->content_type = false;
        if ((DOWNLOAD_ENABLED == 'true') && ($this->count_contents() > 0)) {
          while (list ($products_id,) = each($this->contents)) {
            if (isset ($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) {
              while (list (, $value) = each($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) {
                $virtual_check_query = xtc_db_query("select count(*) as total
                                                       from "
                                                      where pa.products_id = '"
                                                        and pa.options_values_id = '"
                                                        and pa.products_attributes_id = pad.products_attributes_id
                $virtual_check = xtc_db_fetch_array($virtual_check_query);
                if ($virtual_check['total'] > 0) {
                  switch ($this->content_type) {
                    case 'physical' :
                      $this->content_type = 'mixed';
                      return $this->content_type;

                    default :
                      $this->content_type = 'virtual';
                } else {
                  switch ($this->content_type) {
                    case 'virtual' :
                      $this->content_type = 'mixed';
                      return $this->content_type;

                    default :
                      $this->content_type = 'physical';
            } else {
              switch ($this->content_type) {
                case 'virtual' :
                  $this->content_type = 'mixed';
                  return $this->content_type;

                default :
                  $this->content_type = 'physical';
        } else {
          $this->content_type = 'physical';
        return $this->content_type;

       * unserialize
       * @param unknown_type $broken

      function unserialize($broken) {
        for (reset($broken); $kv = each($broken);) {
          $key = $kv['key'];
          if (gettype($this-> $key) != 'user function'){
            $this-> $key = $kv['value'];

       * get total number of items in cart disregard gift vouchers
       * amend count_contents to show nil contents for shipping
       * as we don't want to quote for 'virtual' item
       * GLOBAL CONSTANTS if NO_COUNT_ZERO_WEIGHT is true then we don't count any product with a weight
       * which is less than or equal to MINIMUM_WEIGHT
       * otherwise we just don't count gift certificates
       * @return integer

      function count_contents_virtual() {
        $total_items = 0;
        if (is_array($this->contents)) {
          while (list ($products_id,) = each($this->contents)) {
            $no_count = false;
            $gv_query = xtc_db_query("select products_model from ".TABLE_PRODUCTS." where products_id = '".$products_id."'");
            $gv_result = xtc_db_fetch_array($gv_query);
            if (preg_match('/^GIFT/', $gv_result['products_model'])) { // Hetfield - 2009-08-19 - replaced deprecated function ereg with preg_match to be ready for PHP >= 5.3
              $no_count = true;
            //BOF - DokuMan - 2010-03-26 - check for defined variable
            if (defined('NO_COUNT_ZERO_WEIGHT') && NO_COUNT_ZERO_WEIGHT == 1) {
            //if (NO_COUNT_ZERO_WEIGHT == 1) {
            //EOF - DokuMan - 2010-03-26 - check for defined variable
              $gv_query = xtc_db_query("select products_weight from ".TABLE_PRODUCTS." where products_id = '".xtc_get_prid($products_id)."'");
              $gv_result = xtc_db_fetch_array($gv_query);
              if ($gv_result['products_weight'] <= MINIMUM_WEIGHT) {
                $no_count = true;
            if (!$no_count){
              $total_items += $this->get_quantity($products_id);
        return $total_items;

    So jetzt kommt gleich noch die geänderte Version.



    • Viel Schreiber
    • Beiträge: 651
    Hier nun meine geänderte Version der "shopping_cart.php":

    Code: PHP  [Auswählen]
    /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       $Id: shopping_cart.php 1922 2011-05-09 13:43:48Z dokuman $

       modified eCommerce Shopsoftware

       Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 []
       based on:
       (c) 2000-2001 The Exchange Project  (earlier name of osCommerce)
       (c) 2002-2003 osCommerce(shopping_cart.php,v 1.32 2003/02/11);
       (c) 2003 nextcommerce (shopping_cart.php,v 1.21 2003/08/17);
       (c) 2006 xt:Commerce (shopping_cart.php); www.(( Wir dulden keine kommerziellen Werbelinks - Bitte <a href="index.php?topic=3013.0">Forenregeln</a> beachten! ))

       Released under the GNU General Public License
       Third Party contributions:

       Customers Status v3.x  (c) 2002-2003 Copyright Elari | | CVS :

       Credit Class/Gift Vouchers/Discount Coupons (Version 5.10),282
       Copyright (c) Strider |
       Copyright (c) Nick Stanko of,
       Copyright (c) Andre
       Copyright (c) 2001,2002 Ian C Wilson

       Released under the GNU General Public License

    // include needed functions
    require_once (DIR_FS_INC.'');
    require_once (DIR_FS_INC.'');
    require_once (DIR_FS_INC.'');
    require_once (DIR_FS_INC.'');
    require_once (DIR_FS_INC.'');
    require_once (DIR_FS_INC.'');
    // BOF - astaller - 2013-10-15 - Kostenloser Versand für Artikel
    require_once (DIR_FS_INC.'');
    // EOF - astaller - 2013-10-15 - Kostenloser Versand für Artikel
    class shoppingCart {
      var $contents, $total, $weight, $cartID, $content_type;

      function shoppingCart() {

       * restore_contents
       * @return unknown

      function restore_contents() {
        if (!isset ($_SESSION['customer_id'])) {
          return false;

        // insert current cart contents in database
        if (is_array($this->contents)) {
          while (list ($products_id,) = each($this->contents)) {
            $qty = $this->contents[$products_id]['qty'];
            $product_query = xtc_db_query("select products_id
                                             from "
                                            where customers_id = '"
                                              and products_id = '"
            if (!xtc_db_num_rows($product_query)) {
              $sql_data_array = array('customers_id' => $_SESSION['customer_id'],
                                      'products_id' => $products_id,
                                      'customers_basket_quantity' => $qty,
                                      'customers_basket_date_added' => date('Ymd')
              xtc_db_perform(TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET, $sql_data_array);

              if (isset ($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) {
                while (list ($option, $value) = each($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) {
                  $sql_data_array = array('customers_id' => (int)$_SESSION['customer_id'],
                                          'products_id' => $products_id,
                                          'products_options_id' => (int)$option,
                                          'products_options_value_id' => (int)$value
                  xtc_db_perform(TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET_ATTRIBUTES, $sql_data_array);
            } else {
              xtc_db_query("update ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET."
                               set customers_basket_quantity = '"
                             where customers_id = '"
                               and products_id = '"

        // reset per-session cart contents, but not the database contents
        $products_query = xtc_db_query("select products_id,
                                          from "
                                         where customers_id = '"
                                      order by customers_basket_id"

        while ($products = xtc_db_fetch_array($products_query)) {
          $this->contents[$products['products_id']] = array ('qty' => (int)$products['customers_basket_quantity']);
          // attributes
          $attributes_query = xtc_db_query("select products_options_id,
                                              from "
                                             where customers_id = '"
                                               and products_id = '"
                                          order by customers_basket_attributes_id"
          while ($attributes = xtc_db_fetch_array($attributes_query)) {
            $this->contents[$products['products_id']]['attributes'][$attributes['products_options_id']] = $attributes['products_options_value_id'];

       * reset
       * @param boolean $reset_database

      function reset($reset_database = false) {
        $this->contents = array ();
        $this->total = 0;
        $this->tax = 0; //Paypal Express Modul //DokuMan - 2010-12-08 - set tax to zero on reset
        $this->weight = 0;
        $this->content_type = false;

        if (isset ($_SESSION['customer_id']) && ($reset_database == true)) {
          xtc_db_query("delete from ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET." where customers_id = '".(int)$_SESSION['customer_id']."'");
          xtc_db_query("delete from ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET_ATTRIBUTES." where customers_id = '".(int)$_SESSION['customer_id']."'");

        unset ($this->cartID);
        if (isset ($_SESSION['cartID'])) {
          unset ($_SESSION['cartID']);

       * add_cart
       * @param integer $products_id
       * @param integer $qty
       * @param string $attributes
       * @param boolean $notify

      function add_cart($products_id, $qty = 1, $attributes = '', $notify = true) {
        global $new_products_id_in_cart;

        $products_id = xtc_get_uprid($products_id, $attributes);
    // BOF - astaller - 2013-10-15 - Kostenloser Versand für Artikel
        $qty = check_allowed_amount($products_id, $qty);
    // EOF - astaller - 2013-10-15 - Kostenloser Versand für Artikel
        if ($notify == true) {
          $_SESSION['new_products_id_in_cart'] = $products_id;

        if ($this->in_cart($products_id)) {
          $this->update_quantity($products_id, $qty, $attributes);
        } else {
          //$this->contents[] = array ($products_id); //web28 - 2010-08-15 - BUGFIX unnecessary code causes problems with download articles
          $this->contents[$products_id] = array ('qty' => (int)$qty);
          // insert into database
          if (isset ($_SESSION['customer_id'])){
            $sql_data_array = array('customers_id' => $_SESSION['customer_id'],
                                    'products_id' => $products_id,
                                    'customers_basket_quantity' => $qty,
                                    'customers_basket_date_added' => date('Ymd')
            xtc_db_perform(TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET, $sql_data_array);

          if (is_array($attributes)) {
            while (list ($option, $value) = each($attributes)) {
              $this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'][$option] = $value;
              // insert into database
              if (isset ($_SESSION['customer_id'])) {
                $sql_data_array = array('customers_id' => (int)$_SESSION['customer_id'],
                                        'products_id' => $products_id,
                                        'products_options_id' => (int)$option,
                                        'products_options_value_id' => (int)$value
                xtc_db_perform(TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET_ATTRIBUTES, $sql_data_array);

        // assign a temporary unique ID to the order contents to prevent hack attempts during the checkout procedure
        $this->cartID = $this->generate_cart_id();

       * update_quantity
       * @param integer $products_id
       * @param integer $quantity
       * @param unknown_type $attributes
       * @return unknown

      function update_quantity($products_id, $quantity = '', $attributes = '') {

        // nothing needs to be updated if theres no quantity, so we return true
        if (empty ($quantity)){
          return true; // nothing needs to be updated if theres no quantity, so we return true..
        // BOF - Tomcraft - 2009-11-28 - Included xs:booster
        // xs:booster start (v1.041)
        //$pid = strpos($products_id,"{") > 0 ? substr($products_id,0,strpos($products_id,"{")) : $products_id;
        $pid = xtc_get_prid($products_id); //use xtc function
        if(isset($_SESSION['xtb0']) && is_array($_SESSION['xtb0']['tx'])) {
          $sum = 0; $cc = true;
          foreach($_SESSION['xtb0']['tx'] as $tx) {
            if($tx['products_id']==$pid) {
              $sum += $tx['XTB_QUANTITYPURCHASED'];
              if($tx['XTB_ALLOW_USER_CHQTY']=='false') $cc=false;
          if($quantity!=$sum&&$cc==false) $quantity=$sum;
        // xs:booster end
        // EOF - Tomcraft - 2009-11-28 - Included xs:booster

        $this->contents[$products_id] = array ('qty' => (int)$quantity);
        // update database
        if (isset ($_SESSION['customer_id'])){
          xtc_db_query("update ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET."
                           set customers_basket_quantity = '"
                         where customers_id = '"
                           and products_id = '"

        if (is_array($attributes)) {
          while (list ($option, $value) = each($attributes)) {
            $this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'][$option] = $value;
            // update database
            if (isset ($_SESSION['customer_id'])){
              xtc_db_query("update ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET_ATTRIBUTES."
                               set products_options_value_id = '"
                             where customers_id = '"
                               and products_id = '"
                               and products_options_id = '"

       * cleanup

      function cleanup() {
        while (list ($key,) = each($this->contents)) {
          //BOF - DokuMan - 2010-03-06 - check for defined variable
          //if ($this->contents[$key]['qty'] < 1) {
          if (isset($this->contents[$key]['qty']) && $this->contents[$key]['qty'] < 1) {
          //BOF - DokuMan - 2010-03-06 - check for defined variable
            unset ($this->contents[$key]);
            // remove from database
            if (isset($_SESSION['customer_id'])) { // Hetfield - 2009-08-19 - removed deprecated function session_is_registered to be ready for PHP >= 5.3
              xtc_db_query("delete from ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET." where customers_id = '".(int)$_SESSION['customer_id']."' and products_id = '".xtc_db_input($key)."'");
              xtc_db_query("delete from ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET_ATTRIBUTES." where customers_id = '".(int)$_SESSION['customer_id']."' and products_id = '".xtc_db_input($key)."'");

       * get total number of
       * @return integer total items

      function count_contents() {
        $total_items = 0;
        if (is_array($this->contents)) {
          while (list ($products_id,) = each($this->contents)) {
            $total_items += $this->get_quantity($products_id);
        return $total_items;

       * get_quantity
       * @param integer $products_id
       * @return integer quantity

      function get_quantity($products_id) {
        //BOF - DokuMan - 2010-03-06 - check for defined variable
        //if (isset ($this->contents[$products_id])) {
        if (isset ($this->contents[$products_id]['qty'])) {
        //EOF - DokuMan - 2010-03-06 - check for defined variable
          return $this->contents[$products_id]['qty'];
        } else {
          return 0;

       * check if product is in cart
       * @param integer $products_id
       * @return boolean

      function in_cart($products_id) {
        if (isset ($this->contents[$products_id])) {
          return true;
        } else {
          return false;

       * remove a product from cart
       * @param integer $products_id

      function remove($products_id) {
        //BOF - DokuMan - 2010-03-06 - unset instead of NULL
        //$this->contents[$products_id]= NULL;
        //EOF - DokuMan - 2010-03-06 - unset instead of NULL

        // remove from database
        if (isset($_SESSION['customer_id'])) { // Hetfield - 2009-08-19 - removed deprecated function session_is_registered to be ready for PHP >= 5.3
          xtc_db_query("delete from ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET." where customers_id = '".(int)$_SESSION['customer_id']."' and products_id = '".xtc_db_input($products_id)."'");
          xtc_db_query("delete from ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET_ATTRIBUTES." where customers_id = '".(int)$_SESSION['customer_id']."' and products_id = '".xtc_db_input($products_id)."'");
        // assign a temporary unique ID to the order contents to prevent hack attempts during the checkout procedure
        $this->cartID = $this->generate_cart_id();

       * alias for reset

      function remove_all() {

       * get a comma seperated list of ids of all products in cart
       * @return string

      function get_product_id_list() {
        $product_id_list = '';
        if (is_array($this->contents)) {
          while (list ($products_id,) = each($this->contents)) {
            $product_id_list .= ', '.$products_id;
        return substr($product_id_list, 2);

       * calculate cart totals
       * @return unknown

      function calculate() {
        global $xtPrice;
        $this->total = 0;
        $this->weight = 0;
        $this->tax = array ();
        $this->tax_discount = array (); //Tomcraft - 2011-02-01 - Paypal Express Modul
        if (!is_array($this->contents)) {
          return 0;
        while (list ($products_id) = each($this->contents)) {
          $qty = $this->contents[$products_id]['qty'];
          // products price
          $product_query = xtc_db_query("select products_id,
                                           from "
                                          where products_id='"
          if ($product = xtc_db_fetch_array($product_query)) {
            $products_price = $xtPrice->xtcGetPrice($product['products_id'],
                                                    $format = false,
            $this->total += $products_price * $qty;
            $this->weight += ($qty * $product['products_weight']);

            //attributes price
            $attribute_price = 0;
            if (isset ($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) {
              while (list ($option, $value) = each($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) {
                $values = $xtPrice->xtcGetOptionPrice($product['products_id'], $option, $value);
                $this->weight += $values['weight'] * $qty;
                $this->total += $values['price'] * $qty;

            // $this->total hat netto * Stück in der 1. Runde
            // Artikel Rabatt berücksichtigt
            // Gesamt Rabatt auf Bestellung nicht
            // Nur weiterrechnen, falls Product nicht ohne Steuer
            // $this->total + $this->tax wird berechnet
            if ($product['products_tax_class_id'] != 0) {

              if ($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_ot_discount_flag'] == 1) {
                // Rabatt für die Steuerberechnung
                // der eigentliche Rabatt wird im order-details_cart abgezogen
                $products_price_tax = $products_price - ($products_price / 100 * $_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_ot_discount']);
                $attribute_price_tax = $attribute_price - ($attribute_price / 100 * $_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_ot_discount']);

              $products_tax = $xtPrice->TAX[$product['products_tax_class_id']];
              $products_tax_description = xtc_get_tax_description($product['products_tax_class_id']);

              // price incl tax
              if ($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_show_price_tax'] == '1') {
                if (!isset($this->tax[$product['products_tax_class_id']])) $this->tax[$product['products_tax_class_id']]['value'] = 0; //DokuMan - 2010-03-26 - set undefined variable
                if ($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_ot_discount_flag'] == 1) {
                  $this->tax[$product['products_tax_class_id']]['value'] += ((($products_price_tax+$attribute_price_tax) / (100 + $products_tax)) * $products_tax)*$qty;
                } else {
                  $this->tax[$product['products_tax_class_id']]['value'] += ((($products_price+$attribute_price) / (100 + $products_tax)) * $products_tax)*$qty;
                $this->tax[$product['products_tax_class_id']]['desc'] = TAX_ADD_TAX.$products_tax_description;
              // excl tax + tax at checkout
              if ($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_show_price_tax'] == 0 && $_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_add_tax_ot'] == 1) {
                if (!isset($this->tax[$product['products_tax_class_id']])) $this->tax[$product['products_tax_class_id']]['value'] = 0; //Web28 - 2012-05-08 - set undefined variable
                if ($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_ot_discount_flag'] == 1) {
                  $this->tax[$product['products_tax_class_id']]['value'] += (($products_price_tax+$attribute_price_tax) / 100) * ($products_tax)*$qty;
                  //$this->total+=(($products_price_tax+$attribute_price_tax) / 100) * ($products_tax)*$qty;  // Tomcraft - 2011-02-01 - Paypal Express Modul fuer Einzelrundung
                  if (!isset($this->tax_discount[$product['products_tax_class_id']])) $this->tax_discount[$product['products_tax_class_id']] = 0;
                  $this->tax_discount[$product['products_tax_class_id']]+=(($products_price_tax+$attribute_price_tax) / 100) * ($products_tax)*$qty; // Tomcraft - 2011-02-01 - Paypal Express Modul fuer Einzelrundung
                } else {
                  $this->tax[$product['products_tax_class_id']]['value'] += (($products_price+$attribute_price) / 100) * ($products_tax)*$qty;
                  $this->total+= (($products_price+$attribute_price) / 100) * ($products_tax)*$qty;
                $this->tax[$product['products_tax_class_id']]['desc'] = TAX_NO_TAX.$products_tax_description;
        // BOF - Tomcraft - 2011-02-01 - Paypal Express Modul // Aufaddieren und Runden der Gesamtsumme je Steuersatz
        foreach ($this->tax_discount as $value) {
          //$this->total+=round($value, $xtPrice->get_decimal_places($order->info['currency']));
          $this->total+=round($value, $xtPrice->get_decimal_places('')); //web28: parameter in get_decimal_places isn't used
        // EOF - Tomcraft - 2011-02-01 - Paypal Express Modul  // Aufaddieren und Runden der Gesamtsumme je Steuersatz
        //echo 'TT'.$this->total;

       * get price for a product's attribute
       * @param integer $products_id
       * @return float

      function attributes_price($products_id) {
        global $xtPrice;
        $attributes_price = 0; //DokuMan - 2010-03-01 - set undefined variable
        if (isset ($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) {
          while (list ($option, $value) = each($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) {
            $values = $xtPrice->xtcGetOptionPrice($products_id, $option, $value);
            $attributes_price += $values['price'];
        return $attributes_price;

      function get_products() {
        global $xtPrice,$main;
        if (!is_array($this->contents)){
          return false;

        $products_array = array ();
        while (list ($products_id,) = each($this->contents)) {
          if($this->contents[$products_id]['qty'] != 0 || $this->contents[$products_id]['qty'] !=''){
            $products_query = xtc_db_query("select p.products_id,
                                              from "
                                             where p.products_id='"
                                               and pd.products_id = p.products_id
                                               and pd.language_id = '"

            if ($products = xtc_db_fetch_array($products_query)) {          
              if ($products['products_status'] == 0) {
              } else {
                $products_price = $xtPrice->xtcGetPrice($products['products_id'],
                                    $format = false,

                $products_array[] = array ( 'id' => $products_id,
                              'name' => $products['products_name'],
                              'description' => $products['products_description'],
                              'short_description' => $products['products_short_description'],
                              'order_description' => $products['products_order_description'],
                              'model' => $products['products_model'],
                              'image' => $products['products_image'],
                              'price' => $products_price + $this->attributes_price($products_id),
                              'vpe' => $main->getVPEtext($products, $products_price),
                              'quantity' => $this->contents[$products_id]['qty'],
                              'weight' => $products['products_weight'],
                              'shipping_time' =>(ACTIVATE_SHIPPING_STATUS == 'true') ? $main->getShippingStatusName($products['products_shippingtime']) : null,
                              'final_price' => ($products_price + $this->attributes_price($products_id)),
                              'tax_class_id' => $products['products_tax_class_id'],
                              'tax' => isset($xtPrice->TAX[$products['products_tax_class_id']]) ? $xtPrice->TAX[$products['products_tax_class_id']] : 0,
                              'attributes' => isset($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes']) ? $this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'] : null
        return $products_array;

       * show_total
       * @return unknown

      function show_total() {
        return $this->total;

       * show_weight
       * @return unknown

      function show_weight() {
        return $this->weight;

       * show_tax
       * @param boolean $format
       * @return unknown

      function show_tax($format = true) {
        global $xtPrice;
        $output = "";
        $gval=0; // Paypal Express Modul
        foreach ($this->tax as $key => $value) {
          if ($this->tax[$key]['value'] > 0 ) {
          $output .= $this->tax[$key]['desc'].": ".$xtPrice->xtcFormat($this->tax[$key]['value'], true)."<br />";
          $val = $this->tax[$key]['value'];
          $gval+=$this->tax[$key]['value']; // Paypal Express Modul
        if ($format) {
        return $output;
        } else {
          //return $val; // Paypal Express Modul
          return $gval; // Paypal Express Modul

       * generate_cart_id
       * @param integer $length
       * @return unknown

      function generate_cart_id($length = 5) {
        return xtc_create_random_value($length, 'digits');

       * get_content_type
       * @return unknown

      function get_content_type() {
        $this->content_type = false;
        if ((DOWNLOAD_ENABLED == 'true') && ($this->count_contents() > 0)) {
          while (list ($products_id,) = each($this->contents)) {
            if (isset ($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) {
              while (list (, $value) = each($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) {
                $virtual_check_query = xtc_db_query("select count(*) as total
                                                       from "
                                                      where pa.products_id = '"
                                                        and pa.options_values_id = '"
                                                        and pa.products_attributes_id = pad.products_attributes_id
                $virtual_check = xtc_db_fetch_array($virtual_check_query);
                if ($virtual_check['total'] > 0) {
                  switch ($this->content_type) {
                    case 'physical' :
                      $this->content_type = 'mixed';
                      return $this->content_type;

                    default :
                      $this->content_type = 'virtual';
                } else {
                  switch ($this->content_type) {
                    case 'virtual' :
                      $this->content_type = 'mixed';
                      return $this->content_type;

                    default :
                      $this->content_type = 'physical';
            } else {
              switch ($this->content_type) {
                case 'virtual' :
                  $this->content_type = 'mixed';
                  return $this->content_type;

                default :
                  $this->content_type = 'physical';
        } else {
          $this->content_type = 'physical';
        return $this->content_type;

       * unserialize
       * @param unknown_type $broken

      function unserialize($broken) {
        for (reset($broken); $kv = each($broken);) {
          $key = $kv['key'];
          if (gettype($this-> $key) != 'user function'){
            $this-> $key = $kv['value'];

       * get total number of items in cart disregard gift vouchers
       * amend count_contents to show nil contents for shipping
       * as we don't want to quote for 'virtual' item
       * GLOBAL CONSTANTS if NO_COUNT_ZERO_WEIGHT is true then we don't count any product with a weight
       * which is less than or equal to MINIMUM_WEIGHT
       * otherwise we just don't count gift certificates
       * @return integer

      function count_contents_virtual() {
        $total_items = 0;
        if (is_array($this->contents)) {
          while (list ($products_id,) = each($this->contents)) {
            $no_count = false;
            $gv_query = xtc_db_query("select products_model from ".TABLE_PRODUCTS." where products_id = '".$products_id."'");
            $gv_result = xtc_db_fetch_array($gv_query);
            if (preg_match('/^GIFT/', $gv_result['products_model'])) { // Hetfield - 2009-08-19 - replaced deprecated function ereg with preg_match to be ready for PHP >= 5.3
              $no_count = true;
            //BOF - DokuMan - 2010-03-26 - check for defined variable
            if (defined('NO_COUNT_ZERO_WEIGHT') && NO_COUNT_ZERO_WEIGHT == 1) {
            //if (NO_COUNT_ZERO_WEIGHT == 1) {
            //EOF - DokuMan - 2010-03-26 - check for defined variable
              $gv_query = xtc_db_query("select products_weight from ".TABLE_PRODUCTS." where products_id = '".xtc_get_prid($products_id)."'");
              $gv_result = xtc_db_fetch_array($gv_query);
              if ($gv_result['products_weight'] <= MINIMUM_WEIGHT) {
                $no_count = true;
            if (!$no_count){
              $total_items += $this->get_quantity($products_id);
        return $total_items;
    // BOF - astaller - 2013-10-15 - Kostenloser Versand für Artikel
      function in_cart_fs($p_id) {
        $product_id_list = ', ';
        if (is_array($this->contents)) {
                while (list ($products_id,) = each($this->contents)) {
                  $product_id_list = ', '.$products_id.'{';
                      $string_needle = ', '.$p_id.'{';
                      if (substr_count($product_id_list, $string_needle) != '0') {
                        return $products_id;
          return false;

      function get_quantity_fs($p_id) {
        if (is_array($this->contents)) {
              if (substr_count($p_id, '{') == '0') {
                    return $this->get_quantity($p_id);
              } else {
                    $p_quantity = 0;
                    $p_root_id = substr($p_id, 0, strpos($p_id, '{')  );
                    while (list ($products_id,) = each($this->contents)) {
                      $product_id_list = ', '.$products_id.'{';
                      $string_needle = ', '.$p_root_id.'{';
                      if (substr_count($product_id_list, $string_needle) != '0') {
                            $p_quantity += $this->get_quantity($products_id);
                    return $p_quantity;
    // EOF - astaller - 2013-10-15 - Kostenloser Versand für Artikel

    Hoffe, dass mir nun so jemand sagen kann, weshalb es Probleme gibt und ich da eine weisse Seite bekomme.



    • Viel Schreiber
    • Beiträge: 651
    Re: MODUL: Artikel-Bearbeitung für versandkostenfreie Artikel
    Antwort #50 am: 14. August 2015, 02:14:36

    Das Problem ist gelöst  :-)
    Ich habe "error_reporting_all" eingeschaltet und dazu diese eine Fehlermeldung erhalten.

    Diese besagt folgendes:
    Warning: require_once(/kunden/homepages/33/d183561635/htdocs/modified eCommerce Shopsoftwareneu/inc/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /homepages/33/d183561635/htdocs/modified eCommerce Shopsoftwareneu/includes/classes/shopping_cart.php on line 40

    Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/kunden/homepages/33/d183561635/htdocs/modified eCommerce Shopsoftwareneu/inc/' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php5.5') in /homepages/33/d183561635/htdocs/modified eCommerce Shopsoftwareneu/includes/classes/shopping_cart.php on line 40

    Hatte nur vergessen, die Datei noch hochzuladen "inc/".

    Gruß toppi


    • Viel Schreiber
    • Beiträge: 651
    ich habe bei einem Artikel bei "versandkostenfreie Artikel" einen Haken reingemacht und das funktioniert auch, dass da dann in der Produktansicht steht: versandkostenfrei

    Jetzt wollte ich mal eben im Adminbereich etwas testen und den Haken für die versandkostenfreie Lieferung entfernen, doch das geht nicht.
    Das System fragt: Änderungen speichern? - Ich klicke dann auf "ja", doch es wird nicht übernommen.
    Nach Abspeichern bleibt der Haken drin, siehe Screenshot.

    Woran kann das liegen?

    EDIT: erledigt
    Hatte einen Fehler in der:



    • Neu im Forum
    • Beiträge: 28
    Hallo Gemeinde,

    ist das Modul aus Beitrag 1 ein eigenständiges Modul? Sprich, kann ich das auch nutzen wenn ich nur bestimmte Artikel versandkostenfrei anbieten will und ansonsten kein versandkostenfrei anbiete oder installiert habe?

    Danke im Voraus.



    • Fördermitglied
    • Beiträge: 1.869
    • Geschlecht:
    Wenn ich das noch richtig in Erinnerung habe: ja!



    • Neu im Forum
    • Beiträge: 28
    Danke, Modul funzt!

    Der kostenfreie Versand ist / kann nicht auf "De" begrenzt / werden? Habe ich evtl. eine Einstellung übersehen?

    Danke im Voraus.



    • Neu im Forum
    • Beiträge: 28
    Wenn man in dem Modul aus Beitrag 1 (Version 1.05) den folgenden Code aus checkout_shipping.php wie folgt ändert, kann der kostenfreie Versand auf Deutschland (oder auf ein anderes Land wo der Shop beheimatet ist) begrenzt werden:

    Den Codeabschnitt suchen:
    Code: PHP  [Auswählen]
    if (($free_contents > 0) && ($free_contents == $_SESSION['cart']->count_contents()) && ($free_amount == true)){
    $free_shipping = true;

    und das einfügen:
    Code: PHP  [Auswählen]
    && ($order->delivery['country_id'] == STORE_COUNTRY)

    Dann sieht der Codeabschnitt so aus:
    Code: PHP  [Auswählen]
    if (($free_contents > 0) && ($free_contents == $_SESSION['cart']->count_contents()) && ($free_amount == true) && ($order->delivery['country_id'] == STORE_COUNTRY)){
    $free_shipping = true;

    Bin kein Progi...mache nur try and error...aber bei mir funzt das.  :-B


    • Neu im Forum
    • Beiträge: 32
    beim Einbau des Moduls für 1.06, angepasst von astaller und tomcraft  :thx:, verabschiedet sich der Shop mit einer weißen Seite nach URL Aufruf. Ebenso, wenn ich über die login_admin.php gehe. Ursache ist hier die "shopping_cart.php" im Templateordner.

    Mein Shop: modified v1.06 SP2 mit Template mobiluzer ab 1.06 (schattenspiele_res)

    Der zweite Abschnitt in der Anleitung für die - /templates/meinshop/source/boxes/shopping_cart.php - verursacht den Ausstieg. Anbei der entsprechende php-Code:

    Code: PHP  [Auswählen]
    $box_smarty->assign('UST', $_SESSION['cart']->show_tax());

    // BOF - astaller - 2013-10-15 - Kostenloser Versand für Artikel
        // get all free products
        $free_shipping_products_query = "SELECT products_id, max_free_shipping_amount FROM ".TABLE_PRODUCTS." WHERE free_shipping ='1';";
        $free_shipping_products_query = xtDBquery($free_shipping_products_query);
        $free_contents = 0;
        $free_amount = true;
        $free_shipping_box_cart = false;

        while ($free_shipping_products = xtc_db_fetch_array($free_shipping_products_query)) {
          // check if product is in cart
          $products_id_fs = $_SESSION['cart']->in_cart_fs($free_shipping_products['products_id']);
          if ($products_id_fs) {
            // if in_cart -> get ammount of this product in_cart and add it to the free-products counter
            $free_contents += $_SESSION['cart']->get_quantity_fs($products_id_fs);

            // check if ammount of product is free
            if (($free_shipping_products['max_free_shipping_amount'] >0)&&($_SESSION['cart']->get_quantity_fs($products_id_fs) > $free_shipping_products['max_free_shipping_amount'])) {
              $free_amount = false;

        // decide if shipping is free
        if (($free_contents > 0) && ($free_contents == $_SESSION['cart']->count_contents()) && ($free_amount == true)) {
          $free_shipping_box_cart = true;
    // EOF - astaller - 2013-10-15 - Kostenloser Versand für Artikel

    $box_smarty->assign('SHIPPING_INFO', SHOW_SHIPPING == 'true' ? $main->getShippingLink() : '');


    // BOF - astaller - 2013-10-15 - Kostenloser Versand für Artikel
        $box_smarty->assign('SHIPPING_INFO', SHOW_SHIPPING == 'true' ? $main->getShippingLink() : '');


        if ((SHOW_SHIPPING == 'true') && ($free_shipping_box_cart != true)) {
          $box_smarty->assign('SHIPPING_INFO', SHOW_SHIPPING == 'true' ? $main->getShippingLink() : '');
    // EOF - astaller - 2013-10-15 - Kostenloser Versand für Artikel

    Der gesuchte zweite Abschnitt ist in meiner shopping_cart.php nicht enthalten, habe deswegen nur den ersten Teil erstmal eingebaut, weil dieser keine Probleme verursacht.
    Kann von Euch jemand behilflich sein und helfen?? :-?

    Hier noch meine Teilangepasste "shopping_cart.php" habe einen // Hinweis... gesetzt zum schnelleren finden.

    Code: PHP  [Auswählen]

    /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       $Id: shopping_cart.php 1281 2005-10-03 09:30:17Z mz $  

       XT-Commerce - community made shopping
       http://www.(( Wir dulden keine kommerziellen Werbelinks - Bitte <a href="index.php?topic=3013.0">Forenregeln</a> beachten! ))

       Copyright (c) 2003 XT-Commerce
       based on:
       (c) 2000-2001 The Exchange Project  (earlier name of osCommerce)
       (c) 2002-2003 osCommerce(shopping_cart.php,v 1.18 2003/02/10);
       (c) 2003      nextcommerce (shopping_cart.php,v 1.15 2003/08/17);

       Released under the GNU General Public License

    $box_smarty = new smarty;
    $box_smarty->assign('tpl_path', 'templates/'.CURRENT_TEMPLATE.'/');
    $box_content = '';
    $box_price_string = '';
    $products_in_cart = array (); //DokuMan - 2010-02-28 - Undefined variable: products_in_cart
    $qty = 0; //DokuMan - 2010-02-28 - Undefined variable: qty
    // include needed files
    require_once (DIR_FS_INC.'');

            $box_smarty->assign('deny_cart', 'true');

    if ($_SESSION['cart']->count_contents() > 0) {
            $products = $_SESSION['cart']->get_products();
            //$products_in_cart = array (); //DokuMan - 2010-02-28 - Undefined variable: products_in_cart
            //$qty = 0; //DokuMan - 2010-02-28 - Undefined variable: qty
            for ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($products); $i < $n; $i ++) {
                    $qty += $products[$i]['quantity'];
                    $products_in_cart[] = array ('QTY' => $products[$i]['quantity'],
                                                                             'LINK' => xtc_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, xtc_product_link($products[$i]['id'],$products[$i]['name'])),
                                                                             'NAME' => $products[$i]['name']);

            $box_smarty->assign('PRODUCTS', $qty);
            $box_smarty->assign('empty', 'false');
    } else {
            // cart empty
            $box_smarty->assign('empty', 'true');

    if ($_SESSION['cart']->count_contents() > 0) {
            $total =$_SESSION['cart']->show_total();
            $discount = 0; //DokuMan - 2010-03-01 - set undefined variable
    if ($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_ot_discount_flag'] == '1' && $_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_ot_discount'] != '0.00') {
            if ($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_show_price_tax'] == 0 && $_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_add_tax_ot'] == 1) {
                    $price = $total-$_SESSION['cart']->show_tax(false);
            } else {
                    $price = $total;
            $discount = $xtPrice->xtcGetDC($price, $_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_ot_discount']);
            $box_smarty->assign('DISCOUNT', $xtPrice->xtcFormat(($discount * (-1)), $price_special = 1, $calculate_currencies = false));

    if ($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_show_price'] == '1') {
            if ($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_show_price_tax'] == 0 && $_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_add_tax_ot'] == 0) $total-=$discount;
            if ($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_show_price_tax'] == 0 && $_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_add_tax_ot'] == 1) $total-=$discount;
            if ($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_show_price_tax'] == 1) $total-=$discount;
            $box_smarty->assign('TOTAL', $xtPrice->xtcFormat($total, true));

            $box_smarty->assign('UST', $_SESSION['cart']->show_tax());
    // BOF - astaller - 2013-10-15 - Kostenloser Versand für Artikel
        // get all free products
        $free_shipping_products_query = "SELECT products_id, max_free_shipping_amount FROM ".TABLE_PRODUCTS." WHERE free_shipping ='1';";
        $free_shipping_products_query = xtDBquery($free_shipping_products_query);
        $free_contents = 0;
        $free_amount = true;
        $free_shipping_box_cart = false;

        while ($free_shipping_products = xtc_db_fetch_array($free_shipping_products_query)) {
          // check if product is in cart
          $products_id_fs = $_SESSION['cart']->in_cart_fs($free_shipping_products['products_id']);
          if ($products_id_fs) {
            // if in_cart -> get ammount of this product in_cart and add it to the free-products counter
            $free_contents += $_SESSION['cart']->get_quantity_fs($products_id_fs);

            // check if ammount of product is free
            if (($free_shipping_products['max_free_shipping_amount'] >0)&&($_SESSION['cart']->get_quantity_fs($products_id_fs) > $free_shipping_products['max_free_shipping_amount'])) {
              $free_amount = false;

        // decide if shipping is free
        if (($free_contents > 0) && ($free_contents == $_SESSION['cart']->count_contents()) && ($free_amount == true)) {
          $free_shipping_box_cart = true;
    // EOF - astaller - 2013-10-15 - Kostenloser Versand für Artikel
    // Hinweis hier gehts nicht weiter mit dem restlichen Code von astaller
            if (SHOW_SHIPPING=='true') {
              //BOF - DokuMan - 2009-08-09 - fixed wrong quotationmark position and fixed wrong question mark on KeepThis=true
                    //$box_smarty->assign('SHIPPING_INFO',' '.SHIPPING_EXCL.'<a target="_blank" href="'.xtc_href_link(FILENAME_POPUP_CONTENT, 'coID='.SHIPPING_INFOS.'?KeepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&height=400&width=600"').' title="Information" class="thickbox"">'.SHIPPING_COSTS.'</a>');      
                    $box_smarty->assign('SHIPPING_INFO',' '.SHIPPING_EXCL.' <a target="_blank" href="'.xtc_href_link(FILENAME_POPUP_CONTENT, 'coID='.SHIPPING_INFOS.'&KeepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&height=400&width=600', 'SSL').'" title="Information" class="thickbox">'.SHIPPING_COSTS.'</a>'); 
              //EOF - DokuMan - 2009-08-09 - fixed wrong quotationmark position and fixed wrong question mark on KeepThis=true
    if (ACTIVATE_GIFT_SYSTEM == 'true') {
            $box_smarty->assign('ACTIVATE_GIFT', 'true');

    // GV Code Start
    if (isset ($_SESSION['customer_id'])) {
            $gv_query = xtc_db_query("select amount from ".TABLE_COUPON_GV_CUSTOMER." where customer_id = '".$_SESSION['customer_id']."'");
            $gv_result = xtc_db_fetch_array($gv_query);
            if ($gv_result['amount'] > 0) {
                    $box_smarty->assign('GV_AMOUNT', $xtPrice->xtcFormat($gv_result['amount'], true, 0, true));
                    $box_smarty->assign('GV_SEND_TO_FRIEND_LINK', '<a href="'.xtc_href_link(FILENAME_GV_SEND).'">');
    if (isset ($_SESSION['gv_id'])) {
            $gv_query = xtc_db_query("select coupon_amount from ".TABLE_COUPONS." where coupon_id = '".$_SESSION['gv_id']."'");
            $coupon = xtc_db_fetch_array($gv_query);
            $box_smarty->assign('COUPON_AMOUNT2', $xtPrice->xtcFormat($coupon['coupon_amount'], true, 0, true));
    if (isset ($_SESSION['cc_id'])) {
            $box_smarty->assign('COUPON_HELP_LINK', '<a href="javascript:popupWindow(\''.xtc_href_link(FILENAME_POPUP_COUPON_HELP, 'cID='.$_SESSION['cc_id']).'\')">');
    // GV Code End
    $box_smarty->assign('LINK_CART', xtc_href_link(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART, '', 'SSL'));
    $box_smarty->assign('products', $products_in_cart);

    $box_smarty->caching = 0;
    $box_smarty->assign('language', $_SESSION['language']);
    $box_shopping_cart = $box_smarty->fetch(CURRENT_TEMPLATE.'/boxes/box_cart.html');
    $smarty->assign('box_CART', $box_shopping_cart);


    • Neu im Forum
    • Beiträge: 28
    Das Versandkostenfrei bezieht sich bei dem Modul nur auf einen ausgewählten Artikel. Legt der Kunden einen weiteren Artikel in den Warenkorb, der nicht als versandkostenfrei markiert ist, werden Versandkosten berechnet.
    Kann man das in dem Modul so ändern, dass wenn ein oder mehrere nicht versandkostenfreie Artikel zu dem versandkostenfreien Artikel in den Warenkorb gelegt werden, der Versand dann trotzdem versandkostenfrei bleibt?

    Danke im Voraus.



    • Neu im Forum
    • Beiträge: 28
    Hat jemand eine Idee ob das möglich ist?


    • Viel Schreiber
    • Beiträge: 4.127
    • Geschlecht:
    @Ranjid: Vielen Dank für Deine Sonderlösung! Ich habe zwei Tage nach so was gesucht: Versandkostenfrei bei bestimmten Artikeln für genau ein Land. Klasse! Die Codestelle kommt in der 1.06 drei mal vor. In checkout_shipping.php, order_details_cart.php und shopping_cart 3.php
    Mal sehen ob alles Funktioniert.

    Das Paketleergewicht produziert beim Modul dp in Verbindung mit diesem Modul hier im Thread Versandkosten. An der Gewichtsberechnung im Warenkorb sehe ich, dass nur das Leergewicht das Problem ist. Wo muss ich den Bug suchen?
    Managed Server
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    13. März 2014, 14:01:10 von eklis
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    01. August 2012, 09:22:18 von ea_neptun
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    21. Dezember 2010, 15:41:27 von Tomcraft